By Katey Khaos
According to, choosing a Facebook profile photo is serious business. After all, it’s the first thing that will greet what’s-his-name from high school, jealous exes and, more than likely, your employer. So, what is your Facebook photo actually saying about you?
Here are five popular Facebook photos types and what they could be telling everyone:
Portrait: You’re a normal adult who is comfortable in his/her own skin. Of course, there are exceptions. Is your photo a headshot? You might be a narcissist. Is your photo one of the ever-popular “selfies”? (Remember those terrible MySpace angle shots?) You’re probably self-centered and have nothing better to do with your time than take photos of yourself.
Far, Far Away: You’re a private person who doesn’t like dishing out personal info without a proper introduction. You probably don’t want some random creep knowing what you look like. (I can’t really blame you on that one, but let’s not let our paranoid personality out of the bag too soon, shall we?)
Extreme Close-ups: You probably had some imperfection when you were younger ~ bad teeth, lazy eye, acne, etc., and you’re still insecure about it. A heavily cropped image seems like the perfect solution.
You’re a Dog: If your photo showcases your beloved pet rather than yourself, you’re most likely a shy person who doesn’t like people knowing what you look like. Then again, let’s just hope that if your photo is of your cat, people don’t take you for a crazy cat lady.
Party Pose: You’re still young ~ and probably more irresponsible than you’d like to admit. You cave into peer pressure and have probably used the bathroom stall for something other than its intended purpose.
Those perceptions come off as a little harsh, don’t they?
Don’t get me wrong ~ you’re an awesome person, and you probably don’t see yourself as any of these things. Be advised, though, that you may be perceived in these ways, solely based on your profile photo ~ and I don’t mean just by random strangers.
It’s becoming more and more common for future employers to look up applicants’ Facebook profiles to get a better feel for who the candidate is. So, if you’ve recently applied for a few jobs, it might not be the worst idea to ditch that bachelorette photo for something a little more professional.