By Erin Hansen
Lots of press releases find their way to my Inbox each day, and I wind up deleting most of them. But when I saw the words “high energy” and “sugar free,” I had to read on…As someone who is perpetually droopy-eyed, I’ll read about anything that claims it can safely perk me up. Turns out that there was a free sample offer with this particular press release ~ and it would have been rude of me to turn it down, right? I mean, in the name of all the folks out there who work long hours and have precious little down time…
First, a little background about Caffeinated VE2 Energy Gum, now available at (the first online retailer to carry the product). Two pieces of it are equal to a cup of coffee or an 8oz. energy drink, and the peppermint-flavored gum is crammed with energy-sustaining ingredients like vitamins B6 and B12, niacin, ginseng and guarana, delivering increased alertness and endurance without the “crash” of other energy products (always check with your doctor before trying any products with guarana). And another super-cool feature is the packaging ~ its environmentally-friendly, sleeveless design reduces paper usage by 50%. We like that.
Now, a little about my own personal test of VE2. Knowing that I’d have to remain awake (and alert) last Friday night at a CD release party after a seemingly endless week, I popped a few pieces of the gum into my purse ~ making sure not to have any other caffeine after work so that the “experiment” would be a fair one. 9 o’clock came around and in went the first piece ~ and I kid you not, within about five minutes I felt an upswing in my energy level ~ no manic rush, no jitters, just an increase in how awake I felt. NICE. Even nicer, the feeling lasted for a good couple of hours…plus I had minty fresh breath. Imagine, awake and smelling good…who could ask for more? After the party was over (1:30am, way past my usual bedtime), I was informed we’d be going for breakfast at this ungodly hour ~ and, after popping another piece of VE2, I managed to stay awake right through my huge order of pancakes and bacon.
So, if this magic little piece of chewing gum can keep me awake…safely…well, it’s certainly worth trying. And since we’re talking about travel in this issue, what better, more convenient pick-me-up to pack in your purse or suitcase to help counteract jet lag or late nights spent exploring your vacation destination! You can order and find out more about VE2 Laboratories’ VE2 Energy Gum, at