
By Robyn Lee

The Worcester Music Awards issue of Pulse is always one of the most gratifying to work on (and we hope to read!) because it celebrates everyone involved in the local music community ~ the fans who nominate and vote for their favorite acts, the venues that showcase the music, the musicians who share their talents with us and provide Worcester County with so much great energy and entertainment. We are really lucky to have such an amazing music scene and everyone who is a part of it ~ from performers to audience members to club owners ~ deserve a huge round of applause for what they do every day, not just as part of the Awards show itself.

IMG_2795.jpgBut since we ARE talking about the WMAs, it’s time to get to the thank yous. First, a huge shout out goes to the folks who sponsored the event and helped make it all possible: Union Music, City Music, and Bass Ale. Next we need to thank the man without whom none of this would have been possible, Mr. Scot Neri of Irish Times (and we think it’s only fitting that Irish Times/Rehab won for Best Dance Venue). Our presenters deserve a hand, too, for helping host the evening ~ Scot Neri, Erick Godin of The Lucky Dog (which won for Best Live Venue), Pulse music columnist Jillian Locke, and Scott McLennan, entertainment reporter for the Telegram and Gazette.

Next come this year’s performers ~ Melissa Gates, Ken Macy, 12 Step Program, Weight of Gravity, and Family Business 508. Each and every one rocked the house! And as they do every year, helping everyone look and sound their best was Image Productions working their magic on lights and sound.

Now it’s time to get to the folks who took home the trophies. These are the solo artists and bands that YOU nominated and that YOU voted for, so that really does make them YOUR winners. There were some close races and all the nominees did a great job of rallying the support of their fans. But here, along with photos taken throughout the evening, are the 2008 Pulse Magazine Worcester Music Award winners.


12 Step Program (Best Hardcore)
(as answered by Trey)

Band members and who plays what: Jeff D, Guitars;Trey, Vocals; Sean, Bass; Erik, Drums

Year the band officially started? The current lineup officially began around 2000 or 2001 when the punk version of the band, which started years before, broke apart and two of the founding members joined with me and Jeff and formed the metal version of 12 Step. Ironically enough, there are no longer any founding members in the band.

Remember the first gig you ever played? Each of us has a different story, but mine goes like this. I was a part of a band called Fragile with Jeff, who is now in 12 Step with me, and we were going to play my first show with the band (and my first show as a vocalist!) at the Espresso Bar in Worcester with Godsmack. I had been a roadie for the band because I loved their music and I eventually stole the vocal job from the guy who held it because I was around more often at practice and I was more nervous than I can ever remember being in my whole life. Sully from Godsmack saw this trembling 17 year old wreck that was me and decided to help me out….by handing me a flask of rum or whiskey! I can’t remember anymore, but he told me it would help calm me down. I was sitting there with my lyric sheets sipping on a flask of booze trying to keep the words that I had not memorized yet from escaping my head. When I got on stage I was so inebriated that I not only forgot all of the lyrics to the first song, but every one thereafter. I strung together phonetically sounded phrases that made no sense….and the sad part was it worked! Besides the hangover the next day… was a good show overall.

How’d you all meet? Jeff and I met in high school through a mutual drummer. We played in separate bands and went to separate schools and became good friends and band mates. We met Erik through a friend when our former drummer decided he couldn’t handle a full time gig schedule. We called Erik and after 2 tryouts we had him in the fold and subjected him to a trial of fire when he played 2 gigs in one day on his first day on the job. Sean and Jeff went to the same high school and were band geeks together. They remained friends in the following years and Sean started to come to all of our shows where he would help us out with promotion and merch sales. This was where Erik and I met him and when the situation with our bassist came up he was the perfect fit.

What are you going to call your first world tour? 12 Step Program and Wreckoning’s “Pictures in Poop” Tour or if we were solo, the “Just the Tip to See How it Feels” Tour

If you could make up any name for the genre of music you play, what would it be? Consensus says that we are called fuel-core. We are not really sure what that means, but we don’t really get caught up with all of that label stuff. We play heavy music and it’s different than most of the stuff you hear, so call it what you want. It’s 12 Step.

How many years before you’re on VH1’s Behind the Music? Screw VH1. If we end up there we will make sure to send our balls into some militant women’s group for processing.

Girlfriends on tour or make room for the groupies? Is this really a question? Let’s just say that even if you eat steak every day you can get damn sick of steak. I think the answer is self-evident.

Who’s the ladies’ man of the group? Sean is the pimp. The whole “powdah” look really gets the girls in the mood.

The biggest softie? I would have to say Erik. He has New Kids on the Block in his Ipod. He loves fine wine and long walks on the beach. Not to mention his truck driver vocabulary. Orgasms equal love.

Most into his own hair? Sean is definitely the one who keeps his hair trimmed the best…..oh…..wait……you meant hair on his head. Nevermind. That would be Trey. He takes longer than a girl to get ready to go anywhere.

Who has the dorkiest ride? Definitely Jeff. He has an F150. “That’s not dorky,” you say? When I tell you it’s a 4 x 2 pickup does that change your opinion? It should.

If the band came out with a line of products, what would it be? Some kind of beer that makes all women hot….wait I think that already exists….it’s called a thirty pack.

Ever been asked for your autograph? At both of our tours at Locobazooka we signed many boobies and maybe some other stuff…but all we remember are the boobies. Trey was also asked in a Wal-mart once. Then the crowd around the area all asked even though they had no clue who he was. Some people are such sheep.

Cougar or kitten? Either works….it’s really a question over whether you like the experience or to have dominance. Either way there’s a fantastic pussy…cat involved.

Is it true what they say about drummers? That they have small feet? Yeah…generally we have found this observation to be true.

Technology ~ helping or hindering musical creativity? There are really two sides to this answer and no real answer to be found. It helps within the recording and production process as well as in the realm of live sound. All of the new toys that have been made more affordable and accessible allow even the worst guitarists to get a monster tone and provides the worst of bands a sound like they know what they are doing in the studio. If you listen to recordings in the 70s and the recordings now….there is a world of difference. It also helps as far as promotion and accessibility. You can reach a worldwide audience, even as a local band, via the internet with your music and show announcements. You can even blog while on tour. Technology also has many ill effects on the music industry as a whole. It has made the record companies cautious about signing innovative bands because it is much harder to collect royalty rights considering music can be obtained for free in so many ways so they look for more “sure things” which then waters down the musical genres with bands that all sound similar. This definitely hurts the creativity of today’s musicians.

One thing about 12 Step that would most surprise our readers? That all of our music is really written by George Michael. We think it gives us that edge we are looking for.

Famous band you’d most like to see reunite? We would most like to see Pantera or Snot if death were not an obstacle.

Want to weigh in on ladies with pierced tongues? Yes, please! It’s especially cool when there are two of them and they click together when they are…..alright, that was too much info.

Most delightfully sleazy rocker in all of rock-n-roll history? It would have to be Gene Simmons. That man couldn’t whore out his entire life any more if he tried.

Any roadies, family members, strippers, friends, etc. you’d like to thank? We would like to thank Michael Bolton and Jessica Biel’s ass for all of our success. Thank you, guys, for our inspiration.


