Worcester, MA – The City of Worcester and Worcester Cultural Coalition welcome all thespians and theater lovers alike to the Worcester Common Oval for a free summer evening of drama featuring Shakespeare’s Coriolanus on Wednesday, August 16th from 7-9 p.m.
After last year’s successful Shakespeare on the Common, featuring a preview of “As You Like It”, the City is happy to bring the talented Worcester Shakespeare Company back downtown. Theater attendees are encouraged to bring a blanket or lawn chair to enjoy the presentation. Food vendors such as Teddy’s Lunch Box and Minuteman Kettlecorn will be on hand to satisfy the best of appetites.
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“A people devastated by hunger an enemy at the gates,
a popular politician with nothing but contempt for the people he’s supposed to represent.
Tensions erupt in this tale of power, pride, and bloody, bloody revenge.”
This story of the Coriolanus is a political drama set in ancient Rome where famine has spread amongst the citizens deepening the divide between the wealthy and the poor. A man by the name of Caius Martius rises to leadership through the hostility and is honored with the title Coriolanus, but unfortunately his trying future will ultimately lead to his demise. “Coriolanus is Worcester Shakespeare at its very finest. The story is high drama and helps us appreciate and look at the world in new ways,” noted Erin Williams, Cultural Development Officer.
Briana Lynn Naughton a middle school English teacher in Marlborough and the director of Worcester Shakespeare’s rendition of Coriolanus noted that “what fascinates and frightens me most about this play is the mob mentality, a concept I wanted to emphasize and experiment with in this production. We are asking you to fill the role of the masses.”
Worcester Shakespeare Company’s artistic director Mel Cobb said, “To perform the plays of Shakespeare in a dynamic and accessible manner; to contribute to the cultural life of the community; and, to survive. It cannot be emphasized too much that all WSC does depends ultimately on the support of our loyal audience; who so far seem disposed to find us wherever we are; And keep growing in numbers. WSC will do everything in its power to make sure this growing phenomenon continues.”
The cast of Coriolanus includes Evan Crocker as Coriolanus, Colin Fuller as Cominius, Jeff Dodd as Menenius, Emmiline Prior as Sicinius, Ryan Cashman as Aufidius, Jourdan Spruill as First Citizen, Kim Collazo as Third Citizen, Briana Naughton as Volumnia, Norah Hogan as Virgilia and Sarah Morin as Valeria. For the full listing of cast biographies please visit: www.WorcesterShakespearecompany.org.
About the #Worcester100 Campaign
Worcester City Manager Edward M. Augustus, Jr. has challenged his staff and the community to make 2017 the biggest year on the Common yet with #Worcester100, a campaign to bring 100 events to the Common this year. So far, the Common has hosted thousands of visitors at events like the Craft Brew Races, Food Truck Festivals of America’s annual food truck and craft beer event, a Spring Garden Festival and Plant Sale hosted with the Regional Environmental Council, and many more.
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For a complete list of upcoming events, visit www.WorcesterCommonOval.com. Event organizers interested in hosting their event on the Common should call the City Manager’s Office at 508-799-1175 or email specialevents@worcesterma.gov.
Throughout the year, visitors to Common events are encouraged to post their photos with the hashtag #Worcester100. The best photos will be featured on the city’s social media platforms.
About the Worcester Cultural Coalition
The Worcester Cultural Coalition ( WCC) is a public-private partnership established in 1999 between the City of Worcester and twelve cultural organizations. Today membership stands at 75 organizations, accounting for more than 2.7 million visitors to Worcester in calendar 2015, up from 1.5 million in 2006. Its mission is to draw on Worcester’s rich and diverse cultural assets to foster economic revitalization, support active, creative engagement for all and promote a strong cultural identity for Greater Worcester.