Worcester’s Comic with a Heart

By Dorit Slotow

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Alingon Mitra is a fresh, talented comic who began his comedy journey in his hometown of Worcester at the 3G’s Sports Bar. “I’d originally gone with the intention of just watching. But only 4 or 5 comedians were there, and they were just performing for each other. So, I thought, “What’s the worst that can happen?” His experience as a comedian quickly went uphill from there.

Mitra already has an impressive comedy resume and a long list of achievements under his belt. In 2011, he won the Catch a Rising Star Contest, and from then on he continued to rank in the finals of numerous competitions including The Last Comix Standing and The Boston Comedy Festival. Even though he has performed all over Massachusetts, Mitra’s favorite comedy spot is The Center Bar in Worcester, host to an informal comedy show twice a month. ”It’s a fun and relaxed atmosphere, which gives me the much needed opportunity to experiment with new material in front of a crowd,” he says.

When it comes to delivery and style, Mitra describes his unique act as “clean” even though he does not set boundaries on what he should say or how he performs. “I’ll try to talk about anything that I find funny, so the material isn’t limited to being only observational, only cultural, or only political. The hope is that if I keep presenting a perspective on stage that is unique to me, the jokes will be fresh, thoughtful, and funny. And the style will fall into place,” he says.

Mitra, who attended Harvard University, is also passionate about supporting local community organizations. Two organizations that are close to his heart include Medical Legal Partnership Boston (MLP Boston) and Community Legal Aid Organization. These initiatives provide low-income patients with legal assistance to fix situations that are often negatively affecting the patients’ health. Mitra was lucky enough to intern for MLP Boston after college: ”During the year of my internship, I saw what a large and unmet demand exists for these types of services. I’m very grateful to the people who support and, of course, staff these organizations.”

You can definitely expect to see more of Mitra in the future. He currently produces a free monthly show called “ Extra Helpings” with fellow comic Al Park. “It’s every third Wednesday at 9PM at The Milky Way (284 Amory Street, JP),” he says. ”We try to put together a nice blend of standup, sketch, and musical performers. So far, it’s been a lot of fun.”


Special thanks to Dan Smith