By Emily Kopec and Erin Hansen
You voted online for your fave sexy bartender, now read what the winners have to say about drinks, hook-ups, and more…!
Name: Michelle Tocci
Age: 28
Bar: The Red Onion
What do you think makes you one of our sexiest bartenders? Charm and charisma…plus I’m told I’m nice to look at
What’s the sexiest drink a guy can order? Beer. I think it’s funny when a guy orders a fruity drink!
What’s the sexiest drink a girl can order? Beer…a girl who can hang with the guys is OK in my book!
Which is sexier ~ a guy drinking beer from a bottle or a glass? Bottle…seems more manly or rugged somehow!

How about a girl? Glass…maybe a little classier?
So ~ do guys really get turned on when a girl can tie a cherry stem from her drink into a knot with her tongue? I don’t know…you tell me…
What’s one song that really gets you going when you’re behind the bar?
There’s a few…”Headstrong” by Trapt, or “My Hero” by Foo Fighters. Sooo sexy!
Do you do let customers do body shots off of you? No…but there’s always a first
What’s the sexiest body language a guy can “speak” at a bar if he wants to get a girl to notice him? Give me a killer smile…that gets me every time!
What’s the sexiest body language a girl can “speak” at a bar if she wants to get a guy to notice her? I would think it would be sexy, bedroom eyes! Or maybe playing with her hair…
Sexiest pick-up line you’ve ever heard? I hate pick up lines!! They’re not sexy at all. More like cheesy! Like, “Did it hurt?” “What?” “When you fell from heaven?” Oh, jeez…
What’s your guilty pleasure? Oohh, I could say something here that could be a little x-rated, but we’ll just keep it classy and say “shopping.” Ha!
What’s the sexiest thing you’ve caught a couple doing in your bar? I don’t know about sexy, but I saw a guy bite a girl’s underwear string in his teeth. I think there’s a picture of it on Facebook, come to think of it…
Any little sexy tricks you have up your sleeves to keep patrons coming back? Oh, come on…I can’t give away all my little secrets!! I have to leave something to the imagination!!
Have you ever played matchmaker at the bar for a guy/girl who wanted to get introduced? I haven’t needed to…alcohol does that for me
Do you have a signature drink? Grape Crush. It’s my favorite. <3
Any advice for someone who’s thinking about becoming a bartender? Make sure you know your drinks, be friendly, look good…HAVE FUN, and make sure your customers have fun too!!

Name: Adam Borge
Age: 28
Bar: One Eleven Chophouse
What do you think makes you one of our sexiest bartenders? I have no idea!! I don’t consider myself that sexy! If I had to pick something, I guess it would be my sense of humor. I don’t ever really take myself that seriously and I think women find a good sense of humor sexy.
What’s the sexiest drink a guy can order? Gin and tonic, or maybe a scotch on the rocks.
What’s the sexiest drink a girl can order? Any kind of pink drink in a martini glass.
Which is sexier ~ a guy drinking beer from a bottle or from a glass? How about a girl? Guys, I have no opinion, but a girl, definitely a bottle.
So ~ do guys really get turned on when a girl can tie a cherry stem from her drink into a knot with her tongue?
Sure, why not, any tricks with their tongue is good.
If you had your own website, what would it be called? NotYourUsualStarWarsGeek.com
Have you ever dated a customer? NO!!! Never mix business with pleasure.
What’s the sexiest body language a guy can “speak” at a bar if he wants to get a girl to notice him? I would think just a smile should do it.
What’s the sexiest body language a girl can “speak” at a bar if she wants to get a guy to notice her? Again, a nice smile goes a long way.
Sexiest pick-up line you’ve ever heard? “Remember me? Oh, that’s right, I’ve only met you in my dreams.”
What’s your guilty pleasure? I’m a huge Sci-Fi geek. But Star Wars, NOT Star Trek!
What’s the sexiest thing you’ve caught a couple doing in your bar? I don’t know if it was that sexy, but I caught a guy sucking on a girl’s toes! Needless to say, I had to shut them off shortly after.
Any little sexy tricks you have up your sleeves to keep patrons coming back? If I do, I have no idea what it is.
Have you ever played matchmaker at the bar for a guy/girl who wanted to get introduced? Of course, that’s part of being a bartender, you may become somebody’s wingman at any moment
Do you have a signature drink? Not really. We serve a drink called the “Flirtini.” Sometimes I’ll draw a heart on the top with raspberry puree juice. The ladies really like that.
Any advice for someone who’s thinking about becoming a bartender? Mixing the drinks is the easy part of the job. You have to be comfortable talking to people.