IMG_2914.JPGAmanda Lirange
(Best Female Vocalist, Sexiest Musician)

You’re part of a duo and also part of a band. How are the experiences different/similar?
Working in the duo with my brother, which is all covers, we both have equal input on song selection and our interpretations of the songs. The band I am in is someone else’s vision, and I do my best to fit the role that was made for me. When I was in Standard Deviation, we pretty much split creative control, and I wrote the lyrics and melody lines. And just like children, I love them all equally.

What are you going to call your first world tour?
The Defenestration Tour

If you could make up any name for the genre of music you play, what would it be?
Taiwanese fire shock-rock psychosis.

Boyfriend on tour or make room for the male groupies?
I hate boyfriends.

Speaking of…are you single or spoken for?
I hate boyfriends.

Who chooses your on-stage wardrobe/look?
Halloween Outlet.

What’s your creative process for coming up with new material?
I usually just write about things that upset or anger me. I think about what is bothering me that day, and then just write a song about it.

What’s changed for you music career-wise since you were nominated for the WMAs last year?
At last year’s WMAs, my brother and I performed together for the first time ever. Our second time ever was at the Pulse Acoustic show back in the fall. Since then we have made an official act out of it, and have been playing pretty regularly throughout Worcester. Outside of that, I have begun work on a few other musical projects.

Green room requests for when you make it big(ger)?
Outback Cheese Fries and a personal trainer.

Musical guilty pleasure?
90s Freestyle. Groups and singers like Seduction, Lizette Melendez, The Cover Girls, etc.

Has the whole MySpace thing helped you out at all?
It really has. Everyone has a MySpace, so it just makes it easier to get in contact with people or bands.

Secret crush?
Jareth, the Goblin King.

Famous band YOU’D most like to see reunite?
Faith No More

Leather, pleather, or mesh?
While mesh is very breathable, it makes you look like you just took a trip to Hampton Beach. SOOO, I guess it’s a tie between leather and pleather. I kind of wish liquid latex was an option.

On the guys ~ Manscaped or natural?

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Oh god….manscaped PLEASE.

If you could be on the soundtrack of one current TV show…?

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Flavor of Love 3.

Any special hidden talent(s)…that we can print?

I am actually a pretty good dancer, tap being the one I am best at. No lie. I took dance lessons for 14 years.

One artist or group (living or dead) you’d most like to collaborate with?
Mike Patton…after I had my way with him.

One of your nominations is for Sexiest Performer ~ what do you think makes someone sexy?
I mean other than the obvious things like having nice eyes or a good body or anything else physical, confidence without narcissism is incredibly important. Intelligence and stability are very attractive to me as well. All of that, mixed with a bit of crazy, is perfect to me.

Any roadies, family members, friends, collaborators, etc. you’d like to thank?
My family, friends, new and old bandmates, club owners, club employees, and anyone that supports local music.


Boothill Express
(Best Country /Americana)

IMG_2787.jpgMembers and who plays what: Dan Roy ~ bass (“D”); Wayne Ronn ~ lead singer, guitar (“W”); Bruce Duguay ~ lead guitar, vocals, (“B”); Claude “Boot” Ledger ~ 12 string guitar, mandolin (“BT”); Gary Brun ~ drums, percussion (“G”)

Musician who inspires/d you most? D: Paul McCartny, John Entwhistle, Tom Petty, George Jones; BT: Mark Knopfler; B: CSNY; GB: Billy Cobham; W: CSNY.

Musical training? D: Classically trained on saxophone, self taught on bass guitar. W, B, BT: guitar lessons. GB: self- taught.

Venue you’d most like to play? D: Boston Garden; BT: Grand Old Opry.

Most memorable on-stage moment? D: Wayne dressed in a gunny sack suit; BT: Beer, Bait, & Ammo girls; GB: I threw up once; B: appearing on TV in Indiana in the 70s, W: opening at Greenhill Park for Zonkeraz.

If you could sign an endorsement deal for one product, what would it be? Beer or Hooters!!!

So your dream tour would be opening for…? D: Tom Petty; GB: Rush; BT: Jimmy Buffet; B: Eagles; W: Emmy Lou Harris.

You list yourselves as Acoustic / Southern Rock / Country ~ but if you could use any word (real or made up) to describe your sound, what would it be? CountryThatRocks (it’s a real word ~ we looked it up!).

Biggest misconception about musicians? That they could play in a key other than “G.”

Most accurate stereotype? Good in bed & pretty.

Is there one instrument you can’t play that you wish you could? D: Piano; W & B: banjo; GB: nose harp; BT: fiddle

If you could play any venue in the world…D: Anyplace where I could turn my amp up over 3; B: Red Rocks; BT: Wembley Stadium; GB: Hatchshell

What’s next for the band? Increasing our fan base, bigger venues, & a big tour bus.

Anyone in particular you’d like to thank if you win? D: Wayne, for politicking for the band; BT: my wife & kids; B: all our fans, GB: Dalai Lama; W: Dolly Parton.


Clear the Way (Best Rock Act)

Band members and who plays what:
Jeff Seco on drums, Sean Mcgorty on guitar & lead vocals, Derek Hendrickson on lead guitar & vocals, Peter DeGraaf on bass and vocals

Remember the first gig you ever played?
Yes, the Hudson Rod and Gun Club

What are you going to call your first world tour?
The ”We Are Quitting Our Jobs” tour.

Who does your album cover art?
On our new record we did it. On our first EP our friend Dan Jenkins worked with us on it.

Girlfriends on tour or make room for the groupies?
Neither. [grin]

Who’s the Casanova of the group?
Single Seco.

The biggest softie (EMOTIONALLY SPEAKING!)?
It’s a tie between Jeff and Pete.

Most fashionable?

Ever done a video?
We have two videos already. One for “Dave” and the other for ”My Prayers.” Both were done by our good friend Emile Bourbeau (Devoid’s drummer).

If the band came out with a line of products, what would it be?
Clear The Way false teeth

A Prince Albert – accessory or method of torture?
One hole is enough…

Green room requests for when you make it big(ger)?
More beer. And some Jager for Pete.

Musical guilty pleasure?
Michael Jackson.

Is it true what they say about drummers?

How are arguments among the band members settled?
With a knife fight and makeout session

Musician you’d most like to meet/ask for advice/party with?
Dave Grohl. Hands down.

Famous band YOU’D most like to see reunite?

Leather, pleather, or mesh? Or maybe Spandex?

Manscaped or natural?
Split down the middle. 2 yes 2 no [big grin].

Iron Maiden has Eddie, Flavor Flave had his clock, KISS has their make-up…if money were no object, what would your gimmick/mascot be?
Songs that people like and that we really enjoy playing. ”Let the music do the talking.”

If you could be on the soundtrack of one current TV show…?
The news

Anyone ever a band geek?
Derek and Jeff both were. Derek in elementary school and Jeff in high school.

Any special hidden talent(s)…that we can print?
Jeff has a tornado tongue.

