With The Amazing Spider-Man 2 swinging into theaters this summer, naturally there’s an Amazing Spider-Man 2 video game to coincide with it. But does the game have as much spark as the film, or does it fizzle out like Electro? With a game market that is becoming as populated with superheroes as Hollywood, Spidey has some stiff competition.
Whether you enjoyed the new movie or not, TASM2 the game is not a carbon copy. In fact, it’s a unique, stand-alone story that lives within the same universe as the current film series. You’ll see characters that look similar to their on-screen counterparts, as well as the same Oscorp tower casting its shadow over the city, but the introduction of different villains and plot points expands the story and makes it feel more like The Amazing Spider-Man 3. Classic heavies like Kraven the Hunter, Kingpin, Shocker and Carnage all make their presence felt, as if they’re auditioning for a role in the next film. You’re also given the opportunity to play not just as Spider-Man but also as Peter Parker, making the game feel more rooted in reality.
is similar to other superhero games, particularly the Batman Arkham series. Like Batman’s Detective Mode in Arkham, Spider-Man has his Spider-Sense, which changes his vision and alerts him to nearby enemies and danger. And like the free-roaming environment of Gotham, New York City also gets the same treatment in TASM2
(free-falling off skyscrapers and web-swinging through New York City is an absolute blast), with a map to direct you to the main storyline missions and side missions. And therein lies the major bummer of TASM2: the side missions.
It may seem trivial, but the side missions you are pressured to complete are a major headache and throw off the entire flow of the game. You have a Heroic Level meter that deciphers the public’s perception of Spider-Man, and if you successfully complete the side missions, which are all redundant fire rescues and car hijackings ~ then you’ll be safe and viewed as a help to the community, increasing your Hero Level.
But if you fail these missions, or just flat out choose to ignore them and pursue the main story instead, your Heroic Level steadily decreases and will end up in the Menace Level, meaning Oscorp’s Task Force will come hunt you down. It’s a pesky annoyance that distracts from the meat of the game and ends up becoming a chore. Why would you want to have to keep fighting with no-name street thugs when you can be butting heads with real Marvel menaces?
TASM2 may not reach the same level as other superhero games, but it does go beyond being a forgettable movie tie-in. There’s something for fans of the new film to enjoy, and there’s clearly an effort made to connect with longtime readers of the comics, as well. (A special someone is the proprietor of a comic shop in the game.) TASM2 may not be amazing, but it will give your web shooters a workout.
For more, visit theamazingspidermangame.com.