By Robyn Lee

They did it again, and there was no “Oops” about it…In fact, in was more like a “F*ck, YEAH!” Over 300 local musicians, fans, radio personalities, club owners, promoters, press peeps and sponsors came together at Irish Times (which took Best Live Dance Venue honors) to make the 2nd annual Worcester Music Awards, hosted again by WAAF rock goddess Carmelita, one kickass time. There was debauchery (we’ve got the pix to prove it ~ and you know who you are!), there were live performances (big thanks to Chris Reddy, Clear the Way, Amanda Lirange, Switchblade Suicide, and especially White Chocolate, who both opened the entire show AND put on a full concert ~ complete with special guests Paco and XXX Owl ~ after the awards had been given out), there were hot chicks (and OK, hot guys, too, to be fair), there were giveaways (sponsor and technical guru Image Productions, responsible for the evening’s insane production value that included major lighting, sound artistry, projection and fog machines…..gave away…get this…$2000 worth of road cases to lucky raffle winners Jediah. Sponsor Rolling Rock kicked in a sweeeeet guitar, won by audience member Sherry Lynn, and Ms. Carmelita herself gave away guaranteed radio play to the winners…they’ll be taking over a Bay State Rock segment soon, so stay tuned for details!), there were on-stage antics…and best of all, there were the trophies awarded to the winners ~ who were announced for the first time at the show ~ in each of the 23 categories, culminating in the Lifetime Achievement Award won by Erick Godin of the Lucky Dog. The whole place rocked the entire night from start to finish ~ everyone got into the spirit of things, showing support for their favorite musicians, schmoozing, throwing back a beer or two (or ten) together, meeting local celebrities, getting pictures taken, trading gig stories, and just generally having a blast. But I know, what you really want is some dirt on the bands who took home all the honors ~ so, just for you, the following pages are chock full of band interviews, in the bands’ own words…so kick back and get to know the musicians who are ROCKING Central MA!

12 Step Program ~ Best Hardcore Act

Questions answered by Jeff D. after some pow-wowing with the rest of the guys.

Jeff Doiron ~ Guitars; Jay Morgan ~ Guitars; Trey Holton ~ Vocals; Dave Corey ~ Bass; Erik Zarazinski ~ Drums/Samples

If you could sign an endorsement deal for one product, what would it be? Sparks, hands down. It’s an energy drink with alcohol in it. We drink it before practice, before shows, in the shower.

So who’s your stylist? Well, our sense of style is almost non-existent, but if you are speaking symbolically, I would say a mix between the lead singer from Scissorfight and whoever makes clothes for Hot Topic. It’s a redneck feel with a little psychopath in there.

Best concert you’ve ever attended? We went to go see Killswitch Engage at Cabot St. Pub in Chicopee and although the place was an oven it was incredible to see that band in such a small venue. Their stage presence was awe-inspiring.

What’s your vote ~ real ones or fake ones? Can I do a write-in? How about any ones? They’re fantastic and they are even better when I can…..wait, I can’t say that to a reporter. [Sure y’can, Jeff!]

Musical training? Yes, please. Well, Jeff took guitar for many years and now teaches a little, Erik is trained in music theory for many instruments, and Trey took vocal and bass lessons, but other than that we are all self taught musicians.

And what style bathing suits will you be sporting at the beach this summer? I would like to think that we would all wear normal bathing suits, but I fear that Jay would sport a grape smuggler.

Most embarrassing on-stage moment? I can’t speak for everyone but for Dave it had to be during his first show when we lead him onstage on a leash or maybe the night Jay and Jeff almost got into a fistfight in the middle of a song after hitting into each other a few times.

Highest note you can hit? I don’t know what note it might be but it’s a pretty high scream. It scared the hell out my neighbor’s dog.

Does the band have a motto? No, we’re too disorganized to have a motto. How about “Get drunk?”

Musician by night, what by day? Jeff is a licensed electrician, Jay works in demolition, Trey puts clear bras on cars, Erik is involved with pharmaceutical testing, and Dave is a professional drinker. He has the best job ever!

Who gets the most action in the band? Well, considering Dave is scared of girls and everyone else is taken, I would say Jay by default.

Car that would best represent 12 Step? A Ford f-150 because its America’s hardest working truck in a tough and brutal work force.

And when do you plan to add scantily clad female dancers into the act? This discussion has taken place at many a practice and we have an open walk up policy for all scantly clad female dancers who would like to come up on stage during a show.

So your dream tour would be opening for (OK, or having them open for you)…? Definitely getting on Ozzfest with Ozzy.

Airheads or This is Spinal Tap? This Is Spinal Tap. I love their amps, plus I think Airheads was a little too intelligent for us.

Any lucky items of clothing that you wear on stage? I tried wearing this one pair of underwear, but the smell and the itch eventually got to me, so no.

What’s in your iPod right now? Soilwork’s “Figure Number Five,” a bunch of Killswitch Engage, Snot, Slayer, 40 Below Summer, Johnny Cash.

Ever get stage fright? Dave does. He curls up in a ball and rocks back and forth. It’s really entertaining. but the rest of us just get amped to play!!!

Proudest moment of your life? Playing the main stage at Locobazooka 2006 at the Tweeter Center.

What’s next for the band (aside from world domination, of course)? We hope to tour the East Coast in the next year in support of our new material. Also we will be playing Locobazooka 2007.

Amanda Lirange ~ Best Female Vocalist

If you could sign an endorsement deal for one product, what would it be? Probably the cheese fries from the Outback, as long as I could get a lifetime supply with gallons of that ranch dressing they serve with it.

So who’s your stylist? I do everything myself, though I would love to get someone to do hair and makeup for me. I am jealous of the girls on America’s Next Top Model. I also would love someone to pick out and buy my wardrobe.

Best concert you’ve ever attended? A lot of them are memorable. Tool, 311, Deftones, Cold. I never got to see Babes in Toyland in concert, pretty upset about that.

You’ve played with a few different bands. Is it difficult to switch from one to the other? Not at all. I love all different types of music, and I would love to someday be able to say I had played in bands that represented each kind. I always give my all to whatever project I am working on.

