EverydayScience: Full moon myths explained

Myths surrounding Halloween and the moon are abundant in our culture. Full moons on Halloween are thought to bring out every sort of nightmare, from werewolves to witches. Ask any…

Hot&Now: October 2014

OktoberFest on Shrewsbury Street. Can’t make it to Munich this year? Head down to Worcester’s Shrewsbury Street for a variety of Oktoberfest beers. There will be live music, as well…

PulseBrew: Is that Gluten Free?

Seven times this weekend, I heard someone ask if a particular product contained gluten. Whether it’s because of allergies or lifestyle choices, people are looking for gluten-free alternatives to everything.…

Hot&Now: September 2014

Can you teach an old Sea Dog new tricks? Tavern in the Square recently opened in Northborough at the site of the former Sea Dog Steak & Ale. This is…

PulseBooks: 2039

Every now and then, I look at the news and think, “Wow, George Orwell totally called that in 1984.” I just hope I don’t have a similar reaction to the…