Name: Brandi Cooley
Age: 23
Bar: The 9ines
What do you think makes you one of our sexiest bartenders? I am fun and flirty, but can still make you exactly what you want behind the bar with class. I’m confident and can take your ordinary night and turn it into a night you won’t remember, but certainly won’t forget!
What’s the sexiest drink a girl can order? Whiskey, ladies . . . it works for me!
Which is sexier ~ a guy drinking beer from a bottle or from a glass? How about a girl? I think a guy looks sexy drinking out of a glass with a handle, like a mug. As for the ladies, I like the bottles.
So ~ do guys really get turned on when a girl can tie a cherry stem from her drink into a knot with her tongue? That’s what I hear . . .
If you had your own website, what would it be called? The Best Kept Secret.com
What’s one song that really gets you going when you’re behind the bar? Mmmmm, that one’s tough … it’s between Nickelback’s “Figured You Out” or “Something in your Mouth” … either one will get me dancing around the bar.
Have you ever dated a customer? That’s a well-kept secret …
Do your customers have any nicknames for you? Brandice
Do you do let customers do body shots off of you? Not yet . . .
What’s the sexiest body language a guy can “speak” at a bar if he wants to get a girl to notice him? A coy look, a smirk, and lingering eyes
What’s the sexiest body language a girl can “speak” at a bar if she wants to get a guy to notice her? Confidence!!! Stare at him … a bit longer than normal, then slowly look away
Sexiest pick-up line you’ve ever heard? HaHa, Can a pick up line BE sexy?? I guess if it is the best one I’ve heard lately is, “I’m not drunk, I’m just intoxicated by you”
What’s your guilty pleasure? Dancing
What’s the sexiest thing you’ve caught a couple doing in your bar? I don’t even know if I can write that here …. HaHa, let’s just say there was little left to the imagination.
Any little sexy tricks you have up your sleeves to keep patrons coming back? Stop in & you’ll see!
Have you ever played matchmaker at the bar for a guy/girl who wanted to get introduced? Of course, you have to keep things fun!!
Do you have a signature drink? M-hmm . . . Bubblegum Miniskirt
Any advice for someone who’s thinking about becoming a bartender? You just need to have a great personality & have fun behind the bar! Know how to make your drinks & handle the crowd. You’re on stage … put on a show & have fun!!!