Band/person who inspires/d you most? Kat Bjelland from Babes in Toyland and Mike Patton.

8 tracks, vinyl, cassettes, CDs, or all this new-fangled technology? CDs or vinyl. 8 tracks and cassettes are a pain in the neck, and the problem I have with downloading is I like having the CD with the artwork and everything.

Easier to perform in front of 3 people or three hundred? 300!

If a fan wants to buy you a drink…what’ll you have? An Amandalicious. Ask me about it next time you see me.

Highest note you can hit? I just tried to figure that out. Apparently the highest B note on an acoustic guitar.

Musician by night, what by day? Math teacher! I currently teach at Shepherd Hill Regional High School ~ Geometry, Statistics and Trigonometry.

Dunkin’ Donuts, Honey Dew, or Starbucks? I guess Dunkin Donuts, though I have been furious with them since the departure of the Dunkaccino.

First gig you ever played? When I was like 10 years old I had this band called “The Little Devil” where I tried to play keyboards and my best friend Becky played guitar. We wrote the most ridiculous songs.

Any hobbies? I love to cook. I find recipes all the time and try them out at the house and make my roommates eat everything. Sometimes it’s a disaster, but usually things come out pretty good. Other than that I still love to dance.

So your dream tour would be opening for (OK, or having them open for you)…? Kat Bjelland’s current band, Katastrophy Wife.

Who does your hair? I get my hair cut by Mike Lacosse at Hair Stop on Chandler Street in Worcester. DING DING PLUG PLUG.

Every have a secret boy-band crush? At age 11, Joe McIntyre. From age 21 to now, Justin Timberlake.

Anyone in particular you’d like to thank? My family and friends who have supported me.

Is that your hand on the “Private Life” cover? Lovely, isn’t it? I should’ve been a hand model.

Ever get stage fright? Never. I spend all day in front of a class of 15-18 year olds ~ that’s pretty good practice.

Proudest moment of your adult life? I am getting my Master’s Degree from WPI in May. That’s a pretty big deal, I can’t believe I pulled it off.

If you could play any venue in the world…I would love to play DCU because of all the shows I have gone to there over the years. Other than that……I really want to play the VMAs so I can meet JT. Love that guy.

What’s next for you, professionally speaking? Since I am about to complete this goal of getting my Master’s, I have yet to make plans for my next one. Musically, I would love to get a new project or two off the ground in the next year.

The Bees Knees ~ Best Country/Americana
(answered by Michael Thibodeau)

Members and who plays what: Ed Barnett – lead guitar/vocals; John Donovan – bass guitar/vocals; Michael Thibodeau – rhythm guitar/vocals

Best concert you’ve ever attended? Tough one, but Robert Randolph and the Family Band at the Paradise was one of the best shows I have ever seen.

8 tracks, cassettes, CDs, or all this new-fangled technology? 45s. The best there ever has been.

Easier to perform in front of 3 people or 300? Three hundred. There is nothing more intimidating than when you have to captivate the entire room or they just might leave.

And what style bathing suits will you be sporting at the beach this summer? I have always been a fan of those one piece body suits…like what the Three Stooges used to wear.

How’d you come up with the name of the band? I once heard George Martin say that John Lennon thought that Magic Alex (a friend of the Beatles) was the bee’s knees. It stuck with me and became the band name.

Highest note you can hit? A high C above a natural L (if you get the reference, you are a freak just like me).

OK ~ Tennessee accent, Boston accent, or Worcester accent? Come on, Fitchburg accent all the way.

First gig? As a band, it was at Ralph’s under the moose.

So your dream tour would be opening for…? I would have to say The Band or the Jayhawks. I could make a long list, but I will leave it at that.

Biggest misconception about musicians? Music has never gotten me a girl.

Most accurate stereotype? We are always late.

Favorite post-show drink? Tanqueray all the way.

Who does your hair? Donna at Sizzors

Is this the original line-up of the band or has it changed over the years? Just missing Joe Giotta, our original drummer, who has yet to be replaced.

OK, on your website you use the words “…soulful, gritty and twangy.” Now give me three other adjectives to describe the band that might surprise people. Fearless, agitated and hungry.

Anyone in particular you’d like to thank? Roger Lavallee, because we don’t thank him enough.

Is there one instrument you can’t play that you wish you could? Accordion

If you could play any venue in the worldThe Ryman Auditorium

What’s next for you guys? Finishing up the new record, finding a new drummer and planning a tour for when the record comes out.

DJ Shame – Best Club DJ

Want to tell us your real name? Nah.

Best concert you’ve ever attended? The Meters @ the Channel in Boston…..1992.

Real ones or fake ones? Keep it real yo!

Performer who inspires/d you most? Grandmaster Flash.

Musical training? Little bit of guitar & piano.

How’d you come up with the name “DJ Shame?” Needed to be different…putting others to SHAME.

Dunkin’ Donuts, Honey Dew, or Starbucks? I’m hooked on the white hot chocolate from Dunkin’ Donuts.

Best song ever? “Tra la la song” from the Banana Splits…lol.

If you could sign an endorsement deal for one product, what would it be? Palmer’s Cocoa Butter.

Dream car? Benz.

First gig you ever played? Skylite Roller Skating Rink.

Any hobbies? Besides collecting records I’m also into antiques.

So your dream tour would be opening for…? Just some original crews like Furious Five, Cold Crush, Treacherous Three, Soulsonic Force, etc.

Biggest misconception about musicians/DJs? Being cocky.

Most accurate stereotype? Perfectionists.

More likely to end up in Playboy: Lindsey or Britney? Lindsey.

Anyone in particular you’d like to thank? My parents for putting up with the years of practicing in the basement.

Sugar Hill Gang or Ice Cube? Sugar Hill Gang was a fabricated group….so definitely Cube.

Proudest moment of your adult life? Just being recognized worldwide for records that I produced like 10-15 years ago.

If you could play anywhere in the worldJapan & Europe. They actually appreciate true hip hop…..

Do you go for old-school scratchin’ or the new technology? There’s no alternative to old school scratching…..except for new styles of scratching such as flares or crabs. I prefer the old school style myself.

