By Tine Roycroft

Robert (left) and Kat (right)
Roberta (left) and Kat (right)

Roberta Mandella isn’t your typical artist. She scoffs at paper and canvas and goes right for the neck… well, the face, really. Mandella is the owner of Happy Face Painting ~ a face and body painting company based in Worcester. Sure, we all have our fond memories of getting painted at carnivals to look like Spiderman. But the painting adventures don’t have to end in childhood, as Mandella can tell you.

“I do body painting for adults,” Mandella said, “I just did a Mardi Gras-themed party for a group and we basically painted corsets and clothing on people. When they didn’t have any.”

Mandella began her career in cosmetology, working at salons and doing bridal make-up. It was when a friend invited her to paint faces at a festival that she realized a business in the making. Soon, she was using her amazing artistic skills to paint the faces of young and old alike, working at parties, events, festivals and promotional shows. But no matter how many bodies you work on, said Mandella, it never becomes old hat ~ especially when painting someone’s half-naked body.

“It can be a little awkward. I try to make people feel as comfortable as possible,” Mandella noted. “To paint anyone’s body can take 3-6 hours. But when you’re painting someone’s body you’re usually working with professional models ~ like a show or a convention. That makes it easier.”

Mandella’s designs are inspired and delightful, whimsical and beautiful. She is dedicated to the art and sometimes brings her 14-year old daughter Samantha, an expert with temporary tattoos, with her to different events to add an extra special touch. And both mother and daughter love painting kids’ faces at Worcester’s Ecotarium.

“I love painting there! You can’t go wrong!” said Mandella. “Every time a kid is looking in the mirror and smiling at what he sees ~ that’s about 100 smiles in one day. So the job is pretty rewarding.”

Mandella is a state licensed and board-certified make-up artist and only uses FDA compliant cosmetic grade make-up for her art and encourages using only the safest and healthiest products on the skin.

While juggling two daughters and Happy Face Painting, Mandella also found time to author a book on face painting. Look for “Cheek to Cheek, A Face Painting Instructional Book” by Snazaroo and Roberta Mandella, available soon at Iparty stores everywhere.

Visit Mandella at