By Stacia Kindler

Let’s be honest this new year: Staying connected with the latest fashions can be hard, especially with the buzz of the holidays still settling. Luckily for us, getting back in touch with your inner babe is just as simple as staying connected with the people who have that “it” factor. Our good friend Instagram has made that challenge as easy as a tap away.Then again, with endless bloggers, stylists, models and retailers competing for your attention on social media across the board, you might find yourself going follow-crazy on random fashion accounts. So, how do we choose which muses drive us crazy with inspiration for beautiful outfits in 2014? We got you covered! We dug deep to reveal some of the up-and-coming fashion heavy-hitters for you to follow who are sure to be big hits in no time.

Sophia Amoruso | Founder and CEO of NastyGal


One of the most inspiring women of our generation, as well as setting an example for the industry all around, Sophia Amoruso started her powerhouse online retailer, NastyGal, from an account on eBay. She sold her used clothing, using MySpace as an advertising platform. Now, more than five years later, has thousands of customers in countries around the world. It’s a wonder this busy lady even has time to Instagram! Though, as an entrepreneur who credits much of her success to the wonders of social media, the photos are a must.

Her interesting account reveals masses of bad-ass wardrobes choices that can be found on the site, with Amoruso herself pushing the envelope with her outfit choices. Sprinkled with images of what life is like as the 2013 “Sexiest CEO Alive” at NastyGal headquarters and living large in Los Angeles, her account is an inspiration to anyone looking for some new fashion ideas ~ and especially for anyone considering a career in the industry.

Ashley Glorioso | Fashion blogger



Blogger Ashley Glorioso, also known by the adorable alias Purse ‘N Boots, is a self-proclaimed “professional outfit maker.” Her insanely rad bohemian outfitting, which she matches with the latest trends, screams California cool. The best part about her account, however, is the laid-back, hippie-grunge vibe of it all. It’s cooler-than-cool fashion, hold the kissy face.

Topped off with her fearlessly modern ombre mane and plenty of statement jewelry, Purse N’ Boots has recently gained the attention of fashion giant Nordstrom as their newest muse for her own style-inspired shopping list on the department store giant’s website.

Chloe Ting | Fashion blogger


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Aussie native and outfit-making queen Chloe Ting is a master at fashion, her favorite hobby. That’s right; the style blogger actually works in finance! Depicting the best of all worlds on her ever-growing account, Ting may be decked out in all-over grunge in one photo and wearing a classically feminine outfit in bubblegum colors the next.

Her theory on style is very realistic: She goes with the flow of however she may feel, wearing whatever may motivate her in that moment, rather than desperately trying to adhere to one specific genre or trend. The photos are a clean, beautiful, no-fuss style inspiration for anyone looking for fresh new ideas this 2014 ~ because sometimes, we all need a little inspiration.