What projects do you have in the works? A mix I did a while back called “journey into the world of music” will be coming out in the next month or 2. I’m working on some other mix projects….and producing some tracks for a Boston M.C. named Lyrical.

Irish Times – Best Dance Venue

Wow. I’ve never actually interviewed a venue before. Hope you don’t put up too many walls. OK, lame joke. Never mind. Anyway. OK, Irish Times, you’ve been nominated as the Best Dance Venue. How does that make you feel? Like dancing? It makes us feel wonderful as last year we were lucky enough to win this category, and this would make it two in a row for REHAB nightclub (inside The Irish Times).

So you see all every night. Who helped you in the Best Dance Venue category more, the guys or the girls? You need BOTH to be successful, but guys will follow girls anywhere, so I’d have to say the girls get the edge.

How’s life on Main Street been treating you? Life on Main St is great. As anyone in this city knows, it’s the TRUE entertainment district in town with the DCU Center, Palladium, Sh’booms, Voodoo, Seven, Raw, McFadden’s and Zero. If we just had some PARKING…but that’s a cry the whole city can share.

The guy in charge of you ~ Scot Neri, right? ~ goes by the name Scooter. Can you give us any inside info on that nickname? From what I’ve been told, it’s an old basketball nickname given to him in high school and college. Rumor has it the entire nickname was “Scooter Pie.”

What else can you tell us about the man behind the venue? Is he a musician himself? What’s his favorite meal? What does he like to do when he’s not at the club? Scot is certainly no musician, though he does get on stage with the bands on occasion to deliver a very vanilla version of “Wanted Dead Or Alive.” He’s getting married on May 5th this year down in St. Thomas to a wonderful girl named Julie.

From what you can see, are guys still shy about asking the ladies to dance? SHY? SHY? There is no such thing as shy anymore. I think that went away with parachute pants!

Favorite drinks of your customers? Anything with Red Bull, Capt and Coke and Raspberry Vodka are all still very hot drinks right now. Nothing wrong with a good old fashioned Bud Light though.

If you could invite one internationally known, big-time rock act to play inside you, who would it be? Bon Jovi would open up for Tim McGraw!

Worst fashion choice that a guy can make when trying to look cool up in da club? No way I could fit them all on this page…but the worst HAS to be the skinny beard followed closely by the shirt 3 sizes too small.

Are you going to be going through any changes in the future, or “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it?” We have some big changes coming actually. REHAB is going to get a facelift with more stages, new paint and mirrors, and a VIP section near the stage. My second floor is going to be transformed BACK into a restaurant to accommodate the new courthouse. Other then that, we just hope to stay busy and keep people dancing!

Well, we all owe you a big Thank You for hosting the Worcester Music Awards again this year ~ and congratulations on your upcoming nuptials!

Jason James and the Bay State Houserockers ~ Best Blues/R & B Act

Jason James, Guitar & Vocals; Bob Berry, Electric Bass; Dan Hamilton, Drums

Best concert you’ve ever attended? BRAIN SETZER at The Palladium.

8 tracks, cassettes, CDs, or all this new-fangled technology? 8 tracks

Musical training? Self- taught

Easier to perform in front of three people or three hundred?
300. But we still try to put on a great show even if there’s 3.

How’d you come up with the name of the band? My dad came up with it.

Best song ever? “An American Trilogy” by Elvis Presley

If you could sign an endorsement deal for one product, what would it be? Royal Crown Hairdressing

First gig you ever played? RYTHYMS on High Street in Clinton.

So your dream tour would be opening for (OK, or having them open for you)…? Jerry Lee Lewis

What’s in your iPod right now? None of us has an iPod yet. Still playing records as well as CDs. We’ve been listing to a lot of old country from the 50s and 60s.

Anyone in particular youd like to thank if you win? Pulse Mag.

Airheads, This Is Spinal Tap, or Ray? Ray

If you could play any venue in the world…? The Palladium

Jediah the Band ~ Best Pop Act
Jediah the Man ~ Best Singer-Songwriter & Best Solo Act

Jediah Jarvais ~ Vocals/Guitar; Ben Carroll ~ Lead Guitar;
Joel Rines ~ Bass; Ian Rines ~ Drums; Brian Kearsley ~ Sax/Keyboard

Best concert you’ve ever attended? Ben: Pink Floyd in 1994, the Division Bell tour. Brian: Maceo Parker on Martha’s Vineyard. Ian: Roger Waters and Oyster Head.

Band/person who inspires/d you most? Jediah: Dylan. Ben: The Beatles ~ all of them. Ian: John Bonham. Drummer of Led Zeppelin

8 tracks, cassettes, CDs, or all this new-fangled technology? Ben: I wish I had a freakin’ iPod. Ian: I like the old #$%&! This new technology stuff can sometimes mute the true feel for a song or it just starts to become plastic and smell funny!

Musical training? Ben: Bezerklee. Brian: BA, Saxophone Performance, UMASS Amherst

Most embarrassing on-stage moment? Ben: I tripped and fell off stage once with a drink in my hand that splattered all over my face when I hit the ground in front of about 500 people. Joel: Playing @ The Sky Bar for 1 person. I was embarrassed for the whole band.

Any hidden tats? Jediah: No. Ben: Nope. Joel: Yes….ZOSO!

Highest note you can hit? Ben: 24th fret. Joel: Anything in the key of H. Ian: depends on the grip

Who gets the most action in the band? Ben: Brian Kearsley. Joel: B. K. Ian: Adam.

Best song ever? Ben: The Hokey Pokey, you know that’s true. Brian: Billy Joel, Scenes from an Italian Restaurant

Dream car? Jediah: Escalade. Joel: Porsche 911 turbo. Ian: I love old beat up trucks.

Any hobbies? Ben: I like to collect drinks and put them in my belly. Joel: Observing Mommy-Nature.

So your dream tour would be opening for…? Jediah: U2. Ben: U2. Joel: Radiohead. Brian: Snoop Dog

Would you ever have a face lift? Ben: Hell no! Saw Gene Simmons get one last night on TV & I’m all set. Joel: I don’t know what I will do tomorrow. Brian: I’ll probably never need one.

