acrobats10-copyBy Shelly Aucoin

Since the government created it in 1950, the National Acrobats of the People’s Republic of China (NAPRC) has toured over forty countries and won nearly as many awards along the way. Now they’re coming to amaze and entertain at the oldest music festival in the United States. Ms. Zhang Hong, General Director of the Company, explains that they are in such great demand in their home hall that it was not previously possible to tour the U.S.

The performers combine complex choreography, acrobatics, Chinese King Fu, contortion, plate spinning, juggling and ballet in their breathtaking act. As if that weren’t enough, beautiful girls in elaborate costumes seal the deal. These lovely ladies perform aerial tricks like tossing their partners thirty feet into the air and juggling nine balls at a time while they ascend and descend an unsupported ladder. Performing dazzling somersaults, tumbling through hoops, and balancing are the least of their talents ~ you will absolutely amazed by the “Peacock’s Spreading Tail” where twenty-four people pose on just two bicycles. “Of the many great acrobatics companies from China, [we] are indeed the greatest acrobatic company in the world,” says Zhang Hong.

Artistic Director Ms. Sun Lili will choreograph the 2011 tour in collaboration with Ms. Hong. “Our collective experience and expertise in all elements of Chinese Acrobatics were the genesis for this new and thrilling program,” explains Ms. Hong. “All of the acts have been received by sensational audience response.” Brilliant colors, masterful lighting, traditional Chinese music and a unique art form combine to create a show you won’t soon forget. Audiences around the world have been brought from the edges of their chairs to cheer on their feet as the troupe seems to defy gravity and the limits of the human body alike. You’ll have to see it to believe it.

Join the fun at the 152nd Annual Worcester Music Festival on Friday, November 4th at 8:00 PM. The performance will take place in Mechanic’s Hall, located at 321 Main Street in Worcester. Tickets are $46, $43; students $20 advance/$15 at the door. Group rates are available for parties of twenty or more. Many NAPRC shows across the country have sold out so get your tickets now!

You can watch video clips of NAPRC acts on YouTube or see beautiful photos from past performances at

For more information about the Worcester Music Festival, visit

The 152nd Festival runs Oct. 14th – June 3rd.