Jennifer Russo
During the holiday season, many people suddenly have a spirit of giving. Post Black-Friday and Cyber-Monday, where we grab all the great shopping deals and check things off our gift lists, there is Giving Tuesday, where we are encouraged to donate to charitable organizations and non-profit institutions. What about the rest of the year though? It’s not that we aren’t interested in giving during that time, but maybe we don’t think about it as much. It is easy to consider those in need when we are in a period of abundance with family holiday dinners and gift-giving, but the fact is there are always people who need our help…all of the time. It doesn’t mean we need to empty our wallets every month and donate money. In fact, a series of small and meaningful gestures are extremely appreciated. It could be as simple as grabbing a few extra cans of soup when food shopping each week or month and then bringing them to a food pantry when you fill a box. Maybe pile up all of your old clothes and get them over to a place like Project Just Because, who distributes to those who need them. Give a hard-working waiter a little bit extra when tipping or buy a coffee for the person behind you in the drive-through. It isn’t always about charities and money either. There are a lot of small acts of kindness you can do for free. It could be holding a door for someone who is carrying a bunch of bags or pushing a baby carriage, getting up and giving someone your seat on the commuter rail, baking some cookies and bringing them to the local police station or fire department for the men and women who work long hours, or simply offering a genuine compliment to someone that makes their day. Pick up litter in a local park or playground or donate time to help at a local animal shelter. There are many options to help and give back. The season for kindness and giving is all year long.
Begin by sitting on the floor with your legs straight out in front of you, hands down at your sides. Straighten your spine and sit up as tall as possible. Then, lift your legs to a diagonal position, keeping them straight if possible, balancing in a V position with your arms lifted. Hold for 5-10 seconds, then release. Like a small gesture of kindness, this little pose has a huge impact and goes a long way. It builds abdominal strength, back strength and improves balance.