Identity is a key in each and every one of our lives. Who among us doesn’t strive to find our true identity and to finally understand our rightful place, ~ and path ~ in this world? New York Times best-selling author Caroline Myss takes readers on a revealing journey, offering an engaging and illuminating way to better understand themselves and those closest to them, in her newest book, Archetypes: Who Are You? (Hay House).

Whether we’re aware of it or not, each of us identifies with certain universal patterns of behavior, otherwise known as archetypes. In this new book, Myss covers 10 primary archetypes that have emerged in today’s society: the Caregiver, the Artist, the Fashionista, the Intellectual, the Rebel, the Queen/Executive, the Advocate, the Visionary, the Athlete and the Spiritual Seeker. She helps us to determine which archetypes best define us as individuals, laying out each archetype’s unique path, defining graces, hidden strengths and potential weaknesses.

Armed with this important knowledge, readers can make more conscious decisions about everything from careers to relationships, avoiding common pitfalls of their personality types while playing up their strengths. Myss also includes suggestions for embracing one’s archetype to the fullest, providing tools for avoiding set backs and daily practices for enhancing the positive qualities of each archetype.

The book’s publication has coincided with a new lifestyle media platform,