
By Meg Schulte

As a 2010 graduate of the College of the Holy Cross, I am still learning about all that Worcester has to offer its many college students. Many of these hidden gems have been shown to me by the Colleges of Worcester Consortium. The Consortium is an organization that aims to further the missions of its 13 member institutions and to advance higher education regionally. So, what’s so great about this alliance of schools? It provides students with valuable free services and promotes all that the city of Worcester has to offer: it provides transportation services to encourage students to get off campus and enjoy some of the fun events the Consortium sponsors and makes them aware of the discounts available to students.

One such service the Consortium offers is Cross-Registration. This is an arrangement among all member colleges and universities that allows full-time, undergraduate day students at these institutions to take courses at other campuses at no additional charge. Grades are compatible with the home institution’s grading system. With Cross-Registration, students do not miss out on the opportunity to take classes that interest them just because they are not offered at their home institution.

To assist in getting to some other campuses, as well as to other destinations in Worcester (such as the Worcester Public Library, Union Station, and the downtown area), the Consortium runs a shuttle service Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. This shuttle connects six member campuses: WPI, Becker, Assumption, Clark, Worcester State and Holy Cross. On Friday and Saturday nights, the Woo Bus is available to students at participating colleges, providing them with safe transportation to locations for food, shopping and entertainment. The shuttles run on a loop schedule which can be found at They are easy to use and free for students presenting a college ID.

Students can also catch the shuttle to take advantage of the numerous discounts available to college students in Worcester. The Consortium partners with the Worcester Cultural Coalition to make Woo Cards available to selected students on every campus. These cards give students great discounts at participating cultural organizations in Worcester including the EcoTarium, Hanover Theatre for the Performing Arts, and the Worcester Art Museum. Additionally, many local businesses offer direct discounts for local college students including Worcester Sharks games, Mt. Wachusett, Central Rock Climbing Gym, CLAYTIME Paint-Your-Own Pottery & Bead Studio and more.

The Consortium also offers services which include an online Internship Database and an annual Career Fair for students. Employers can post positions through the Internship Database allowing students to search for unique opportunities that will allow them to experience career fields and industries through internships before officially entering the workforce. Similarly, the Career Fair is open to all majors and class years and provides students with the chance to make valuable contacts and gain an edge in the increasingly competitive job market.

I am always able to find out more information about these services and learn about exciting events the Consortium sponsors in Worcester (high-tech scavenger hunts, concerts, and more) by checking my email for updates and following the Consortium Fan Page on Facebook. The College Shuffle on September 11 is a food festival open only to college students and is the perfect way to kick off the semester ~ by mingle with friends and enjoy great food and entertainment on Shrewsbury Street. These events and services have been easily accessible and useful to me during my four years in Worcester, and I am proud to promote the city to prospective students and refer to the Consortium as an invaluable resource.