LuAnn Thibodeau
When is stand up comedy not just stand up comedy? When it’s the Game Show Mashup. But what is Game Show Mashup? According to Charlie Arsenault, the host of the show, “anything can happen during this unscripted show. It could be a work of comedy genius, or a train wreck. I’m a little concerned for my emotional safety”. Somehow, after speaking with Charlie, I think there is definitely some comedy in that statement.
In speaking with him, I asked Charlie how the idea of Game Show Mashup came about. He told me that he has been involved in stand up comedy for a couple of years but wanted to take it to a new level. So, combining the traditional roast medium with some game show spins, that he calls “game show ripoffs”- and voila- the seeds were sown for the show.

The shows being ripped off include Family Feud, The Price Is Right, and Jeopardy. In Game Show Mashup, there will be four different game shows that will feature local comedians as well as audience members in “a battle of wits and humor”. The four shows are Name That Cookie- where the contestants are blindfolded comics and one audience member, Dumb Ass Jeopardy, Family Crude, and Showcase Showdown. Charlie says it will be a night that will have elements of nostalgia as well as ripoffs of the well-known game shows, and some Saturday Night Live thrown in too.
In addition to Charlie as the host, the rest of the lineup includes announcer Nate Fillers, and comic contestants Jon Fletcher, Cynthia X. Wang, and a special surprise out of town guest. So, Charlie says to “come on down for laughs, surprises, and up-cycled prizes” (I somehow have a feeling that there is comedy and humor involved in those prizes).

Game Show Mashup takes place on Friday, April 12, at 7:30 pm at The Hotel Vernon, 16 Kelly Square in Worcester. The price of admission is $10, and you must be 21 or over to attend. Tickets can be purchased at the door or at tinyurl.com/Comedy-Game-show
And in the famous game show words, as reiterated by Charlie, “come on down”- it’s sure to be a fun time for all.