Biggest misconception about musicians? Joel: That we aren’t a functioning part of society, or we are just bums. Everyone loves music, we are the ones who create the sounds that get you through the day. Although, we are a bit odd. Ian: That we’re all drunks.

Anyone in particular you’d like to thank? Ben: I’d like to thank Lindsey and Britney for their future spreads in Playboy. Joel: I try to let the important ones know that they are appreciated, so I don’t ever need to publicly thank them. Ian: Mom, Jed, Bruce, Ben Campbell, Adam, the band

Is there one instrument you can’t play that you wish you could? Jediah: Sax. Ben: Piano. Joel: The harp. Brian: Guitar. Ian: Piano.

Proudest moment of your adult life? Jediah: Not sure it’s happened yet. Brian: The proudest moment of my adult life is when my two friends, Nick and Caroline, got promoted at work. They totally deserved it. Ian: I’m still working on one.

If you could play any venue in the world…Jediah: Fenway Park. Ben: The Hollywood Bowl. Joel: Filmore west. Ian: The old Boston Garden

Upcoming projects/tours? Brian: The band is playing at the Cannon Film Festival in Denver this month. Joel: Denver late April. Ben: New Ra album, new istrumental solo album, and an amazing new Jediah album!!! Hopefully all this year!

…And a couple more questions for Jediah himself

How does performing solo differ from performing with the band? There is a high level of energy when I play with all my mates.

When you sit down to write a song, where do you start? Lyrics? Music? Whichever comes to me first.

Do you keep a writing pad with you at all times for when ideas come to you? I try to, but sometimes I forget.

Words of advice for aspiring musicians? Keep writing and recording songs, play out as much as you can.

Lucky Dog – Best Live Venue
Erick Godin – Lifetime Achievement

I sat down in the Lucky Dog last week to talk to, well, The Lucky Dog…and then towards the end of the interview Erick Godin walked in, so we were able to kill two birds with one stone, so to speak.

Best Live Venue…that’s pretty impressive. If you win, who’d you like to thank? That Godin guy? I would thank everybody who has ever set foot on the stage AND into the club. We’re very lucky to have the fan base that we have.

There’s kind of an unspoken “What happens at the Dog stays at the Dog” rule…but c’mon, just for us…what’s the wildest “act” you’ve witnessed NOT onstage? One night, Keith Richards took a dump in the urinal.

Some would say that the mosh pit is a thing of the past…and what would you say to them? Well, we’re staffed to help people off the floor if moshing breaks out. I saw a lot of moshing when I was younger. I didn’t really think it would be a dance move that would stick around after you reach a particular age but some folks still go at it. It’s fine I guess.

If Justin Timberlake wanted to play in you, would you let him? That’s funny…feels even funnier answering that. I’m kinda creeped out about him playing around inside me. But if he wants in, I’m open.

If there were a Lucky Dog fragrance, what would you call it? And who would be the spokesmodel? Bourbon Breath…and one of our customers, “Princess” Freddy.

You bring in some major acts ~ who’s still on your wish list? To get the Stones back in here someday.

Short and sweet ~ give me three words you’d use to describe yourself. Go. Friendly, Rock, Drink.

The Sox ~ should I even bring them up? Sure, I’m already fitting my finger for that ring this year.

Back to that Erik Godin ~ does he have any plans for your future that you can share with us? New artwork on the walls, new Lucky Dog workshirts for sale, another outdoor block party at the end of the summer.

Any idea what the first album he ever bought was? I think he told me it was a Monkees record. He turned out weird.

The most popular drink within your walls? The Captain & Coke, Stoli Raz-Sprite-splash of cran, Jagerbombs, Irish Car Bombs.

If someone wanted to film a reality show here, would the Lucky Dog make for good TV? Yeah, definitely. The night life would be cool to see as would the day to day, behind the scenes operations.

What do you think about all this fancy new technology? Do you miss the days of vinyl and cassettes at all? Well, it cuts back on a lot of press kits that come into the club. It’s all electronic now.

What’s next for you? To stay here as long as you want me. To commit to the same excellence I’ve shared with you for the 8 years we’ve been here. To keep live music alive in Worcester.

…And heeeeere’s Erick…

“Lifetime Achievement” is a pretty weighty category. Were you surprised by the nomination and then by the win? Oh yeah. I really don’t feel I deserve it, at least yet in my career.

Who inspires you? Everyone nominated in this category. My family and friends.

You’re still young, but when you look back on your life in the years to come, what else would you like to have accomplished? To bring the live music community together and to have sold-out shows every night. Thank you for the nomination AND to the fine folks who voted for me.

Mike Hsu
– Best Radio DJ (WAAF)

If you could sign an endorsement deal for one product, what would it be? D’angelo’s…Their #9 on a sub roll with extra chesse and extra hots. It’s truly a magical experience. I’d eat it every day if I could. I would also be dead by 50.

Best concert you’ve ever attended? Some I can’t remember very well. The show that changed my life was Husker Du and the Minutemen at The Channel in Boston. Husker Du was like a tornado of razor blades. They just ripped through the whole crowd. But the Minutemen blew my mind. Their music had everything, punk, jazz, funk, country, blues. And they did it all with songs that clocked in at less than 2 minutes.

If there were a “Womantown,” would you pose for the calendar? If you’re specifically marketing to people who love fat, hairy, Chinese guys, then I’m your man.

What’s your vote ~ real ones or fake ones? I love boobs. I don’t care if they’re fake or real. I even like the giant fake ones that can eclipse the sun….

Band/person who inspires/d you most? My grandfather is a huge inspiration to me. He survived the depression, raised three daughters while working in coal mines all his life getting the black lung. He’s one of the original “Tough” guys. Musically, Jamie Jasta, Ian McKay, Mike Watt, Clutch. People who do it on their own terms through perseverance.

How’d you become a DJ? I can’t really remember. I think it has something to do with my community service.

Is it easier to be a voice on the radio or an “in-person” host? It’s easier being a “Voice.” There’s less of a chance of being pelted by garbage and bottles.

