An Interview with Comic Dan Smith
By Christine R. Walsh

You can love comedian Dan Smith because he’s hunky, seductively sarcastic and performs for US troops stationed at military bases around the world. You can hate Dan Smith because he abhors ostriches and has nothing nice to say about Alaska. But no matter how you feel about this Worcester-born, Los Angeles-living funny man, he’ll make you laugh…a lot.

Smith sat down with Pulse Magazine to discuss his rise up the ladder of stand-up comedy.

Christine R. Walsh: So were you a natural born hilarious comic or did you have to study comedy?

Dan Smith: I took some acting classes when I was growing up. My parents, Marc and Susan Smith, founded Worcester’s Foothills Theatrre, so you could say that I grew up on stage. But I actually went to school at Northeastern University for Business and became a medical underwriter.

CW: Well, there’s nothing funny about underwriting, that’s for sure. When did comedy come into the picture?

DS: My first performance was at Nick’s Comedy Stop in 1991. I did a pretty solid five minutes of comedy and the manager asked me back.

CW: I’d ask you back, too. Are you single? How old are you?

DS: I’m 35 and I am seeing someone. But what does that have to do with anything?

CW: *Sigh.* *Pout.* It means back to the interview. You’ve gone on several comedy tours to military bases. How did you get involved with those?

DS: I was performing at a Hollywood club and a scout approached me. The scout was actually there to view another comic, but he ended up liking my act and he asked me to join his company’s military comedy tour. I was very lucky.

CW: What’s it like performing in other countries?

DS: It depends. In Iraq, the soldiers’ only sources of entertainment were the Internet and the telephone. They really appreciated our comedy shows. But in Korea, the soldiers are allowed a little more freedom. In Korea, I actually met up with three soldiers from South Boston. Southie! They took me out to the bars and I didn’t buy a single drink the entire night. People from Massachusetts share some sort of great bond.

CW: I want to be a comic. How can I get started?

DS: Grab the calendar section of the newspaper, find all of the open mic opportunities and start going to as many as you can. The practice will help you fine-tune your act. Begin networking with all of the other comics you meet. You’ll learn from each other and help each other find gigs. But if you want to make it in this business, you need to be incredibly persistent.

CW: So I must ask why you hate ostriches and Alaska.

DS: Ostriches are ugly, stupid birds and I want to punch them. I only like ostriches as toppings on my pizza. If a restaurant doesn’t have ostrich as a topping choice, they will when I’m done with them. And all they do in Alaska is fish and throw snow balls. The US just wanted to have an even number of states.

CW: What’s in the future for you?

DS: Tons. I have three tours to Saudi Arabia and Africa before Christmas. But I’m really excited about my new comedy DVD, “Manjob.” It’s available on my website and I’m really proud of it.

For more info on “Manjob,” Dan Smith and ostrich-bashing, go to

Please note: The opinions expressed about ostriches and Alaska are those of the interviewee and in no way represent how Pulse magazine feels about that fine bird and majestic state. Really.