Name: John Field
Age: 24
Bar: Banner Bar and Grille
What do you think makes you one of our sexiest bartenders? Well, it could be the way I move the hips while I’m conversing with lady customers or it could be my boyish charm…or maybe the baby blues. I don’t know, I have some options.
What’s the sexiest drink a guy can order? Anything but an appletini. I’ll tell you, that’s the worse thing a guy could order, it’s like, Bro are you serious?” Ladies want a man, not another lady.
What’s the sexiest drink a girl can order? Jack on the rocks. It’s raw.
Which is sexier ~ a guy drinking beer from a bottle or from a glass? How about a girl? A girl drinking from a bottle is sexier because a bottle is more aggressive. It’s less dainty and says I’m here to get drunk.
If you had your own website, what would it be called? Alexanderthegreat.com. Thanks, babe.
Have you ever dated a customer? Define dated! Of course I have ~ it’s a great place to meet girls. And I’m the bartender so girls don’t get creeped out when I talk to them…it’s part of my job. It is kind of awkward though when it doesn’t work out and the girl continues to frequent you’re work place.
Do your customers have any nicknames for you? Just Fieldsy, I think. Oh yeah, and The Octopus ~ haha.
What’s the sexiest body language a guy can speak at a bar if he wants to get a girl to notice him? You have to look like you’re having a good time without drawing too much attention and not pouting or sulking. Girls want to have fun. If you can get them to laugh you can get them to do anything.
What’s the sexiest body language a girl can use at a bar if she wants to get a guy to notice her? Being able to dance and break it down is a HUGE plus. If a girl can dance she can usually hold it down in the bedroom.
Sexiest pick-up line you’ve ever heard? “All those curves, and me with no brakes!”
What’s the sexiest thing you’ve caught a couple doing in your bar? One time a saw a chick giving this dude a full on lap dance on his barstool. She must have had some experience!
Any little sexy tricks you have up your sleeves to keep patrons coming back? I just flirt a little bit. Compliment something about her to make her feel good. She’ll come back.
Have you ever played matchmaker at the bar for a guy/girl who wanted to get introduced? Yes I have, it’s very easy. I sometimes buy a drink for someone while I’m working and say it’s from so and so. That often leads to a conversation and then it’s out of my hands.
Do you have a signature drink? Blue Balls is the only drink I take credit for. It’s actually a shot. Blueberry vodka, razzmatazz, sweet and sour, and Sprite. Enjoy.
Any advice for someone who’s thinking about becoming a bartender? Don’t waste your money on bartending school. Get a job at a corporate restaurant and let them train you for free. That can open the door for other gigs once you have some experience. It’s a really good trade to know ~ make some good coin and have fun while you’re working.

Name: Kristen Jewell
Age: 28
Bar: Victory Cigar Bar
What do you think makes you one of our sexiest bartenders? I have no idea, you’d have to ask whoever nominated me.
Which is sexier ~ a guy drinking beer from a bottle or from a glass? How about a girl? I prefer glasses, but that’s just me. It doesn’t matter.
So ~ do guys really get turned on when a girl can tie a cherry stem from her drink into a knot with her tongue? I imagine it does, I’ve even seen guys trying to do it. That may have just been to get the girls next to them to start doing it. It worked.
Have you ever dated a customer? No, but sometimes bartenders do date customers. Never ask the bartender out though, especially if you don’t know them! Don’t be typical, you probably won’t be the first or the last that night to ask.
Do you do let customers do body shots off of you? Haha, no.
Guilty pleasure? Anything and everything from SWEET! They have the best cupcakes.
Have you ever played matchmaker at the bar for a guy/girl who wanted to get introduced? Yes, and they are actually engaged now!
Do you have a signature drink? My favorite ~ A Hot & Dirty Martini, a dirty martini made with Absolut Peppar.
Any advice for someone who’s thinking about becoming a bartender? Definitely there isn’t a better way to make money, meet new people, while making extra money!

Name: Theo Dimopoulos
Age: 22
Club/Restaurant: Zorba’s
What do you think makes you one of our sexiest bartenders? My momma’s genes.
What’s the sexiest drink a guy can order? Anything over $10.
What’s the sexiest drink a girl can order? Anything! The girl makes the drink sexy, not the other way around.
Which is sexier ~ a girl drinking beer from a bottle or from a glass? A girl drinking out the bottle.
So ~ do guys really get turned on when a girl can tie a cherry stem from her drink into a knot with her tongue? Yes…the “no hands” is a great look for any female in my eyes.
What’s one song that really gets you going when you’re behind the bar? Jamie Foxx – “Blame it on the Alcohol”
Have you ever dated a customer? Can I plead the 5th?
Do you do let customers do body shots off of you? Not in public.
What’s the sexiest body language a guy can “speak” at a bar if he wants to get a girl to notice him? Put his money where your mouth is!
What’s the sexiest body language a girl can “speak” at a bar if she wants to get a guy to notice him? No special moves needed, all she has to do is show up.
Sexiest pick-up line you’ve ever heard? “Your daddy must own a bakery….” I’ve heard them all, pick up lines are corny.
What’s the sexiest thing you’ve caught a couple doing in your bar? We’re a family restaurant so nothing too crazy, but I’ve caught a couple doing the nasty in the parking lot once.
Any little sexy tricks you have up your sleeves to keep patrons coming back? Oh yeah, I’ve got a bag full!
Have you ever played matchmaker at the bar for a guy/girl who wanted to get introduced? A few times. Some worked out, some didn’t.
Any advice for someone who’s thinking about becoming a bartender? If you’re not a social person, this is not for you.

