Hot & Now: September 2015

The British are coming. In a somewhat surprising move, The Urban Kitchen on Worcester’s Shrewsbury Street closed its doors in August after 8 months in business. The opening night party…

GameON: Lego Jurassic World

Lego Jurassic World is dino-sized fun. Leave it to Lego to take one of the most beloved movie franchises of all time and make it even more endearing. Lego Jurassic…

PulseBOOKS: Don’t miss these new releases

Jen Lancaster is best known for her witty, laugh-out-loud memoirs, in which she pokes fun at herself in a completely relatable way. Because of my love for Lancaster’s non-fiction, I’ve…

PulseBREW: Timeless classics

It seems every week a new beer is released, and it’s the latest and greatest. It might be finished with the newest experimental hop, aged in a barrel that once…

Hot&NOW: August 2015

Summer Restaurant Week. The summer edition of Worcester Restaurant Week takes place Aug. 3-15. For $23.15, you get a three-course meal in more than 40 of Central Massachusetts’ best restaurants.…