Last year, I wrote about typical Irish beers to enjoy throughout March in honor of St. Patrick’s Day. I reviewed Guinness Draught, Harp Lager, Beamish Stout, Smithwick’s Ale, Murphy’s Irish Stout and local favorite, Quinn’s Irish Ale from Wachusett Brewing.

I decided to change things up due to the weather. As I sit here writing this, my pool is covered with more than 5 feet of snow. Fruit reminds me of summer, particularly those of the citrus variety. I decided to review a number of fruit beers. Join me in trying these as we wait anxiously for better weather. Cheers!

PulseBREW: Beers with fruitBallast Point Grapefruit Sculpin, 7% ABV
I know what you’re thinking right now. Of all the fruits in the world to put in a beer, they chose grapefruit? Really? Yes, and you should run and buy some. Now!

This is an IPA that begins with the award-winning Sculpin, which I have written about before and order whenever I see it on tap. Sculpin is a West Coast-style IPA, which in itself has notes of pine, tangerine, melon and grapefruit from the hops. The addition of actual grapefruit magnifies the citrus component of this beer and blends well with the base beer and ~ here is the key part ~ makes it better.

It pours a medium orange with a fluffy white head. The smell is mainly a citrus blend of lemon and grapefruit. It sure doesn’t smell like winter. Is has a soft-medium mouthfeel with just moderate carbonation. Even with the addition of the grapefruit, it is a well-balanced IPA that finishes crisp and clean with little aftertaste. This is one of my new favorites.

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PulseBREW: Beers with fruitDogFishHead Aprihop 7% ABV
This is another IPA with added fruit, but this time, expect apricots. It pours a pale yellow with a two-finger head. The aroma is predominately piney hops with a touch of sweetness. It tastes like it smells, with an alternating rush of floral characters from the hops and sweetness from the malts. Then there’s a slight bitterness from the hops that is washed away by the faint flavor of apricot. It almost tastes like a light Belgian ale with all of the complexities. To sum it up, this beer is great for someone who does not like a bitter end to an IPA. The apricots temper the bitterness of the hops like sour cream tempers the heat in nachos.

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PulseBREW: Beers with fruitClown Shoes Clementine, 5.9% ABV
Here is a Belgian Witbier with the addition of fresh clementine. It pours a pale, straw yellow with a huge, fluffy, bright-white head. The smell is predominately citrus, which is no surprise, since Witbier’s are brewed with orange peel, and this particular beer has the addition of its cousin, the clementine. This is a tame version of the style, lacking any coriander, clove or bubblegum esters from the yeast. It is ridiculously drinkable and sure to remind you that sunnier days are ahead.

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PulseBREW: Beers with fruitBlack and Blue, 4.35% ABV
This is a mixture of Wachusett Blueberry and Guinness Draught. I have reviewed both of these beers independently, but never together. Many places you visit in Worcester will have both of these on tap, and I am sure the bartender will make it for you if it is not on the menu. It brings together the coffee-like roastiness of the Guinness and the sweetness and flavor of the blueberry ale. The Wachusett Blueberry Ale will sink to the bottom, while the Guinness will rise to the top, as it is not carbonated with carbon monoxide but with nitrogen. It is a chocolatey, blueberry masterpiece! Also on the list to try is a Black Velvet, which is a mix of Guinness and hard cider.

By Kerry Cyganiewicz