Name: Shaina Lee Panarelli
Age: 21
Bar: Fusion Lounge & Nightclub
What do you think makes you one of our sexiest bartenders? I have been bartending all over the city since I turned eighteen. I love it and everyone I’ve met. Self-taught mixologist, I have an infectious smile and sarcastic charm that keeps my coworkers and guests fully intrigued.
What’s the sexiest drink a guy can order? Anything but a Long Island Iced Tea.
What’s the sexiest drink a girl can order? Jack & Coke. No one ever said only men could drink whiskey.
Which is sexier ~ a guy drinking beer from a bottle or from a glass? How about a girl? Male or female ~ a beer should be drunk from its bottle.
So ~ do guys really get turned on when a girl can tie a cherry stem from her drink into a knot with her tongue? I suppose, but there are sexier things that can be done with your tongue than playing with cherry stems.
If you had your own website, what would it be called? vixeninyourdreams.com
What’s one song that really gets you going when you’re behind the bar? Classic: “Call On Me” by Eric Prydz. Recent: “Sexy Bitch” by David Guetta & Akon. Or anything else with a great beat that I can shake my ass to.
Have you ever dated a customer? Once! And only after he came to see me on three different occasions. He was from New York, climbing trees in Worcester to look for those pesky beetles. He drank Heinekens and had killer blue eyes.
Do your customers have any nicknames for you? Not that I know of and none appropriate, I’m sure!
Do you do let customers do body shots off of you? I did once. It was his twenty-first birthday, and the DJ was playing my song, “So Hott” by Kid Rock, so I thought, “Eh, what the hell!”
What’s the sexiest body language a guy can “speak” at a bar if he wants to get a girl to notice him? When you catch him constantly looking over his shoulder to see where you are and who you’re talking to.
How about a girl? A smile.
Sexiest pick-up line you’ve ever heard? Pick-up lines are never sexy, and I’ve heard a lot. I am impressed when a man can start a conversation with me without first asking “What nationality are you?” Be creative.
What’s your guilty pleasure? Singing classic rock tunes while driving in my car.
What’s the sexiest thing you’ve caught a couple doing in your bar? Kisses on the neck. They let your partner (and everyone else) know that by the end of the night, it’s on.
Any little sexy tricks you have up your sleeves to keep patrons coming back? A little cleavage and a flirty smile will always keep them wanting more.
Do you have a signature drink? Blueberry Lemonade. You want to know the recipe? Come see me!
Any advice for someone who’s thinking about becoming a bartender? Bartending is the best job ever. It requires an open mind and an outgoing personality. If you don’t know how to make something, ask, and you’ll never forget it after you make it once. Talk to everyone and let your guests know what nights they can see you again. Sell yourself, but sell that booze harder.

