Jennifer Russo
Recently, I was in a conversation with a friend who was upset that a job opportunity had not come through. For weeks, she would mention this when I ran into her. She was emotional, stressed and negative each time she spoke about it to me. Finally, I asked her if allowing herself to hold onto the stress made any positive difference for her when it was something she had no control over and could not change.
This got me thinking about the many times when a door of opportunity has closed for me, especially in those times when it was something I really wanted. It certainly can be a stressful experience to be told “no” or when something doesn’t pan out the way we had hoped. That being said though, the more I consider it, the more I realize that those closed doors were an opportunity in themselves.
The more I look at my very up and down life, the more I see that sometimes doors closing are a great thing. If things hadn’t happened the way they did, opportunities to move on to even better things waiting in the wings may have been missed. I simply wouldn’t have been exposed to some amazing jobs, friendships and other opportunities for success and fulfillment.
We need to ask ourselves why sometimes we can’t move on when something like this happens. If we persist on trying to open doors that have been closed to us, is it because we are stubborn and refuse to be told we can’t have what we think we want? And what does that stubbornness get us aside from stress we don’t need? What we may find Is that we are now expending good energy trying to force the door open and as a result we might possibly miss out on better chances the Universe has waiting for us.
Next time a door closes, put the battering ram down and know that you are being led to another great thing. There is a measure of trust there. There may be a very good reason why we are being guided in a different direction.
The pure light in me honors the pure light in you. Namaste.