Maya Capasso
With the help of a supportive community of creatives, designer Qlynton Carboo celebrated the grand opening of Wavvz Newage, his boutique fashion store on Main Street, in mid-November. The bustling storefront echoes with laughter and conversation as tailors create and customers chat about Qlynton’s exciting, fresh designs.
Qlynton’s love of fashion began at an early age as he watched his mother create outfits to sell in tourist-heavy areas of Ghana, where he spent his early childhood years. “When I was a baby, she used to carry me around with my big brother, going to museums to sell outfits and toys she made,” Qlynton shares. “When I got to the United States and came to New York, I realized the path of college and a regular 9-5 job wasn’t satisfying enough.” Qlynton found himself leaning towards art and creativity. When he picked up a sewing machine at his friend’s house, he realized he found something special. “I picked it up and was like, ‘You know what? Let me take my shirt off.’ My friend had a rug, so I used it to see what I could do. Lo and behold, I put something amazing together.”

Within a few weeks, Qlynton bought his own sewing machine and put all his focus and passion into creating new clothes. “I bought a couple of T-shirts and made a long sleeve with those two fabrics. That’s when I realized that, wow, it works!” he says. “The next projects were hoodies and jackets, and that’s when I realized this is my passion.”
Qlynton’s dedication to his craft and unquestionable talent brought him from experimenting with his sewing machine from Walmart to opening his community-driven business’s storefront in just six years. The concept for Wavvz Newage began in 2017 when Qlynton began showing his designs. Gradually, he expanded into teaching aspiring designers how to sew and develop their style. “I was able to create something for myself using my gifts and talents. And through that, I know I can teach other people,” Qlynton shares. “I see a lot of kids who have the skills, and I just want to pass it on. I want to let them know that they don’t have to give up on whatever they wanted to do as a kid. There are people and organizations who can help and are looking for creative people.”

Wavvz Newage isn’t just a boutique with unique hats, jackets, hoodies, and other fashion items. It’s also a way for Qlynton to make a difference in the Worcester community. As he attempted to make headway in the Worcester fashion scene, Qlynton realized he’d have to pave the way for other designers in his stead. “I’m using the disadvantages I had while establishing the business to transform the Worcester fashion scene. I realize I’m in the unique position to be able to do it, so it’s like, why not? And it’s working.”
Qlynton, one of Pulse’s people to watch in 2023, clearly lives up to the title. Not only has Wavvz Newage quickly become a lively hub for fashion lovers, but it’s bringing Worcester into a new era of fashion that Qlynton loves to spread to the community. “Yeah, I can sew. Yeah, I can make an outfit. But that is just one part of it,” Qlynton says. “I get to meet a lot of cool people and to pass down this knowledge. I get to watch as my work solves problems in the community. That is what drives me. That is why I do this. I wake up every day and ask myself, ‘Whose life can I change today with a jacket? Whose life can I change today with a stitch?'”
You can visit Qlynton at his vibrant store to check out handmade clothing bursting with color and character in the Wavvz Newage fashion boutique at 660 Main Street in Worcester.