Name: Sarah Desmarais
Age: 25
Bar: Bluri Bar and Lounge
What do you think makes you one of our sexiest bartenders? I’m always smiling and having fun with it. I get to know people as soon as they walk in the bar and I’m not afraid to dress up for “Dollhouse Thursdays.” Every Thursday, we have a different theme like “The Sexiest Heels” and “Celebrity Look-alike.” I love going shopping for each theme and wearing tall leather black boots and the skimpiest thing possible. The biggest part for me is meeting people, getting dressed up, and having fun while I’m working.
What’s the sexiest drink a guy can order? Sex On the Beach because it’s such a girl’s drink and it shows the guy isn’t afraid of pink
What’s the sexiest drink a girl can order? A shot of Patron. Girls are sexy when they’re confident and they don’t have to order a fruity drink and can handle a shot.
Which is sexier ~ a guy drinking beer from a bottle or from a glass? Probably from a bottle.
How about a girl? From a bottle. When girls aren’t afraid to be all girly all the time, it’s sexier.
So ~ do guys really get turned on when a girl can tie a cherry stem from her drink into a knot with her tongue? Oh, Jesus. I don’t know, I can’t do it and I’ve never had anyone ask me to do it, but I’d say yeah.
If you had your own website, what would it be called? misssarahd.com
What’s one song that really gets you going when you’re behind the bar? “Shots” by LMFAO with Lil’ Jon. I can sell a whole bottle of Patron with that song!
Have you ever dated a customer? Uh, yeah. I don’t recommend it, buy yeah, I definitely did.
Do your customers have any nicknames for you? Everyone just knows me as Sarah D. It’s not that cool, but it works.
Do you do let customers do body shots off of you? Um, no. I probably would, but with the crowd we have on Thursday nights, I don’t know if it would be a good idea.
What’s the sexiest body language a guy can “speak” at a bar if he wants to get a girl to notice him? Eye contact would be the easiest because it’s always so crowded and loud, but if you see a guy looking at you from across the room it’s pretty hot.
What about a girl? Make a point to walk by him.
Sexiest pick-up line you’ve ever heard? I don’t think pick-up lines are sexy, but the funniest thing is when they whip out a wad of cash and hold it there in front of the girl. That’s so bad.
What’s your guilty pleasure? Chocolate.
What’s the sexiest thing you’ve caught a couple doing in your bar? That would definitely be sneaking into a bathroom together.
Any little sexy tricks you have up your sleeves to keep patrons coming back? Good drinks, a wink, and a smile, as cheesy as that sounds.
Have you ever played matchmaker at the bar for a guy/girl who wanted to get introduced? Yeah. All the time!

Name: Rhi Whitaker
Age: 24
Bar: Mickey Shea’s
What do you think makes you one of our sexiest bartenders? Umm, I don’t think being sexy is always about looks, I think it’s also about having a fun personality.
What’s the sexiest drink a guy can order? Whiskey on the rocks. Nothing hotter than that.
What’s the sexiest drink a girl can order? Whiskey on the rocks, makes her look like she can handle anything.
So ~ do guys really get turned on when a girl can tie a cherry stem from her drink into a knot with her tongue? I’m not a guy so I can’t verify that but… I have seen guys who say that girl is hot when they see one do it.
If you had your own website, what would it be called? ShesTrouble.com
What’s one song that really gets you going when you’re behind the bar? LMFAO’s “Shots”
Have you ever dated a customer? It’s how I met my boyfriend.
Do your customers have any nicknames for you? Rhi Bear, Rhi Rhi.
Do you do let customers do body shots off of you? Nahh, I’m past those days.
What’s the sexiest body language a guy can “speak” at a bar if he wants to get a girl to notice him? Direct eye contact from across the bar and a smile.
And a girl? Looking right at him and playing with the straw of her drink
Sexiest pick-up line you’ve ever heard? Pick up lines aren’t sexy, they’re cheesy… it’s sexier when someone just tells you they’re into you, rather than cover it up with a stupid line.
What’s your guilty pleasure? I have a few. Thin Mint ice cream, Lifetime (I’m lame I know), and wearing my boyfriend’s sweatpants when he’s at work.
What’s the sexiest thing you’ve caught a couple doing in your bar? I wouldn’t call it the sexiest but I’ve definitely caught people having sex.
Any little sexy tricks you have up your sleeves to keep patrons coming back? Just be yourself. Joke around, be animated, make them laugh. Be cute. People won’t go to a bar if the bartenders aren’t fun.
Have you ever played matchmaker at the bar for a guy/girl who wanted to get introduced? I have and I’ve seen people get engaged.
Do you have a signature drink? I have a couple. One is the I.D.K (I don’t know): grape vodka, grape puckers, Chambord, sour mix, and Sprite.
Any advice for someone who’s thinking about becoming a bartender? Just have fun with it. It’s not as serious as you think and if you mess up, then just know you’ll do better next time.

