New Mobile Messenger and Social Utility Keeps You in Touch with Friends across Android, BlackBerry or iPhone Devices ~ It’s a Fast and Free Alternative to Text Messaging!

By R. Peltier

lifestyle-pulsetech-livepr-copyFor the mobile generation, keeping in touch with friends while on the go can still be a surprisingly difficult task ~ it seems everyone is on a different device or carrier. Most have little choice but to resort to standard text messaging, but texting charges can rack up quickly, and there’s no way to know when ~ or even if ~ your message was received.

LiveProfile to the rescue! LiveProfile is the fast, free, and easy way to stay connected with friends on any Android, iPhone or BlackBerry device. LiveProfile combines the ease and convenience of a real-time mobile messenger with social-style profiles, pictures, videos, status updates and more.

A better alternative to SMS text messaging, LiveProfile allows users to communicate with lightning-fast message delivery and reliability. Unlike text messaging, LiveProfile lets you know when messages are delivered, read, and even when the recipient is typing a response, making it feel closer to a live conversation.

“Text messaging is slow and unreliable. It can take minutes for a single text message to be delivered and you don’t know if it was delivered until the other person responds,” said LiveProfile Co-founder and CEO Phil Karl. “LiveProfile fixes that problem by providing a highly reliable messaging system with more features that performs up to 100 times faster than texting.”

As a social utility, LiveProfile also integrates with popular social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter. But, unlike these very public platforms, LiveProfile is only available on mobile devices, providing a more closed and private network of friends, allowing users to share more than they normally would on traditional social networks. Group features, which will allow communication to multiple friends simultaneously, still for free and in real time, are coming soon.

LiveProfile fills the void for smart phone users who don’t have access to a unified mobile messenger, allowing users to communicate across carriers and platforms. And, LiveProfile works anywhere in the world: users can keep in touch with family and friends overseas without costly international texting charges.

“We’ve been experiencing explosive growth, primarily from people sharing the app with friends, and we expect this trend to continue, especially as the Verizon iPhone launch helps to transform the already fast-changing mobile landscape,” Karl said. “LiveProfile breaks through one of the final remaining barriers to fast, reliable, and socially enabled communication between mobile devices of all types. This really blows the doors to real-time communications wide open by putting the world in your pocket.”

We asked our resident tech guru to try out LiveProfile and let us know his thoughts about how it measures up against SMS texting:

“Think Facebook meets AOL Instant Messenger, only exclusively for smartphones. On the major plus side, you get to chat real-time with your friends whether they have an iPhone, Android or Blackberry phone, which is cool. On the downside, LP is only for phones, so you can’t use your computer to access the network, and of course your friends have to have smartphones, too (which, fortunately, more and more people do!). Just be careful heading to places where there is no data access (Canada, for example) ~ you won’t be able to use the service at all and will have to revert to SMS texting.

Since SMS texting in a giant p.i.a. in many ways though, and for people who don’t stray too far from cell towers and whose friends have smartphones, LiveProfile is an interesting alternative…it’s free, relatively novel, and sure, worth the download to try it out.”

To download and install LiveProfile, visit the Android Market, iPhone App Store or BlackBerry App World and search “LiveProfile”
or visit from your mobile device.