One artist or group (living or dead) you’d most like to collaborate with?
John Lennon

Drink of choice for band practice?
Sagres (Portuguese beer)

Anything else you’d like our Pulse readers to know about you?
You can check us out online and we are up on itunes and our CD is @ Newbury Comics.

Any roadies, family members, strippers, friends, etc. you’d like to thank?
All of you who support the band and the local scene by coming out to shows. It really means a lot. Thanx


DJ Shame (Best Club DJ)

IMG_2793.jpgDo you remember the moment when you knew you had to get behind the tables?
No doubt…..1983.

Where do you DJ now?
On XM 65 The Rhyme (the old school hip hop channel) ~ a weekly show.

If you could make up any name for your style, what would it be?

Are there any local or national DJs who really inspire you?
Originally a local cat named Grand Dragon Terror X, in 1983/84. A number of different DJs after that from around the country.

How’d you come up with your DJ name?
I put other DJs to SHAME.

Is it hard for you to go to a club and listen to another DJ (ie are you super-critical) or can you just go and enjoy?
I don’t really go to clubs ~ but I admit that yes, I am very critical.

What kind of music do you listen to in your personal life?
70s rock, funk, soul, jazz, old school hip hop, blues ~ anything dope.

I’ve noticed that some DJs spin shirtless…what’s your preferred outfit when you’re on the job?
Anything comfortable.

Did you ever get stage fright or were you born to be in front of a crowd?
I just do what I do. It doesn’t matter to me who is there.

What’s the oddest job…or strangest gig…you’ve ever had?
I did a bunch of after hours basement parties in the 80s & early 90s with plenty of shoot outs & fights that were pretty interesting…lol.

Any dance moves you think should be banned?
Any of this new soulja boy ~ crank that garbage!!!!

Proudest moment in your career?
Representing MA in the 1989 DJ battle for world supremacy. Or having legendary hip hop producer Marley Marl invite us to his place in Jersey to record a promo for his radio show.

Alright ~ now’s the time to thank anyone you want ~ friends, family, collaborators…?
Mom & Dad for putting up with many years of me practicing in the basement. My daughter Daniesha for the inspiration. My girlfriend Holly for being into music almost as much as I am ,& for ideas that she throws at me.



Flock of A**holes (Best Cover Band)
(as answered by guitarist Andy Hummers)

Band Members and who plays what:
Simon Leboner: Lead vocals, kazoo, and spectacular hair
Andy Hummers: guitar, guitar synthesizer, tambourine and witty Anglo banter
Stink: Bass and socks
Philled Condom: Both drums and percussion
Kaiser Googoo: Keyboards, synthesizers and heart-felt 5th grade poetry
Totally Awesome (a.k.a. Waldo): Anything horn related, backing vocals and choreography
Phil Spinchter: The dude who manages us and takes our pictures

Year the band was born?
1980 (that’s when we played our first gig, too).

What other bands have you guys played in over the years?
Well, Stink spent many years in a band which featured ex-members of Kajagoogoo and A-Ha. They were called Kaja-a-ha. Andy was the replacement guitarist in the Velvet Whores when their original guitarist, Rob Rockley, was in rehab for model glue abuse.

How’d you all meet?
Funny you should ask that because one of the many remarkable things about this band is that none of us have actually met yet.

If you could make up a name for the genre of music you play?
We feel that our music bridges the gaps between so many genres that it should be criminal to try to label it one thing. No matter how much you, the press, try to box us into a neat and tidy category all sewn up with sutures of stale newspaper ink, we shan’t be defined. Not now. Not ever.

That said, it’s safe to say that we play “John Hughes-core.”

Who’s the biggest ladies’ man amongst all you fine specimens?
Well, that would definitely be Phill Sphincter, our manager. He has a way with the ladies that just turns them into puddles on the floor. This was been a problem in the past, when the ladies have jumped up on stage and become puddles which then caused several band members to slip and fall. We have asked that he tones it down a bit and we have a stipulation in our rider that the stage needs to be 1” taller than the tallest woman in the audience.

Biggest softie?
That’s definitely Kaiser Googoo. He’s the quintessential sensitive type. He’s is often late for our gigs because he’s been helping old ladies cross the street.

Most fashionable?
As a band, we are all incredibly fashionable. To us, it’s more important than the music. We have our pants made out of genuine parachutes that were used by soldiers when they landed in the great Falkland Islands war in 1982. We also take great care to make sure that our haircuts and shirt buttons are sufficiently asymmetrical and that we have the proper amount of LA Looks gel in the dressing room. We use LA Looks hair products exclusively.

Do you watch any of the music award shows on TV?
No. We watch them on the microwave. Duh, where else are we going to watch them?

Better to burn out or fade away?
We prefer to either peter out or dissolve.

Most embarrassing on stage moment?
Uh, have you attended one of our shows? It’s hard to find one moment that isn’t embarrassing.

Still have a collection of 80s cassettes in the basement or in the car?
Simon’s Chevy Citation has about 2000 cassettes and cassingles littering the back hatch. Most of them melted together about 18 years ago, but he still keeps his Chris DeBurgh “Lady in Red” tape in the glove box for those romantic nights at Inspiration Point.

Guilty musical pleasure?
That’s a toughie, but I would have to say that we all have an affinity for bands with numbers in their names like Heaven 17, Haircut 100, UB40, Vanity 6 and Boyz II Men.


Frantik (Best Rap/Hip Hop Act)

IMG_2884.jpgDo you remember the moment when you knew that Hip Hop was your destiny?
That would probably be when I realized that I was not good at absolutely anything else. I’ve worked more jobs that I can even remember, and there was never a time where I though, “Hey, I’m pretty good at this job. I think I could make a career out of this.” But with music, I’m actually making it a career.

If you could make up any name for your style, what would it be?
I consider myself Alternative Rap/Hip Hop. Because the stereotypical standard of “hip hop” is being able to freestyle and follow the hip hop lifestyle, which I don’t do; and today’s [radio] rap is garbage, which I’m not. I’m the alternative to Rap and Hip Hop.

First gig you ever played?
The Living Room in Providence, back in 2004. I was in a group called the Krazy Kidz. We went to see a show. One of the acts cancelled, so we got asked to play, so we ran home and grabbed our CD, and played in front of like 20 people. Horrible show.

What made you choose the name “Frantik?”
My real name is Shane. At the time, I didn’t think Shane was a very memorable name. Plus, in the dictionary, frantic means “emotionally unstable.” It suited me well at the time…still does. So I used it, and it stuck.

Is it hard for you to listen to other musicians since you are one, ie can just enjoy the music or are you super-critical?
It’s definitely changed since before I made music. Before, I would just listen to something, and if I liked it, I liked it. But now, I always find myself pointing out things that I never would have noticed as far as mixing and production.

Proudest moment in your career?
I was pretty proud when I heard my music playing on the radio last year. I was also proud when I had an article in the Pulse for my old band Crimson Bile. It’s always a great feeling to get recognition.

Tell our Pulse readers one thing about you that would really surprise them.
Growing up, I was a short, fat kid that hated hip hop, and was only into music like Rob/White Zombie, Static X, and all that heavy, dark stuff. I didn’t even start listening to anything rap-related until I was about 16 or 17.

