As you’re just beginning to bask in the summer that seemed would never come, few of us are likely beckoning for fall’s return. That is, unless you’re pre-planning for the 11th annual Rock and Shock convention and concert combo that kicks terror and good times up a notch in October. The three-day festival of “monsters, music and mayhem” may be three months off, but the folks behind the event have a pre-party of sorts to get all you ghoulish guys and gals in Central Massachusetts in the mood.
With the heat, the horror also rises when the Italian progressive rockers of Goblin perform their timeless and eerie score from the George A. Romero horror classic Dawn of the Dead. Claudio Simonetti’s Goblin is also known for soundtracks for Dario Argento’s Profondo Rosso (Deep Red) and Suspiria. Special guests for the live concert include Stolen Babies and Hate Eternal.
“Fans can expect nothing less than a great show from Claudio and crew. Goblin will be playing their famed Dawn of the Dead soundtrack in its entirety, which will be such a treat for film- and music-lovers alike,” said Jillian Miller, marketing director for Rock and Shock and The Palladium.
The July 16 show will get fans in the mood for the festival in the fall, which Miller said isn’t just for diehard horror fans, but is a family-friendly event for all to enjoy.
“We always look for ways to incorporate our fans into the event, which I think sets us apart from other conventions,” Miller said. “The past 10 years have brought in some incredible stars from both the horror and rock genres, culminating in last year’s extravaganza, which featured Robert Patrick (Terminator 2, True Blood), Robert Englund (Nightmare on Elm Street), Michael Rooker (The Walking Dead, Slither) and many more.”
Check out rockandshock.com for all the latest updates about the fall event or keep an eye on Rock and Shock’s Facebook and Instagram to find out just who will be scaring up fun for you this October!
Get stoked for the fall event and get your tickets for some experimental rock with Goblin at The Palladium box office, which is open from noon-4:30 p.m. Tuesday-Friday and during shows. Tickets are $25 in advance and $27 the day of the show. For complete show details, visit palladium.net.
By Mike Wood