Sunscreen? Check. Sunglasses? Check. Towel? Check. Think your beach bag is complete? It isn’t if you don’t have something to cool off an accidental sunburn.

Unburn, a topical, water-based gel for fast sunburn relief, actually draws the heat out of the burn to cool the skin. Unlike standard aloe vera gel that seals in the heat from a burn, Unburn removes the heat for fast healing and relief. It’s a great must-have summer product as an alternative to aloe vera for those who a forgetful with their sunscreen and safe for the family.

How Unburn’s water-based gel draws the heat out of the burn to cool the skin:

  • Controls cooling by acting as a heat exchanger.
  • Promotes heat transfer.
  • Decreases heat through convection as the burn temperature drops, until the burned area and gel are equal.

So thrown some Unburn into your beach bag ~ just in case.