On your MySpace, you say, “No, I will not battle you.” What does that mean?
I get lots of hate mail…Most of which all have the same lines: “YOU SUCK, YOU’RE GARBAGE, BATTLE ME!” But if I really did “suck”, why would they want to battle me? Wouldn’t that just make it that much easier to win? I’m not going to waste time battle-rapping disrespectful, bitter, jealous, no-name kids that don’t know the first thing about paying dues.

Can you cook?
You give me the recipe, I can give you a good meal. Dont give me the recipe, you’ll be throwing up quite a bit.

And speaking of your MySpace ~ there are some, well, interesting photos of some very lovely ladies ~ Are they fans who send you their pix or do you know all of them personally?
I probably know a good portion of them, but more than half of them are from other states, and never met them outside of a few messages on myspace. But all the fan pictures are very much appreciated, whether I know them or not.

What’s your musical guilty pleasure?
Pop rock. Nickelback, 3 Doors Down, Oasis, all that stuff. If I pop any of those CDs in, they don’t leave the CD player for at least a week.

Which Hip Hop artists popular today inspire you?
In the mainstream? Absolutely none. There’s so much underground talent that deserves way more recognition than they get. Brother Ali, Tech N9ne, Vishiss…there are way too many to name.

Dream venue to perform in?
I grew up going to shows at the Palladium, so I’d love to play a packed show there one day.

Anyone you’d like to thank?
Post Script for always being there to help me out at shows, Dub and Crimson Bile for the good times and experiences, my ex-girlfriend for paying for most of the equipment in my studio, the Pulse for helping me get some recognition, and most importantly, everyone who supports me, whether they buy my stuff or download it. Thanks for enjoying my music.


Ken Macy (Best Blues/R & B, Best CD)

IMG_2779.jpgRemember the first gig you ever played? Oh yeah…7th Grade I played a talent show. We played “Pretty Woman” by Roy Orbison and got a standing ovation. That’s when I knew I wanted to do music for a living.

You’ve been in a band, done duets, and obviously have a successful solo career. Can you talk about the differences amongst the three? When you’re by yourself onstage, it’s kind of like being lost in the woods. You’re left to your own devices and have to make something work with the tools you have. Everything is quiet around you and you feel eyes upon you. You’re not sure what to expect but you make the best of any situation. When you’re with a band or a duo, it’s like riding a 4-wheeler in the woods with your friends. Sometimes you get lost but when you find each other, you all arrive at the same place together enjoying the journey you just experienced.

Tell us your best joke. I spilled spot remover on my dog. Now he’s gone.

If you came out with a line of products, what would it be? Cologne is too cliché, so probably my own underwear line.

What’s your process for coming up with new material? It’s different for each song. Sometimes I come up with a melody, other times I come up with a guitar riff or chord change that appeals to me. If I like it after a day, it usually means I have something going. As far as lyrical content, it comes from feelings I have or ideas I’d like to share with everyone.

Has the uber-digital age helped or hindered music in general? Oh god it’s helped me immensely! I think people have a horrible perception of the “digital age” and need to get they’re heads out of the clouds. It’s really the wave of the future of music and it should be embraced and not shunned. I think the industry tries to hold on to old ways without embracing change and that’s hurting the industry. If it wasn’t for MySpace, cd or email, I wouldn’t have a career period. I wouldn’t be able to share my music to the world. The Internet gives independent artists a chance to get they’re music heard to a worldwide audience and to be able to interact with fans.

You’re nominated for Blues/R & B, but do you ever just crank the death metal at home and go crazy? Definitely. You have to crank out the hard rock classics once in a while.

Most embarrassing on-stage moment? 9th grade battle of the bands: I played in front of 400 people my freshman year and popped my B string ironically during the song “Wipe-Out”. My guitar went out of tune except for the last string where I did a one string solo until someone could grab me a backup guitar. After I got my backup guitar all was good.

Musical guilty pleasure? “867-5309/Jenny” by Tommy Tutone and “Wicked Game” by Chris Isaak

Technology ~ helping or hindering musical creativity? Both. Depends on your view: Is the glass half empty or half full?

Dream venue to play? There’s many. I’d love to do a 4 night run in Worcester: 2 shows at The Palladium and 2 at the DCU Center (always known to us as the Worcester Centrum). It’d be an honor to play at either one of these places.

Musician you’d most like to meet/ask for advice/party with? Tom Petty

Famous band YOU’D most like to see reunite? Pink Floyd

If you could be on the soundtrack of one current TV show…? House

Any special hidden talent(s)…that we can print? Sorry they’re all x-rated. Seriously, I love to play hockey.

What’s next for you? New EP to be released in May/June of 2008 called “Three”

Anything else you’d like our Pulse readers to know about you? I do all my own stunts.

Anyone you’d like to thank? I would like to thank my family for they’re constant love and support, my friends, all of the local musicians I have had the privilege to play with, my fans, Pulse Magazine, all the local area clubs and press that I work with, Long Sought For Sound Studios and all of those who believe in what I do. I am truly grateful for all the support from everyone I have received in the last year and a half. I look forward to making more music, meeting new faces and going to new places.


Mark Fisher (Best Solo Act, Best Male Vocalist)

What are you going to call your first world tour?
My first world tour? “Who’s watching the cat?” or how about the “I thought he’d be taller tour.”

If you could make up any name for the genre of music you play, what would it be?
I play several genres of music, not by intention, it’s just the way it comes out. One I might call “Snarkastic,” another “Yankee Country,” and maybe “Scared stiff of the world.”

Do you watch music awards shows on TV?
Not usually….makes me feel irrelevant.

If you came out with a line of products, what would it be?
Blown & cast glass paperweights. I’ve been a glassworker for decades working in all glass media and we all have too many piles of paper.

Musician who most influenced you?
James Taylor, Sting, David Mallet, Harry Chapin, Credence, Lennon & McCartney.

Most embarrassing on-stage moment?
I had a temporary “flipper” while waiting to get a dental bridge made. At a very close performance with a group of teen girls in the front row it flew out of my mouth bouncing off some poor kid’s shoe. Not cool!

Musical guilty pleasure?
I like Elton John….the early stuff like “Madman across the Water” and “Tumbleweed Connection”

Technology ~ helping or hindering musical creativity?
Helping for sure. Making formerly expensive recording techniques available to the masses and leveling the playing field.

Musician you’d most like to meet/ask for advice/collaborate with?
Bruce Cockburn

You write your material, sing, and play guitar ~ could you ever give up one, or do they all go hand in hand?
I’m more of a singer with a guitar than the other way around, and I think my strength is in the song and the lyric foremost.

If you could be on the soundtrack to one famous film…?

Were you ever a band geek?IMG_2931.jpg
I’ve always been a solo geek, I don’t need a band to be a dweeb.

What’s next for you?
I have five CD releases so I’m going to put together a compilation or two. One will be pop country songs to pitch in Nashville and another of comic songs just for fun.

