06.10 Leominster’s Freda Clothing Company

By Sally Horowitz One day in 2008, long time friends Andy Freda and Nelson Rojas, both natives of Leominster, were doodling. Freda spelled out his last name and together they…

06.10 Buttons, Beads, and Blisters

By Ariana Shuris After an eight-hour shift serving at the Beacon Street Bistro, twenty-eight-year-old Erika Jorjorian rushes home to her basement. No, that’s not where she sleeps or where she…

06.10 Face the Sun with Total Sun Protection

Nature’s Gate Introduces New Faceblock SPF 25 By Hillary Stone Whether you’re hitting the city streets or hitting the surf, stay protected in the sun with new Nature’s Gate Faceblock…

05.10 Fashion ROCKS

By Emily Kopec Pulse puts the magnifying glass on the fashion lines of four popular musicians. Avril Lavigne: Abbey Dawn When Ms. Lavigne guest-judged on American Idol this season, I…

05.10 Tie Dye to Die For

By Beth Frankklin Denimocracy’s latest collection of skinny jeans, which includes tie dye-inspired washes, is just the thing to focus on as we head into spring and summer and leave…