And what style bathing suit will you be sporting at the beach this summer? I’ve got this mesh Speedo with a little gold whistle on the front I got in Ptown.

Most embarrassing show moment? Monday through Friday 10am-3pm.

Any hidden tats? Yes. I’ll show them to you after a few shots.

Dunkin’ Donuts, Honey Dew, or Starbucks? Definitely Dunkins’. I think they put crack in the coffee. In fact, that’s how I order it, large regular with a shot of espresso and crack.

Best song ever? Any song that has the words “defenestration” and “Nostril” in it.

Any major behind-the-scenes soap operas you can let us in on? I hear that Hill-Man is a republican, LB is a drunk, Spaz and Kevin are secretly married, Hannah is a fish-o-phile, and Carrie is a Bitch.

Pre-show rituals? I usually drink a few gallons of coffee and have an intern punch me in the face. It gives me a really bad attitude before I go on.

More likely to end up in Playboy: Lindsey, Britney, Jessica or Paris? I’d love to see Jessica Simpson do full on hardcore porn. That would be fantastic. But it will probably be Britney. She’s a mess. I think Paris looks like a crossdressing 14 year old boy.

Every have a secret pop-star crush? I interviewed Sheryl Crow when I worked at a station in Richmond, VA. It was before she made it big and she was struggling to get her album played. She was beautiful and I was smitten. She sang “Strong Enough” and winked at me and I almost passed out.

Airheads or This is Spinal Tap? Spinal Tap is one of the funniest movies ever because it’s all based on the truth.

Any lucky items of clothing that you wear when you’re meeting a band? My pants.

Roth or Hagar? Roth is my favorite. I was fortunate enough to see the Diver Down and The 1984 tours. Truly great. Except for the “Sabre Dance” Dave did during the Diver Down Show. Truly stupid.

Do women make passes at guys who wear glasses? Usually they just ask me for money or to stop staring at them.

Ever get stage fright? You mean while peeing? Never.

First album you ever owned? I think it was Kiss’s “Alive II.” Or Zeppelin’s”The Song Remains The Same.” My first 45 was “Smokin’ In The Boys Room” by Brownsville Station. I’m old.

Do you miss the original Headbangers’ Ball as much as we do? The one with Rikki Rachtman or Adam Curry? Curry sucked. I liked when they changed the name to Super Rock. I don’t know what the f*ck they were talking about, but it was “Super.” I was usually super drunk when I was watching it. When I was at North Adams State, me and the metal director of the school station would get a bottle of Jack Daniels and try to finish it before the last video (which was usually the coolest). One night Judas Priest was on and I was trying to bow to the TV and ended up puking on it. Good times…

Proudest moment of your adult life? Birth of my daughter. And maybe getting the Gold metal for Speed skating at Lake Placid in ’84….and inventing the douche.

I think someone should create a Hsu-tini. What should be in it? One whole bottle of Stoli with a splash of Stoli and garnished with Jager and a Marlborough Red.

What’s next for you, professionally speaking? I want your job. [Author’s note: at the time this issue went to press, Mike and the Editor were in negotiations for a job-swap. Stay tuned.]

Public Uproar – Best Punk Act

Chris Brunelle ~ vocals, bass; Pete Shilale ~ guitar, vocals; Mike Auclair ~ guitar; Joe Reilly ~ drums

If you could sign an endorsement deal for one product, what would it be? Probably a deal with Subway. We would love to have that card that Jared has that gives him free subs. We eat Subway before every show we play. I am eating a footlong turkey right now.

So who’s your stylist? Our towels and/or baseball caps, which is why we don’t have much style.

Best concert you’ve ever attended? For Mike it would have to be the first time he saw Rancid because of the love for the band, and how he had to get there. He had the flu and no ride from Worcester to Boston, so he ended up hitchhiking, taking a bus, a train and a then a cab to get there. He ended up passing out for a song or two during the show because he was so sick. It was an interesting experience.

Band that inspires you most? Definitely Rancid.

Cassettes, CDs, or all this new-fangled technology? Cassettes break too easily, and I can’t keep up with the technology, so I’d say CDs. I’ve probably be one of those guys who is still listening to them when he’s 70 even though there will be 10 technology advances since the CD.

And what style bathing suits will you be sporting at the beach this summer? Speedos, of course.

Most embarrassing on-stage moment? Hmm… too many to list, let’s just say we move around on stage a lot, which means we fall into things and each other a lot in the process. No black eyes or broken bones yet, but I’m sure it’s gonna happen sooner or later. And Pete falls off stage occasionally.

Any hidden tats? None of us has tattoos, maybe because we can’t afford it, maybe because we’re afraid of commitment…Hmmm.

You guys have your own PU ringtones, don’t you? Yes, we do. And they’re free, too! We like to offer as much cool free stuff to our fans as we can.

Who gets the most action in the band? Well, since we’re all very sexy it all about equals out.

And when do you plan to add pole dancers into the act? Already got ‘em.

First gig you ever played? An eighth grade talent show. It went well, then the next year they asked us back to perform and we were too crazy for them and they said we couldn’t play there again.

More likely to end up in Playboy: Lindsey, Britney, Jessica or Hillary? Hillary Clinton, you mean? Or Duff?

Airheads or This is Spinal Tap? Brendan Frasier and Adam Sandler, can’t beat ‘em. Even though Spinal Tap is a great movie, definitely Airheads.

Anyone in particular you’d like to thank? Anyone who has ever supported us in any way, from bands we played with to any person who has ever come see us play.

In five years, you’ll be…? Selling out the DCU Center.

Ever get stage fright? Chris does, that’s why his pre-show ritual is to throw up.

If you could play any venue in the world… Probably Gilman St. in Berkley, CA, where Operation, Ivy, Rancid and Green Day got their starts.

What’s next for the band (aside from world domination, of course)? We are currently recording our first full-length CD. It’s coming out this month. After that, we plan on playing a whole lotta shows this summer…then if we get around to it, universal domination.

Skulltoboggan ~ Best Metal Act

Andrew “Dubble-O” Smith – Bass Guitar; Craig Steven “G*Spawt” Gaumond – Lead Vocals; Eric “E-Dawg” Corbett – Drums; Robert “Skullbob” Eurenius Jr. – Guitar, Backing Vocals

How’d you come up with the name of the band? It magically appeared in a bowl of alphabet soup.