Anything else you’d like our Pulse readers to know about you?
Stop at City Music in Gardner & Leominster and say HEY!…I’m there selling guitars and stuff.

Any roadies, family members, friends, etc. you’d like to thank?
Marc & Nancy Rines at City Music for working around my gigs and Jeff Root at Root Cellar Studios for making me sound like Clapton. Thanks to my wife Nancy ~ she has to live with me.


Mark Marquis Group (Best Jazz Act)

Members and who plays what:
Mark Marquis (guitar & piano), Don Kirby (drums), Dennis Mahoney (percussion) Scott Babineau (bass), Paul Rochon (keyboard), John Vaillancourt (saxophone), Jerry Sabatini (trumpet)

Date the band was officially “born:”
Wasn’t born…was found under a cabbage leaf with Jethro Bodine in 1982.

Dream venue to play?
Madison Square Garden

If you could sign an endorsement deal for one product, what would it be?
Tang…the breakfast of astronauts

So your dream tour would be opening for…?IMG_2912.jpg
Lou Albano

Any pre-show rituals?
Wondering if we’re going to get paid after they hear us play.

Anyone a closet headbanger?
All of us…

All-time greatest jazz musician?
Too many to mention but a few favorites that influenced me …Miles Davis, Thelonius Monk, John Coltrane, Charles Mingus

What do you do to relax during your down time?
Listen to jazz records and Led Zeppelin


Mistress Carrie (Best Radio DJ)

So you’re from Leominster ~ did you start off life there as a cool chick or has your coolness evolved over the years?
Yup, from Leominster, born and raised…Cool chick? Not really sure that I am that now… But anyone who knows me says I’ve been this way since I was little…I just get paid to be weird now, that’s all!

Any strange jobs you’ve had along the way that you can tell us about?
I grew up working in my grandfather’s Italian bakery. I looked the same as I do now, colored hair, long black fingernails… I think I freaked out some of the old ladies…

What’s your “professional” title at WAAF (you’ll always be “The Baddest Bitch in Boston” to all of us and the rest of your fans)?
I am the ‘Afternoon Drive Host/Music Director’

Your MySpace lists some interesting tidbits about you ~ like your appreciation of MY HUSBAND, Mr. Gary Oldman…He could not possibly have been any hotter than he was in Dracula. Would you have let him bite you?
How do you know he hasn’t already?

On the off chance that you’re not into drinking blood ~ what IS your drink of choice?
Not beer, anything but beer… I’ve tried them all and I don’t like them. It depends on my mood…Red wine (I’m Italian), apple martinis, but when I want to cause trouble… Tequila! If you see me drinking tequila, CALL THE COPS ‘cause something bad is going to happen!

IMG_2833.jpgWhat do you sleep in?
Wifebeater and men’s pj bottoms… My dad was a firefighter, so I grew up NOT sleeping naked… You never know when you’ll need to get out of the house in a hurry, and I don’t want to be out on the front lawn buck naked!

What did you think the first time you heard your voice on the radio?
“Oh my GOD, I sound like an idiot!”

Best thing you got out of your college years?
The internship at WAAF, it changed my entire life! I did all of my partying in high school, college was a time for work… I was a really good student… unlike in high school…

The loans that I had to pay off… It took me 9 years. UGH!

Have you ever been about to say something on air and then realized that it would be going just a little (or a lot!) too far, even for you?
YES…Sometimes I forget that I’m on the radio and a “F*CK” slips out…It’s hard not to swear for 4 hours…

It’s no secret you love to ride your 2003 FXSTDI ~ but c’mon, you can’t always have had such a cool ride. Is there a Corolla in your past? Maybe a Yugo?
My first bike was a KZ550 that was held together by rust… I rode it for a summer, and dropped it a few times. My first car was a Renault Alliance, it exploded while I was driving it…The Harley is a definite upgrade!

Now you’re quite honest about reading Tommy Lee’s book because he quoted his penis throughout the entire thing. Which body part of yours do you think would have the most to say in your autobiography?
My boobs, I guess. If they could get the rest of me to shut up for 5 seconds! Most guys just talk to my boobs anyway, very few people actually want to listen to them!

Are your pugs big music fans, too?
My male pug Gizmo hates high pitched guitar noises, Beastie Boys, 311 and Led Zep make him bark…It’s funny!

You give women a good name ~ and by that I mean you’re strong, you speak your mind, you’re self-sufficient and intelligent. Any advice for young women just starting out in independent life/the workforce?
Take being called a “bitch” as a compliment! Be good at what you do, work hard, be early, be prepared, stay late and don’t make excuses. If you do that, no one will care what sex you are.

What’s your favorite sex music?
I like the dark stuff… NIN, The Cure, Dépêche Mode, She Wants Revenge… Stuff like that…Candles and red wine! Forget it! I’m all done!

Do you get along better with men or women?
Men, I guess. I’m aggressive and crude. I swear a TON and I’m not easily offended. Sometimes girls get a bit weird around me… But the girls that I hang out with are a lot like me… When we’re together (and drinking tequila) BEWARE!

You are so involved in bringing attention to our Armed Forces ~ When were you first “grabbed” by the issue of how our troops are treated/perceived?
I was raised in a military family. I grew up hearing about how well the WWII & Korean vets were treated and how poorly the Vietnam vets were. I just want my generation’s vets to be treated with the respect that they deserve. The radio station just gives me the means to voice LOUDLY how I have been my entire life. Lots of soldiers listen to WAAF, and they deserve to hear someone praising them FOR A CHANGE!

You were presented with the Commanders’ Award For Public Service ~ if you were to now in turn present that award to someone, who would it be?
I got it when I got home [from Baghdad]. I was surprised in the studio by a General… It was cool! If I could give out an award, it would be to the families of the deployed soldiers…They don’t get enough credit for the sacrifices they make for our country.

Any parting words for our Pulse readers?
Thank you for listening…Support the troops and what ever you believe… VOTE for it! If you’re too lazy to vote, then STOP COMPLAINING! Many brave soldiers have fought and died for this country and the democratic process. You insult them by taking your rights for granted!


IMG_2852.JPGNew Pond Fondle (Best Jam and Groove Act)

Band members and who plays what:
Mat Babineau ~ Guitar / Vocals; Dan Cormier ~ Keys / Vocals; Dave Harrington ~ Vocals; Greg Secino ~ Drums; Kyle Shattuck ~ Bass / Vocals

Remember the first gig you ever played?
Fitchburg State College

Other bands you were in before this?
Yellnick McGwawa, Harry’s Parapa, Sun Cow, The Angular Banjos, Stash

What are you going to call your first world tour?
Blings Across America, Pour Some Boogers on Me

If you could make up any name for the genre of music you play, what would it be?
Totally Wicked Awesome

Girlfriends on tour or make room for the groupies?
All the girlfriends started out as groupies and gradually put shackles on.

The Guitar Hero craze…thumbs up or thumbs down? And how many of you have played?
What do you think we do at band practice?

If the band came out with a line of products, what would it be?
“Fondle” is in the band’s name, take a guess what it would be.

