To: My Body | Love: Me <3
By Victoria Piscatelli
In February, everyone is looking for love. Those who have a significant other go from store to store, trying to find special gifts to express their love. As children, we grow up stuffed full of princess movies and fairytales and the idea that for every person in the world, there is a great love waiting to be found. But what if this great love is right in front of you? Rather than looking for Cupid to hit you with one of his arrows this February, be your own Valentine and learn to love yourself and your body.
One of the strongest types of love is self-love, in which we truly accept, respect and have confidence in ourselves. Health, fitness, nutrition and diet should not be things that add stress to our lives; they should bring us happiness and confidence. But it is very easy to take treating our bodies well too far by over-exercising, under-eating and stressing about working out or staying on track with our diet. Although eating a healthy diet and exercising is a great way to show our bodies some love, it is important to stay balanced. So, here are the best ways to show yourself some love this Valentine’s Day in a truly happy and healthy way:
Accept yourself. In the movie Forrest Gump, Forrest’s momma said, “Life is like a box of chocolates; you never know what you’re gonna get.” The same can be said about our bodies. There are a variety of body types out there, just like there are a variety of different chocolates. Remember, size is just a number.
Enjoy the chocolate. Do not be afraid to indulge in a treat here and there. A chocolate, a burger or a milkshake will not kill you! An unhealthy food every now and then is not bad for you; what is bad for your body and health is a diet that consists mostly of unhealthy fats and sugars.
Eat fruits and vegetables every day.
Although broccoli or apples may not be the most exciting foods in the world, they are healthy foods and essential to loving yourself. Eating about two cups of vegetables with lunch and dinner and two pieces of fruit a day will help you show your body some love. When you eat well, you feel good.
Stay hydrated.
Drinking water throughout the day will not only help you stay energized, it will keep you from overeating. It also does wonders for your skin!
Exercise. There are many ways to get out and get moving. Whether you are a hiker, biker, swimmer, gym-goer or Zumba dancer, get your heart rate up and break a sweat. The endorphins from exercise will leave you feeling good, and your body will appreciate the activity.
Rest. Overextending yourself will only lead to injuries and a weaker immune system. It is better to take a day off to sleep or relax than to push yourself at the gym when you really are not feeling up to it.
Don’t stress.
Take a look at things that are stressing you out and ask yourself, “Will this be important in a week, a month or a year? Is it worth it?” If the answer is no, take a step back and do something that makes you happy. You are in charge of your own happiness!
It just feels good, and it is contagious.
Socialize. Sometimes you need to just go out with friends, grab a drink and dance. So go ahead and shake that thang.
So, go ahead, buy yourself some chocolate, laugh and enjoy this lifelong relationship between you and your body. When you love yourself and your body, every day will be Valentine’s Day.