What if “Skulltoboggan” had been taken already? That would have sucked, because we really struggled to come up with that one. I don’t know, maybe we would have gone with Three Dudes, a Chick & a Bottle of Jack??

If you could sign an endorsement deal for one product, what would it be? Jack Daniels

So who is your stylist? Really…take another look at us.

Best concert you’ve ever attended? Janet Jackson. We were in it for the wardrobe malfunctions.

Real ones or fake ones? Whatever we can get our mitts on!

Band/person who inspires/d you most? Pantera, Shakira

Musical training? Hahahahahahahaha

And what style bathing suits will you be sporting at the beach this summer? Our Skulltoboggan thongs promise to be the fashion hit of the summer.

Most embarrassing on-stage moment?Johnny Walker Black” actually had poopy-pants on stage once! He cited chili and chocolate milk as the culprit.

Highest note you can hit?G*Spawt” can actually hit the Minnie Riperton “Lovin’ You” high note when being bashed in his privates with a rubber mallet.

Musician by night, what by day? All of us are actually ordained ministers for the Church of Skank.

Who gets the most action in the band? Our band mascot, Jack. That Boston Terrier humps a mean leg!

Best song ever? “She Goes Down” by Motley Crue

Any major behind-the-scenes soap operas you can let us in on? Was there ever a “Yoko Ono” incident or anything like that? Refer to season 16, episode #13 of General Hospital.

First gig you ever played? 11-17-98 @ Sir Morgan’s Cove, Worcester, MA, U.S.A. We realized on that night that we had a lot to improve upon.

So your dream tour would be opening for…? Pussycat Dolls

Who does your hair? Brutus “The Barber” Beefcake

Any lucky items of clothing that you wear on stage? Nothing like that, but “G*Spawt” HAS to wear his patented skull ring on his right index finger for each and every performance.

What’s in your iPod right now? Not sure, but we have a bunch of dollar bills in our front pockets right now!

Anyone in particular you’d like to thank? Jenna Jameson

Favorite meal to eat out? Sure you wanna ask us that?

Ever get stage fright? It does get a bit scary when we realize that our on stage booze supply is running low.

If you could play any venue in the world… Oh hell yeah! We’d love to jam out for the Pope at The Vatican!

Most surprising fact about Skulltoboggan? We like to watch Lifetime movies.

What’s next for the band? New CD coming out this summer. Oh, and “E-Dawg” is trying out for the NASCAR circuit

Solid Ground ~ Best Rap/Hip Hop Act

Matt Bastardo, Rapper/ Producer and Pauli Fuller, Singer/Rapper/Keyboards

So if the band name “Solid Ground” had been taken, what was your back-up? The Green Team

Band/person who inspires/d you most? Matt ~ Nas. Paul ~ Boyz 2 Men

8 tracks, cassettes, CDs, or all this new-fangled technology? We were big cassette heads but you gotta keep up with the times, too.

Musical training? We’re both self taught.

Easier to perform in front of 3 people or three hundred? 300

Most embarrassing on-stage moment? Matt: One time I went to go put on my hoodie after our set and got tangled up ‘cause the sleeves were turned inside out. I struggled for a good 30 seconds to get that thing on wit’ the hood up over my head. Paul: One time I tripped on the mic cord walkin’ off stage.

OK, set the record straight once and for all ~ what’s the difference between hip hop and rap? Hip hop is the culture and rap is the music ~ but to get technical, I think hip hop is a little more issue-conscious.

Musician by night, what by day? Matt: Court Officer. Paul: Construction worker
Best song ever? Paul: Camp Lo’s Luchinni aka This is it. Matt: Wu Tang Clan’s Triumph

First gig you ever played? Millbury’s annual block party back in summer ‘93.

So your dream tour would be opening for…? The Wu Tang Clan

Who does your hair? Matt: Adam at Allure. Paul: Matt C. at the Sports Clip

Any lucky items of clothing that you wear on stage? Gotta have something GREEN on.

Anyone in particular you’d like to thank? All the Green Team fans and people who voted.

In five years, you’ll be…? Fat, married, and we hope rich.

Ever get stage fright? Nope ~ the stage is our home.

Proudest moment of your life? Paul: When my father was deemed a Jazzmaster at the NEA awards. Matt: When we won the Worcester’s Finest Hip Hop competition.

If you could play any venue in the world…The Apollo in NY.

Switchblade Suicide ~ Best Up & Comers

Dennis Lage ~ Vocals/Guitar; Geoff Jewett ~ Guitar/Vocals; Matt Walsh ~ Drums; JJ Baulz ~ Bass

If you could sign an endorsement deal for one product, what would it be? Magnum Condoms with rubber bands

So who’s your stylist? Geoff uses Hannah at the New Leaf Salon. The rest of the band is naturally gorgeous.

Best concert you’ve ever attended? DL: Prince in ‘05. GJ: Zakk Wylde’s Acoustic Tour 1994. MW: Audioslave at Lollapalooza ‘03. BH: Herbie Hancock and also The Breeders

Band/person who inspires/d you most?
Andy Gibb

And what style swimsuits will you be sporting this summer? Kazakhstani Ball Hugger, preferably in yellow.

How’d you come up with the name of the band? It’s from a Motley Crue tune.

And when do you plan to add pole dancers into the act? ASAP

Most embarrassing on-stage moment? JJ Baulz: First gig. First song. First note. Wrong.

Any hidden tats? The ladies are more than welcome to find out anytime.

Musician by night, what by day? Part-time lovers

Who gets the most action in the band? Geoff Jewett

Dunkin’ Donuts, Honey Dew, or Starbucks? Julio’s Liquors

Best song ever? The Safety Dance by Men Without Hats

First gig you ever played? The Lucky Dog Music Hall, Worcester

Any hobbies? Strip Joints

Pre-show rituals? Cups and Cakes

Anyone in the band a good cook? Lage makes a tasty Portuguese sausage and taters

Any lucky items of clothing that you wear on stage? JJ Baulz wears his orange Texas Longhorns hat.