Name: Joe Prendergast
Age: 29
Bar: Allgos Sweets & Drinks
What do you think makes you one of our sexiest bartenders? Haha, I have no idea.
What’s the sexiest drink a guy can order? A sexy guy can order any drink.
How about a girl? Bourbon. Definitely Bourbon.
Which is sexier ~ a guy drinking beer from a bottle or from a glass? How about a girl? Both are quite fine, but face it, if you’re not sexy, neither will really help your cause.
So ~ do guys really get turned on when a girl can tie a cherry stem from her drink into a knot with her tongue? A good trick for sure, but a turn on???
What is your website? www.allgoslounge.com
What’s one song that really gets you going when you’re behind the bar? The drum solo in “In the Air Tonight” makes me tingle
Have you ever dated a customer? Oh yeah, then moved in with her.
Do your customers have any nicknames for you? Most call me JP, the others call me awesome.
Do you do let customers do body shots off of you? Once. Dave Dzikiewicz, you know who you are.
What’s the sexiest body language a guy can “speak” at a bar if he wants to get a girl to notice him? Not falling down drunk covered in vomit helps out a bit.
And a girl? A sexy girl’s body could “speak” any language, and still be sexy. Just be yourself.
Sexiest pick-up line you’ve ever heard? “Screw the drink, you want the $20?”
What’s your guilty pleasure? Allgos’ Dr. Pepper shots. Good for the soul, not the belly.
What’s the sexiest thing you’ve caught a couple doing in your bar? On a slower night at a dark corner table, once caught a women in mid strip tease with her date.
Any little sexy tricks you have up your sleeves to keep patrons coming back? I don’t return credit cards or I.D.s…
Have you ever played matchmaker at the bar for a guy/girl who wanted to get introduced? Uh huh ~ and they are still mad at me.
Do you have a signature drink? No, I have a whole signature menu including dessert martinis.
Any advice for someone who’s thinking about becoming a bartender? Learn the basics, create your classics, drink whiskey not vodka, shake everything, have fun, be friendly, and almost always never offend your patrons sometimes.

Editor’s Note: Now, Yosh Shartin may not have been chosen one of our Sexiest Bartenders, but he was the only nominee to have a slew of poems written in his honor, thanks to his Dirty Gerund friends at Ralph’s who held (and heavily promoted!) a dedication challenge in February. Below is the winning poem by Mandi Rackers.
This is my confession
To making stalking my profession
And I feel I need to mention
That this man is so sexy
I always order far too much whiskey
Just to gaze upon him
Cuz-damn-that tshirt fits so nicely
And to whomever made facebook, thank you!
I love it so much I write a haiku-
Yosh is on facebook
I stare at sexy pictures
Stalking on facebook
When Yosh pours the drinks
I can’t help but think,
Was that something in his eye
Or did he just throw me a wink?
I get so excited to see Yosh on the grill
If you want a burger master, he fits the bill
And even though he calls me a hippie
when I order my veggie burger
Yosh is Worcester’s sexiest bartender!
Who else could put up with the ruckus at Ralph’s Diner?!?
Congrats to everyone.. I know almost every person on this article and I have to admit the selection could not be any better.. Once again Congratulations Ladies and Gentlemen
Mandi Rackers? Really?
Michelle tocci is by far the best looking bar tender in the worcester county area. She can make a mean drink and by far is the friendliest bartender I have ever come across. She always knows how to have a good time and converses with all of her customers. She is by far the best bar tender I have ever had, and because of her I will come back to the bar she works at no matter where it is. Her grape crush drink is to die for and her shot making capability is the best I have ever come across. By far the sexiest bartender I have ever had.
Tristan, the bartender at Johnny Mac’s definitely takes the hottest bartender in worcester more than any of these guys. If you have any clue, you’d look into him
No offense to any of the nominees, but seriously?? The girl from Fusion?? And the girl from Mickey Sheas?? Come on Worcester, you can do better than that.
This is a very sad list of ugly bartenders. Remind me never to go out in Worcester.