What’s your process for coming up with new material?
Refrigerator Scrabble Magnets

Most embarrassing on-stage moment?
Being introduced as Grateful Dead Part 2.

Who’d win a “Sleaze Off” ~ Gene Simmons or Bret Michaels?
Frank Zappa

Green room requests for when you make it big(ger)?
Tofu, Black Labels, and sushi

Musical guilty pleasure?

Is it true what they say about drummers?

How are arguments among the band members settled?
Pistols at dawn.

Famous band you’d most like to see reunite?
Talking Heads, Jackson 5

Leather, pleather, or mesh? Or maybe Spandex?
Are you kidding? Spandex!

Manscaped or natural?

Which of your albums is your collective favorite?
“Soft Stuff From the Can”

Iron Maiden has Eddie, Flavor Flave had his clock, KISS has their make-up…if money were no object, what would your gimmick/mascot be?
Midget Baby’s Arm

If you could be on the soundtrack of one current TV show…?
“Different Strokes”

Any special hidden talent(s)…that we can print?
Do you consider lighting your farts on fire special?

One artist or group (living or dead) you’d most like to collaborate with?
The Losers

Any roadies, family members, strippers, friends, etc. you’d like to thank?
The Little Lebowski Urban Achievers and proud we are of all of them.


roger.JPGRoger Lavallee (Lifetime Achievement Award)

You’re the go-to guy for local bands who want need a professional engineer and producer and your list of musician clients reads like a Who’s Who of Central MA bands past and present. Do you find yourself getting emotionally attached to the musicians who use your services again and again? Of course. Most of the best and most long-lasting friendships I have came from working in the studio. I think the best way to make a recording that has life and sounds like more than just a bunch of people playing a song in front of a couple of microphones is to get emotionally attached. Both with the musicians and the music itself. It’s hard not to get into things on a personal level. Otherwise, you’re just plugging in a microphone, pressing “record” and saying, “Okay, next…”

How did you get into the business? I started out like a lot of people, with my own band and recording projects back when I was pretty young, 10 or 11 actually. I eventually convinced a local studio to let me do some sessions when I was 19 and I never stopped. By a great stroke of luck, I met up with Charlie Blaum back in 1992, and he let me come into his project studio in West Boylston to do some projects. That eventually gave life to Tremolo Lounge.

You’ve produced for bands ranging from those with a mainstream sound to those who would be considered the hardest of hard. What genre is your personal favorite? I can’t really say that there is one. Like you mentioned, I like to take on projects that I know that I can personally add something to, whether it is because I’m familiar with the style, or simply if the artist just trusts my judgment. That sort of thing transcends a musical genre, I think.

Can you go to a show or listen to a CD just for enjoyment, or do you find yourself being too critical? That’s a great question, and there is always that little bit of analysis that goes with me everywhere, and not just critical, but hearing something that I like and taking note of it. Still, there are things that I can listen to and appreciate on another level, and there’s not as much thought about it. It either makes me feel good or it doesn’t.

Person who has influenced you most? That’s a real tough one. I usually credit watching the Monkees on TV when I was a kid as being my spark, but the simple and probably most truthful answer is my family and friends who have always been there to support and encourage me.

What’s your advice for up and coming bands? I’m not sure that they need my advice. It’s mind-boggling how much incredible music is flying around out there. If there’s anything that I feel can’t be said enough, as far as bands are concerned is that everyone needs to listen to each other. If you think of your role in the band as trying to make everyone else look good, you will go a long way toward being a better band for it.

Lifetime Achievement is a pretty significant award. How would you like to be thought of in the musical community? I think that I have made many great friendships in the musical community over a shared love of music. I would like to be thought of as someone who loves music as much as anyone does and realizes that on some level, even the most sloppy and raw music is still sacred to someone.

Anyone in particular you’d like to thank? The Pulse for the nomination in the first place, which still baffles the hell out of me, my brothers in The Curtain Society who have stuck with me all these years, Charlie Blaum who is crazy enough to love music as much as I do and has given a sanctuary for it to be made at Tremolo Lounge, the many great musicians and songwriters in the area that show me time and again that there is some ridiculous talent within this town, and most of all, my friends and family, especially my girlfriend Amy, who has been very understanding about me coming home at 4 in the morning all the time.


Switchblade Suicide (Best Metal Act)

WMA Hoff and Lage.jpgBand members and who plays what:
Dennis Lage: Lead Vocals/Guitar; Geoff Jewett: Lead Guitar/Vocals; JJ Baulz: Bass; Matt Walsh: Drums

Remember the first gig you ever played?
January 29, 2007 at the Lucky Dog Music Hall. We had the band “Sucka Brown” open for us, which was fitting. They looked marvelous in their scarves.

Other bands you were in before this?
The Balls and Sweet Citizen

How’d you all meet?
We all met at the Blue Oyster Bar. We were in the same line for the glory hole stall.

What are you going to call your first world tour?
Not sure just yet, but it will be earth-shattering indeed. We’ll try to refrain from alcohol, stripper, and drug references and instead let the live debauchery speak for itself.

How many years before you’re on VH1’s Behind the Music?
As far as we can tell you, you have to “dance with the devil” before you can get on that show. We can only aspire to monumentally destroy our lives before America can find it entertaining enough.

Who’s the ladies’ man of the group?
“Delicious” Denny Lage does love the ladies.

The biggest softie?
Geoff Jewett is definitely the softie. Go ahead, touch him.

Most fashionable?
JJ and Matty do fashion up right. Who else can make an oxford and a sweater look rock and roll?

First song you’d do a video for?
Probably “One Shot.” We think you can figure out why.

If the band came out with a line of products, what would it be?
Switchblade Spermicide. “Feel the tingly burn.”

What’s your creative process for coming up with new material?
Throw it at the wall and see if it sticks.

Better to burn out or fade away?
Listen to “Live Fast, Die Young” and decide for yourself.

A Prince Albert ~ accessory or method of torture?
Never mess with the twig and berries.

Cougar or kitten?
Both please. Thanks.

Most embarrassing on-stage moment?
No monitors, too much booze and one out of four members tuned to “D” while other others were in “A.”

Who’d win a “Sleaze Off” ~ Gene Simmons or Bret Michaels?
Do you really have to ask? Shake Gene’s hand and you’ll know.

Green room requests for when you make it big(ger)?
Peel and eat jumbo shrimp, Krug Champagne, and miles and miles of sweet ladies to share it with.

Musical guilty pleasure?
Geoff loves John Denver. Needless to say, he’s no longer in the band. Lol. JJ and Matt are into the Goo Goo Dolls and Dennis is amused by 80s TV show tunes.

Is it true what they say about drummers?
We don’t know yet, but we can measure him if you want.

Technology ~ helping or hindering musical creativity?
Technology is always a double-edged sword. It helps good musicians sound better but it also makes crappy musicians sound great. Watch some bands live and you’ll see what we mean.

How are arguments among the band members settled?
Drunken beatdowns.

Musician you’d most like to meet/ask for advice/party with?
Ozzy wins hands down. Anyone who can survive 30+ years of constant partying and snorting ants has lots of insight to give.