What’s in your iPod right now? Midget porn

Anyone in particular you’d like to thank? Erick Godin, the Pulse staff and everyone who’s been supporting us so far. We appreciate it very much!

Favorite meal to eat out? We’d love to insert a joke but it’s too easy.

What do you do to relax during your down time? Kata in a park by a serene brook

Is there one instrument you can’t play that you wish you could? The recorder

Proudest moment of your adult life? Getting our first prostate examination [Author’s note ~ I couldn’t get to band to elaborate as to whether this was a group exam or individual.]

If you could play any venue in the worldThe Whiskey A Go Go on the Sunset Strip

What’s next for the band? A 3 or 4 song EP.

The Sleepless Knights

~ Best Jazz Act

Paul Chase (guitar) Paul started out on the guitar in high school but discovered that “There is no place for guitar in a high school orchestra.” Wanting to play in front of an audience as much as possible (ham!) he switched to the tuba in order to join the school band, but soon discovered that the tuba isn’t exactly a very sexy instrument. Girls just never go for the tuba player. Go figure. So in college he began formal education in music and acoustic bass (much sexier) and from there, after gigging from NY to Texas, he came back to Woo and rekindled his love affair with the guitar playing for The Knights and for Craig.

Interesting facts: Paul is a vegan and is double-jointed.

Barry Isaac (sax) At the tender age of 13, Barry found his soul mate ~ in the sax. Since then, he’s played in just a few bands: Astral Jive, Blue-Eyed Boy Mr. Death, Salamander, the MIT Festival Jazz Band led by Everett Longstreth, The Beryl Street Band, The Bobby Watson Band with Peter Henderson, Risa Benson and the Sinners, Nightlife Jazz Duo, Easy Money, LuAnn Crosby and Cordon Blues, and The Wildewood Jazz Quartet ~ and that’s just a partial list. Proud to be a jazz musician to the core, Barry says, “The great thing about jazz is, you never know where it might go.”

Jack Morash (drums) The only Sleepless Knight to get his start on a cruise ship, Jack switched from playing guitar and bass (he was one of those self-taught phenoms as a child) to rockin’ the rhythm section as a teen after being inspired by a drummer who was on the same cruise gig. Much to his neighbors’ chagrin, Jack became obsessed with drumming and played in rock bands The Mangoes and Soulgasm. When 40 hit, he felt jazz calling again ~ and wound up playing with the Jim Kangas X-tet and the Wildewood Jazz Quartet. Says Jack of playing with the Knights, “Playing jazz is a never-ending learning experience, and I play to learn as I learn to play. The chemistry is there with these guys, and as long as it’s present so too am I!”

Interesting facts: Jack’s family has four pet parrots.

Lee Whalen (bass) Lee, a Detroit native, is a graduate of Clemente Music Studios and is the founding member of The Knights. He’s played with The Known Associates, the WPI Jazz Workshop, and several other rock and jazz groups in Worcester County. “What really strikes me about jazz”, he says, “is that you can play the same song every night, but have it be completely different each time you do…[it is]very similar to real life in that you have to roll with the punches and take what comes along without worrying too much about what’s already happened.”

TREBEK ~ Best CD, Best Live Act, Best Rock Act – Matt Dionne ~ Best Male Vocalist

Isaac Aldrich ~ Guitar; Jeff Brunelle ~ Keyboards; Matt Dionne ~ Vocals; Mike Kelly ~ Bass; Jeff Pitts ~Drums

Band/person who inspires/d you most? Marky Mark in Rockstar. And Jaco, of course.

Best concert you’ve ever attended? Isaac ~ 311 on 311 Day 2002 in New Orleans. Mike ~ Counting Crows in ’06 at the Tweeter Center.

Real ones or fake ones? Either is cool as long as they are squishy. Bigger is better.

Easier to perform in front of three people or three hundred? Doesn’t matter…we would have fun doing either.

And what style bathing suits will you be sporting this summer? We’re all wearing different styles: Borat style, a pair of shorts that have built in pockets for the love handles, some rocking it NUDE, and then there’s the always-popular fig leaf.

How’d you come up with the name of the band? We love this singer out of California, Nicky Trebek, and thought we’d pay some respect. Turns out, her dad is Alex Trebek. For real, “Trebek” comes from the ancient word TREBICHA, which means mayonnaise and dirty Q-tip sandwiches. For real real? It’s a boring story and we had had enough of looking for a name so we went with a great skit from SNL.

Musician by night, what by day? Handsome and bored.

If you could sign an endorsement deal for one product, what would it be? The Mustang Ranch. Pepsi. Ferrari or Porsche. Twinkies. The Playboy Mansion (Hey guys, I said, “ONE!”)

Any major behind-the-scenes soap operas you can let us in on? Nope. Unfortunately for the readers, the happenings within the TREBEK operation will remain a secret. We can tell you, though, that there was a naked night that involved a waterslide, booze, socks, and a candle.

First gig you ever played? TREBEK’s first gig ever was at Bill’s Bar with Parker House and Theory. Matt’s first gig ever was with Naked Vinyl, opening up for KRS-One. Isaac’s first was at CR Goodies with his old metal band K26. Mike’s was the Club 490 in Fitchburg at age 14 playing for “Bound.”

Pre-show rituals? Isaac always does stretching and breathing exercises before shows. Mike makes fun of Isaac.

Biggest misconception about musicians? There are none. We’re all cocky, sexy bitches that most people are jealous of.

More likely to end up in Playboy: Lindsey or Britney?
Lindsey (but only as a red-head). Britney is primed for Penthouse or Foxx.

Anyone in particular you’d like to thank if you win? The TREBEK fans…and always Mike Ditka.

In five years, you’ll be…? We’ll still be jerkoffs, naked and drunk

Ever get stage fright? No. Unless having to go to the bathroom 5 times within the 10 minutes prior to the show means “stage fright.”

Which is better, sex or being on-stage…or maybe sex on-stage? They’re both the same thing. It’s all a show and everyone’s showing off…and with any luck, getting off.

