“Romance of the Telescope,” photo montage, by Peter Wise and “Enigma of the Green Dress,” digital print, by Catherine Wilcox-Titus.
“Double Exposure,” an exhibition by Peter Wise and Catherine Wilcox-Titus, opens March 20and will run through June 24. Working in photography and photomontage, the artists have created images in dialog with each other that are inspired by the theatricality of early 20th-century movies.
In the photographs by Wilcox-Titus, “streets and storefronts are seen as theatrical sets. Mannequins and objects in window displays are filled with dramatic potential.” Wise’s technique draws from film production and “mimes the language of film with photo stills, jump cuts and arrangements that suggest the editing process of film.” The results of both approaches are unexpectedly eerie and provocative.
An opening reception will take place at the Franklin Square Society Gallery at the Hanover Theatre from 6-8 p.m. Wednesday, March 20. This event is free and open to the public. To see the exhibit after the opening, or for more information about it, contact ArtsWorcester at (508) 755-5142 or info@artsworcester.org.