Healthy Insides…Beautiful Outsides  

By Linnea Sheldon

February 2006 – There is a lot of advice out there about what to use for a healthy body and beautiful hair, nails, and skin. Some of the information can be confusing, and too many of the supplements can be harmful to your health. When looking for products that will benefit your overall health and target specific areas of your body, you really need to focus on simple, natural solutions and good-for-you lifestyle changes.


A multi-vitamin is important in any health and beauty regimen. We can’t always get all the vitamins and nutrients we need through our diet alone, so these multi-vitamins make sure we get everything we need every day.

Antioxidants are another great way to keep our immune system healthy and promote our overall well-being. Antioxidants are basically a variety of nutrients that together are thought by many to help prevent cancer, heart disease, and stroke. They can be found in many fruits and vegetables, as well as many teas, such as green tea and white tea, as well as supplements.

Soy and soy protein are another healthy addition to any diet. The benefits of soy include a healthy heart, a slowing down of bone loss, increased energy and stamina and, according to some prevention of certain types of cancer.

Omega-3 fatty acids, found in foods such as salmon, nuts, leafy greens, and canola oils, have been shown to help your brain reach optimal functioning and are thought to help a variety of psychiatric and neurological disorders. They are also great for the heart and stimulate bone-building cells.

A healthy diet full of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein can improve your overall health and wellness. By avoiding processed foods and artificial additives, you will not only feel better, but you will look better and your body will thank you for it. Food additives not only provide little or no nutritional value, but some can also be harmful.

Putting naturally healthy foods in your body will give you the energy you need and will be the foundation for keeping your hair healthy, your nails strong, and your skin glowing.


Yes, nature ~ as in “natural” ~ is the way to go most of the time. But remember that one of our most natural resources, sunlight, while it is important and can give you an energy boost, contains ultra-violet rays that can severely damage our hair and skin If you are out in the sunlight for long periods of time, be sure to protect yourself with hats, sunglasses, and sunblock. For easier application, look for products such as moisturizer, make-up, nail polishes and hair products that already include sunblock in their ingredients,

With the shift back to natural products for both internal and external health, many masks, treatments, and moisturizers are touting fewer artificial additives and more essential oils and natural remedies. From oatmeal body lotions to jojoba oil and shea butter, a whole variety of natural remedies are cropping up. Our mothers and grandmothers are helping us get back to the natural remedies they used before the market was flooded with advanced products and peels.

A number of everyday products that many of us have lying around the house can be welcome additions to our beauty regimens. For example, lemon juice can be used to brighten fingernails, clear up black heads, condition hair, and freshen breath. Jojoba oil, a natural plant extract, is great for softening skin and works especially well on sensitive skin. It can also be used on hair and nails.

Aloe Vera is another great plant extract that has wonderful moisturizing properties and is gentle on sensitive skin. Honey can be added to a bath for an all-over relaxing body moisturizing. For a great hand mask, try mashed potatoes with milk or egg whites. Olive oil makes a great treatment for your nails and will also naturally soften cuticles.

Getting enough sleep and exercise will also keep you looking and feeling your best. Remember to keep an overall balance in your life to avoid high stress levels. A massage or soak in the tub can go a long way as well. With all of the natural products out there it really isn’t necessary to put harmful or harsh products or treatments in or on your body.

When you feel good, you look good, so let nature work its magic on both your internal health and your outward beauty.