Proudest moment of your adult life? Matt Dionne ~ Birth of my daughter, Rylee. Made me realize that I’d make a beautiful woman. Isaac Aldrich ~ Getting to finally eat cookies for dinner. Mike Kelly ~ Experiencing the success of my brother and sister. Jeff Brunelle ~ Finishing the Boston Marathon… actually, it was the Cleveland Steamer.

If you could play any venue in the world… Royal Albert Hall or Stonehenge, like in Guitar Hero II

Since there’s no audience when you’re recording, what keeps your energy and performance up? Constant ribbing. Nobody is ever safe. We have a good crew in this band and always have. We take things VERY seriously when recording, but we never stop busting balls. That said, when someone is recording their track we’re able to vent or prove someone wrong. It’s fun. Plus the beer doesn’t hurt the process.

What have you learned from the recording process? That we’re pretty much flawless and that ingrown toe-nails have no place in a recording studio. And that no one will save you a slice of pizza.

Matt, you’re so mild-mannered off-stage. Where’s all that passion come from when you step on-stage and become The Lead Singer? It’s like sex. You see a beautiful girl just walking by or read about Jessica Alba in a magazine or something and you start feeling IT. Some of it’s aggressive and some of it’s not. But when you’re able to tell that special someone your story in your own “special” way, the story comes out pretty powerful J. For me, as I do the day job, deal with the bozos in the band (just kidding guys), and watch American Idol’s glorification of mediocrity, I’m able to write with white knuckles in most cases faster than I can think. Then the rhythm section kicks in followed by the growl of the guitar and the mocking sounds of the keys. Standing in front of all of that, it’s almost impossible to NOT deliver the story we wrote without passion.

Uncle Billy’s Smokehouse – Best Jam & Groove Act

[Questions answered by Jody Ryan. And the band was OK with that.]

Best concert you’ve ever attended? My favorite concert I’ve seen is a toss up between Paul McCartney, The Beastie Boys or Phish (of the shows I can remember).

Real ones or fake ones? Real ones all the way

Band/person who inspires/d you most? The Beatles are the most inspiring band to me (and I’m speaking for most everybody in the band right now).

Vinyl, cassettes, CDs, or all this new-fangled technology? Vinyl. There really is something to be said about a continuous analog wave ~ Ride it, Baby!

Easier to perform in front of 3 people or 300? It all depends on the energy ~ the crowd feeds the band, no matter how many there are.

And what style bathing suits will you be sporting at the beach this summer? We’re all going topless this summer.

How’d you come up with the name of the band? UBS was started out in Colorado by me and my brother ~ the name is a tribute to our pops, Billy Ryan.

Most embarrassing on-stage moment? I’ve personally fallen off of a few stages, but that’s about it. I like falling off stages, though.

Dunkin’ Donuts, Honey Dew, or Starbucks? I like Dunkindewbucks.

Best song ever? Another toss up for me – tough question, but I’d have to go with either Hey Bulldog (The Beatles), Frankenstein (Edgar Winter) or Sheep (Pink Floyd). Wait, maybe The Simpsons theme…

If you could sign an endorsement deal for one product, what would it be? I think I would sign an endorsement deal for Coors Light – it’s our life juice.

First gig you ever played? The first gig for Uncle Billy’s Smokehouse was an outdoor wine festival in sunny Manitou Springs, CO. A drunken old lady was dancing to “Call Me The Breeze” and dropped the bottle she was drinking out of. It was great ~ we got it on tape.

So your dream tour would be opening for…? I’d personally love to open for The Rolling Stones ~ I bet that would be a crazy tour !

White Chocolate – Best Cover Band

Smack ~ guitar; Max Maroon ~ bass / vocals; Squid Disco ~ drums / precussion / vocals; Ice B ~ drums / percussion / vocals; Spoonie J ~ vocals Rod Hammer – keys / vocals
Quiknutz ~ guitar / vocals

If you could sign an endorsement deal for one product, what would it be? SQUID: Tostitos Lime Tortilla Chips ICE B: Ziljian would be great, sticks and cymbals are pricey. SMACK: Miller Lite.

So who’s your stylist? SQUID: Grimace from McDonald’s. ICE B: Nobody, can’t you tell?

Best concert you’ve ever attended? SQUID: Mr. Bungle or Alice Cooper. ICE B: Red Hot Chili Peppers 2004 and 2006…awesome SMACK: It’s a tie. Stone Temple Pilots at the DCU Center and Hall and Oates at the Orpheum.

Any of you a member of any on-line fan clubs? C’mon, you can tell us… SQUID DISCO: He-Man and the Masters of the Universe fan site.

Band/person who inspires/d you most? SQUID DISCO: Mike Patton, Marilyn Manson, Toucan Sam. ICE B: John Frusciante / RHCP. SMACK: Dean DeLeo, Joe Pass.

Which one of you can go the longest without a drink? Squid Disco.

If the band name “White Chocolate” had already been taken, what was your back-up? ICE B: Black Vanilla. SMACK: Dunno, something else just as cheesy.

Musical training? ICE B: 4th through 12th grade band, some lessons. SMACK: Nah, quit after 2 lessons, can’t read a note.

And what style bathing suits will you be sporting this summer? ICE B: Jams. SMACK: Rumor has it Spoonie’ll be in a Speedo.

Most embarrassing on-stage moment? ICE B: A little vomit. SMACK: Yeah, Spoonie threw up on stage once too.

Highest note you can hit? ICE B: You name it, I can hit it. SMACK: “B” is full of sh*t.

Who gets the most action in the band? ICE B: Spoonie-J. SMACK: ICE B’S hand gets the most action.

Best song ever? SQUID: “Prescription Underpants” by PAKO. SMACK and anything off of Original Musiquarium by Stevie Wonder.

And when do you plan to add go-go dancers into the act? ICE B: We get some dancing on a regular basis, but maybe full-time dancers in 08.”

The Pulse reports that plans are already underway for next year’s Awards, including a special Nominees’ Party, so if you didn’t get to join in the fun this year, you’ll get to be part of it in ‘08 ~ and for those of you who were there, we know you won’t want to miss next year’s blowout!