What to wear to holiday get-togethers can be almost as stressful as accidentally re-gifting a present to the person who gave it to you last year. Do you go fancy or casual? Do you try to resemble a candy cane or wear an ugly sweater? Is it glammies or jammies? Below are some ideas for creating looks that go with the event.

Family Party
Forget the semi-formal dress. You want to be comfortable, especially if you are trying to avoid your crazy aunt and need to make quick room getaways. Also, you’ll likely be standing quite a bit or sitting on the floor because there are never enough seats at these things. Our recommendation? Some designer black fitted jeans, perhaps with a slight sheen in the material, a pretty red or wine-colored sweater and comfy pumps or knee-high black leather boots. Glitz it up with some jewelry, and it’s a no-fail holiday stunner. Hair: Half up or down, flipped or curled.

Ugly Sweater Party
My family has done this a couple times, and ugly sweater parties have become so popular that it’s pretty easy to find these at your local Walmart before the holidays. The uglier, the better, right? Maybe for the guys, but women usually try to go ugly-chic (if that’s not a thing, it is now). So do the ugly-ish sweater, but pair it with a dark, tight and a super-cute skirt. Even better, try your hand at decorating your own. My cousin once simply sewed a stocking onto his sweater and kept his beer in it – a novel idea. Hair: Down and styled.

Office Party
If you work in a corporate land, you know that these parties are part obligation and part fun, and if you are wise, you will limit the alcohol intake, even if it’s free. Giving your boss’s wife a lap dance might not go over so well. The look you want here is classy. A simple black dress with some festively colored elements is the way to go. Hair: Side chignon, French twist or down.

Holiday Dinner Date
If the plan is to go somewhere a little fancy, why not glam it up a bit? A pretty gold or chocolate cocktail dress with a matching chiffon scarf is just enough. Either the dress or the shoes should make a statement here. Hair: Down.

Ice Skating Date
You want to go casual for this while still saying festive, all the while considering you may very well take a spill (and, hopefully, be caught). The best bet here is a dark or medium blue stretchy bootleg jean, giving you freedom to move; a long-sleeve T; and a white or cream-colored zip-up fleece that goes to your hips. Add a coordinating scarf and gloves and a crocheted hat (check out the Sennursasa shop on Etsy), and you’ll be as cute as one of Frosty’s buttons. Hair: Low side braid.

Morning Presents
Who says you can’t plan your chic pajama look? Wearing your oversized Red Sox sweatshirt and an ex’s old boxers isn’t screaming “holiday.” My family has a tradition on Christmas Eve: We give each other new pajamas to wear that night. Two-piece flannels are the best. Comfy, cute and festive. Hair: Messy. OK, fix it a little before you come downstairs; we won’t tell.

Whatever you choose to wear, just keep in mind the holidays are your time to glow, so take advantage of being able to play dress up. The makeup trend this year is a red lip, so find your perfect shade of red and sport it. This can take some time, so try out a few reds to find your match. The rest of your face? Neutral cheeks with just a kiss of color and silver/gold or smoky eyes with black liner. Classic glam is back.

By Jennifer Russo