The PULSE Team

Photo credit: Liz Brooks
Danielle Brooks
For Worcester locals in the know, Danielle Brooks was probably already on your radar. Perhaps you saw her art on the wall at the popular Worcester Wares stores, where she is a manager and designer, or maybe you are wearing one of her shirt designs right now. For many though, their introduction to Danielle’s work would have been through Redemption Rock Brewing. The craft brewery has been using Danielle’s incredible work to illustrate many of their beers with miraculous results. Danielle’s art explodes with whimsy and gets more delightful the longer you look. Pair that with Redemption Rock’s delicious beer and you have something truly special. She’s also recently begun design work for Worcester’s fine doughnut establishment, Glazy Susan. We can’t wait to see what she has in store for 2021.

Photo Credit: Joseph Gonzalez-Dufresne
Seltzer Time
You are probably already familiar with Ricky Nelson and Travis Duda. Maybe Ricky served you a beer at the area-favorite (but sadly, now defunct) Dive Bar. Maybe you met Travis while marveling at some of the incredible public art you’ve seen around the city. When Travis isn’t “popping seltzer cans,” he spends his time with Hunchback Graphics + Design, his company. Both have their hands in all things Worcester, but there’s an even better chance you know the pair from their breakout podcast, Seltzer Time. Sure, it started humbly, but these days it’s hugely popular with guests from Worcester standouts to artists, to new restaurateurs, to musicians and those involved in local outreach. It’s got a little bit of everything, but the pair manage to keep it tight and entertaining and look to continue into the future.