06.07 PulseWHEELS

NEED SPEED? Put your pedal to the metal at NER By Alex Kantarelis Car fanatics and gearheads finally have a place they can call home: the New England Region (NER)…

06.07 Pulse’s Hero of the Month

Spencer Dickson, United States Marine Corps PFC Dickson, Spencer MUSMC Sect/Pit, company MWSS-271 DET A Unit 78102 FPO AE 09509-8102 As the war in Iraq and Afghanistan wages on, the…

05.07 Josh Peromsik of JMP Guitars

By Alex Kantarelis Worcester has a little known musical secret. It’s not a hot new band, or an amazing live venue ~ it’s not a world class recording studio or…

05.07 PulseBOOKS

One-on-One with Author Christopher Golden By Joseph McGee Best-selling Framingham-native author Christopher Golden has carved himself out a very unique publishing niche ~ he has had tremendous success with his…

05.07 A Stylish Brain Break

By Leeanne Griffin Here’s one mostly for the girls (although guys, it would hurt you to take a peek, too ~ surprise your someone special with something special from one…

06.07 Pulse’s Hero of the Month

Spencer Dickson, United States Marine Corps PFC Dickson, Spencer MUSMC Sect/Pit, company MWSS-271 DET A Unit 78102 FPO AE 09509-8102 As the war in Iraq and Afghanistan wages on, the…