Famous band you’d most like to see reunite?
The dream reunion tour would be Guns ‘N’ Roses with Skid Row. That would be the sh*t!

Want to weigh in on ladies with pierced tongues?
We’ll weigh in with our hogs.

One era of music that’s your personal favorite?
Why pick one when every era had its moments. Excuse us for a moment, we are getting misty.

Manscaped or natural?
Manscaped of course. Nobody wants to make love to a ball of hair.

Would you ever go the plastic surgery route?
Bret Michaels, Vince Neill and Slash are proof that men should never ever get plastic surgery.

One artist or group (living or dead) you’d most like to collaborate with?
There is no way we can pick just one. Randy Rhodes, Kim Deal, Prince, and Killswitch Engage. How’s that for a collaboration?

Drink of choice for band practice?
We normally drink high-test microbrews that could kill a moose, but for practice, we ride the silver bullet.

You were nominated for Best Up and Comers last year ~ any advice for this year’s? And what would you like to have accomplished in one year from now? Five?
Use it for all it’s worth. Ride the wave of momentum and have fun with it. A year from now we would like to have finished our first full CD…so judging from how long we took to release our demo (finally available!), that should cover the 5 year mark as well.

Any roadies, family members, strippers, friends, etc. you’d like to thank?
First and foremost, we would like to thank our family and friends including Larissa, Josh, Sully, Joley, Erin, Stacey, Bill, Dickie and Vincent @ Ralph’s Diner, Erick @ The Lucky Dog, Demons Alley, Clear The Way and anyone else we’ve forgotten. We love and thank you all for everything you’ve done.


The Numbskulls (Best Punk Act)

Band members and who plays what:
Alex ~ vocals/guitar; James ~ vocals/guitar; Jay ~ drums
Lysie ~ bass

Remember the first gig you ever played?
A 12 hr punk-a-thon that we booked @ Ralph’s Diner. It was pretty f**king awesome.

How’d you all meet?
Alex and Lysie met in 1997 and they both met Jay in 2001 when he was playing in SBGB. Jay joined The Numbskulls in 2005. James fell from heaven at some point.

What are you going to call your first world tour?
“Screw Your Delusions”

If you could make up any name for the genre of music you play, what would it be?
We already did. It’s “Neo-traditionalist.”

IMG_2885.jpgBut since you’re the winner of the Best Punk Category, can you tell us what “punk” means to you?

Who does your album cover art?
We usually do. Derek Ring from Abnormal Brain did the artwork for our last three releases.

Sid Vicious ~ god or lucky loser?
Dead junkie.

Who’s the Casanova of the group?
Our merch girl Jessi.

The biggest softie (emotionally speaking, of course)?
Imagine us not being dramatic at all, but our favorite thing to do is sit around and talk about how our words and actions make each other feel. We write long emails to each other and then we cry. We then get over it, but make sure that we bring it up occasionally at inconvenient times like 2 seconds before we go onstage and then we make “little comments.” We laugh, we love, we cry…we’re totally kidding. We’re all hardcore here.

First song you’d do a video for?
We already did. “Now.” Coming soon.

If the band came out with a line of products, what would it be?
A line of ass-shaking funk.

What’s your creative process for coming up with new material?
We can never reveal our secret recipe.

A Prince Albert ~ accessory or method of torture?
One of our band’s “members” accidentally had a shard of metal lodged in it for a year. Hey, you asked.

Most embarrassing on-stage moment?

James ended up in a top hat and underwear and nothing else at our CD release. We’re kind of used to it but I’m sure others were embarrassed.

Which currently “famous” band most embodies the punk spirit?
Is it possible to have anything “punk” to write about when you’re famous?

Musical guilty pleasure?
Listening to our own music.

Is it true what they say about drummers?
Jay does have the biggest one in the band. So, it’s true for our drummer.

Technology ~ helping or hindering musical creativity?
We’re happy when we can keep our equipment working.

How are arguments among the band members settled?
Hugging and ass slapping.

Musician you’d most like to meet/ask for advice/party with?
Dolly Parton

Has the whole MySpace thing help the band out at all?
Since our website sh*t the bed…yes. Other than that it has just made us neurotic.

Leather, pleather, or mesh? Or maybe Spandex?
We have enough trouble keeping our clothes on. We are probably the most nude band in MA right now.

Manscaped or natural?
Manmuff is gross?

Would you ever go the plastic surgery route?
It worked well for Axl.

Iron Maiden has Eddie, Flavor Flave had his clock, KISS has their make-up…if money were no object, what would your gimmick/mascot be?
Miniature engineered versions of us to stand next to us on stage.

If you could be on the soundtrack of one current TV show…?
“Lou Dobbs Tonight”

Any special hidden talent(s)…that we can print?
We can get any band that comes to Worcester to go naked swimming with us.

Drink of choice for band practice?
Miller lite, coffee, water.

Dream venue to play?
Stonehenge, where the demons dwell and the banshees live.

What’s next for the band?
We’ll be recording Vol 3 of our trilogy very soon along with a DIY B-sides release of all the songs that we wrote that never seemed to fit.

Anything else you’d like our Pulse readers to know about you?
Our band is great. You should come see our band play live at every opportunity.

Any roadies, family members, strippers, friends, etc. you’d like to thank?
We would like everyone else to thank us.


Trebek (Best Live Act, Best Pop Act)

Band members and who plays what:
Isaac Aldrich ~ Guitar; Jeff Brunelle ~ Keys; Matt Dionne ~ Vocals; Mike Kelly ~ Bass; Jeff Pitts ~ Drums

How’d you all meet?
Matt Dionne: Randomly. I went into the studio to record an album and Mike was brought in as a studio musician. From there, we began writing music and after a couple of years of playing were introduced to Isaac through a former drummer. Then MySpace stepped in. The Jeff and Jeff connections were communicated to through MySpace and after a few auditions the current line-up came to be.

What are you going to call your first world tour?
Matt Dionne: Bring Your Mom Tour

If you could make up any name for the genre of music you play, what would it be?
Matt Dionne: Jukeshoot

Who’s the ladies’ man of the group?
Jeff Pitts: I’d love to say me but then I’d probably lose a lot of potential interest from women, for fear that I’m egotistical…so let’s be fair here and say it’s a 5-way tie.

The biggest softie?
Jeff Pitts: I’ll take one for the team here and say me. And I can’t sound egotistical with this one because no one really wants to be known as the softie. Am I right? Of course, if I’m wrong ~ my email is

Most fashionable?
Jeff Pitts: Well, we all have our own “style,” but as far as who puts the most effort into their appearance, I guess I’d have to go with Matt or Mike. And if you don’t already think I’m egotistical…then, me.

If money were no object, what would your gimmick/mascot be?
Jeff Brunelle: Breast implants for everyone in the band.

Famous band you’d most like to see reunite?
Isaac Aldrich: Guns-n-Roses

You guys have day jobs, too?
Jeff Pitts: We do and I think any one of us would trade them in for a tour bus…tomorrow. Anyone want to take our jobs and give us each a tour bus?

