Is money a source of frustration for you? Does it seem like you have more bills to pay than money coming in to pay them? Are there things you want to do and don’t do because you can’t afford to? What if I told you that you could have an entirely different possibility with money?
Not so long ago, I was $187,000 in debt, and I really had nothing to show for it. Within two years of using the simple pragmatic tools I learned from Access Consciousness, I completely turned my money situation around.
Here are a few of the simple tools I used that took me from debt to millions. Want to know the best part? It can fun and not nearly as hard as you might think.
1. Change your perspective on money
How many points of view do you have about money? Your point of view creates your reality. If you desire to have a different reality, be willing to change your points of view. If you have decided that you have to work hard for money, guess what? You will work hard for every dollar that comes in.
What if money could come to you easily? What if you were able to receive money from many places? What points of view about money would you have to lose in order to create that with ease?
To change your points of view about money, use this tool. For every point of view that you notice, say, “Interesting point of view. I have that point of view.” As you say this, you will notice that all of those points of view that you have made real, true and significant become simply interesting. And when they are simply interesting, you are free to let them go and choose another perspective.
2. Stop ignoring your finances
How were you with money, growing up? Were you educated about money? Was money talked about? Or was it hidden? Ignored? A topic that was avoided?
If you came from a family that avoided the topic of money, you may find that you have carried that over into adulthood. The problem with this is that ignoring your finances does nothing to change them. If you would like something different, you have to be willing to take a look at where you are today. Not from a place of judging you. Rather from the place of, “Here’s where I am. What’s it going to take to change this?”
Once you are clear on how much debt you have, work out how much extra you would need to pay each month towards your credit card debt to be out of debt in 12-24 months. If you have more than one credit card to pay off, what are the possibilities of consolidating your debt?
3. Start a 10 percent account
Take 10 percent of every dollar that comes in and set it aside. Never spend it. You can keep it in cash; you can keep it in a bank account – do whichever is fun for you. The key thing is – never spend it. I know, you’re probably thinking, “Why would I set aside money to never spend when I have all this debt? I’ll wait till my credit card debt is paid off and then I’ll set aside 10 percent.”
Don’t wait till you have cleared your credit card debt to start using this tool. Start today. Watching this money grow will serve as a reminder that you are valuable and you always have the ability to generate more money. Having money not only gives you a sense of peace, it is a huge contribution to every area of your life.
It doesn’t have to take years to get out of debt. Each day, commit to your life. Each day, choose to take action. A new reality with money is possible.
Simone Milasas is the founder and creator of Joy of Business, as well as the worldwide coordinator of Access Consciousness, which operates in more than 170 countries. Milasas is the author of Joy of Business (currently available in 11 languages) and her new book, Getting Out of Debt – Joyfully. For more information, visit
By Simone Milasas