If the band came out with a line of products, what would it be?
Jeff Pitts: How about a cologne? I’m not entirely sure what that would smell like, however. So maybe we’d be better off with creating a line of beverages. We sometimes drink these wine spritzers ~ you know, kind of like the drinks that pregnant women might drink because they dilute the alcohol but MUCH more manly and without so much diluting ~ so we should copyright that recipe and get it out there.

If you could be on the soundtrack of one current TV show…?
Jeff Brunelle: I don’t watch much TV, but for the right price we could be the theme to QVC or “Wife-Swap.”

Most embarrassing on-stage moment?
Mike Kelly: I fell backwards after doing a choreographed jump. Not sure which is more embarrassing…the fall or the choreographed jump.

What are you going to call your first world tour?
Matt Dionne: Bring Your Mom Tour

Is it true what they say about drummers?
Mike Kelly: That they are my favorite part of a band? That they are the ones who run the show onstage? That they have good sense of arrangement? Yes it is all true, but keep it on the DL!

Technology ~ helping or hindering musical creativity?
Mike Kelly: There is no way technology could ever hinder musical creativity. We can only hinder it ourselves (Hence the reason that band called themselves “Hinder.” They knew it was all they had, so they stopped trying to be good.). Technology is great.

How are arguments among the band members settled?
Isaac Aldrich: We usually just cry and whine until we get our own way…or we break out the “Indian Burns”…I mean “Native-American Burns.”

Has the whole MySpace thing help the band out at all?
Isaac Aldrich: Yes, it is a great marketing tool and we have acquired a lot of fans through our profile. I think anything internet related can be of great use to bands, but the bottom line is that you have to have a way to draw people in. A fresh sound, links to pornography, free $500 gift certificates to Macy’s (that is an inside joke for all you MySpace users)…whatever.

Leather, pleather, or mesh?
Isaac Aldrich: Whatever makes my ass look the best…

Manscaped or natural?
Isaac Aldrich: I like it when guys are real stubbly…it’s sexy…oh you mean me? I have no body hair…

Any special hidden talent(s)…that we can print?
Jeff Brunelle: Besides being able to touch my nose with my tongue, I guess I’m limited to flying helicopters and racing motorcycles.

One artist or group (living or dead) you’d most like to collaborate with?
Jeff Brunelle: Tough question. Usually you collaborate with someone outside of your genre, but we play so many styles, it’s tough to figure out whom to bring into the mix. I think Sting would be great. So would LL Cool J. A female diva like Christina would add something we currently don’t have. Perhaps William Hung.

What’s next for the band?
Jeff Brunelle: We are currently trying to acquire a tropical island, but we’ll probably settle on tattoos and emo make-up…. maybe a monkey.

Any roadies, family members, strippers, friends, etc. you’d like to thank?
Jeff Brunelle: We thank the usual peeps…family and friends for the continued support and patience, but most of all we thank the lot of fans who have become friends, who make it to every show, and who pass on the word about TREBEK.


IMG_2803.JPGWeight of Gravity (Best Up and Comers Act)

Band members and who plays what:
Daniel LaFleur ~ Guitar, Vocals; Steve Lamoureux ~ Guitar, Vocals, Keys; Dan Cook ~ Bass, Vocals; Robert Belanger ~ Drums, Percussion

Other bands you were in before this?
Steve and Dan C. were in a band called the Outlook. Dan .L was in a band called Standing Room Only and Robert Belanger was in The Arthur Dent Foundation.

If you could make up any name for the genre of music you play, what would it be?
You know, that’s actually a tough question for us. I know we like to call ourselves a rock band but it seems a lot of our fans call us everything but…

How many years before you’re on VH1’s Behind the Music?
HaHa…That would be nice…but I think we have a lot more to accomplish before we get to that point. It would however have to be at least after one of us gets addicted to some hardcore drug and overdoses, is pronounced dead for 10 min, is brought back to life and becomes a “born again.”

Girlfriends on tour or make room for the groupies?
Are you trying to get us in trouble????

Who’s the ladies’ man of the group?
I think that depends on who you ask….

The biggest softie (EMOTIONALLY SPEAKING!)?
Dan C. by far.

Most fashionable?
Sorry Bob, but I think we’re going to have to give this one to Dan C., although Steven isn’t too far behind lately…

Tell us your best joke.
Why….so you can use it in the book of jokes you are trying to publish and take all the credit? Nice try!

Guitar Hero craze…thumbs up or thumbs down? And how many of you have played?
I think we have all played but no extreme addictions. I think if you asked us about World of Warcraft that would be a different story. HaHa. But I would definitely give it 2 thumbs up. Anything that gets young kids into music is great…

If the band came out with a line of products, what would it be?

Some sort of revolutionary cookware…

What’s your process for coming up with new material?
I don’t think there’s much of a process in our song writing….. You never know when new ideas will come. Music gets written in so many different ways it would be hard to use a specific formula for it…

Green room requests for when you make it big(ger)?
Turkey and bologna sandwiches w/ cheese and the cheapest Rum you can find…That’s Bob’s favorite…

Musical guilty pleasure?

Is it true what they say about drummers?
Not only is it true, it’s understated !!! That’s right, ladies…

Technology ~ helping or hindering musical creativity?
Anything that makes you want to create music is a help, even if it means using the most current technology to do it.

How are arguments among the band members settled?
Usually by vote, but being a 4 piece it doesn’t always work.

Musician you’d most like to meet/ask for advice/party with?
Probably David Gilmour for me, maybe he could help with me with guitar tone.

Has the whole MySpace phenomenon helped the band out at all?
Yes, it seems like everyone is on it now, so any means of pushing our music is a help

Famous band YOU’D most like to see reunite?
Pink Floyd, Catherine Wheel

Leather, pleather, or mesh? Or maybe Spandex?
I guess if we have to choose one ~ leather.

Iron Maiden has Eddie, Flavor Flave had his clock, KISS has their make-up…if money were no object, what would your gimmick/mascot be?
We got Dan Cook.

If you could be on the soundtrack of one current TV show…?
“The Simpsons”

Drink of choice for band practice?
Depends on which practice ~ the get-work-done practice or the relaxed practice. No drink at the get-stuff-done practice…Cheap rum at the other.

What’s next for the band?

Make our debut CD and take over the world.

What would you like to have accomplished in one year from now? Five?
I think the completion of our first album together will be a great accomplishment….and in 5 years, hopefully we have a few more. What else can you ask for?????

Anything else you’d like our readers to know about you?
We are very thankful to all of you who listen.

Any roadies, family members, strippers, friends, etc. you’d like to thank?
We would like to thank them all…Every friend, roadie, family member and stripper…and everyone who has ever supported us. We are very grateful to all of you.


Solid Ground (Band You’d Most Like to See Reunite)

IMG_2919.jpgWe weren’t able to sit down and interview Solid Ground, but they had overwhelming fan support during the nominating and voting ~ so guys, just know that there are a lot of people who would love to see you back together and back onstage!

Editor’s Note: Steve Going, a friend of Pulse and a longtime member of the local music scene, was recently in a very serious motorcycle accident. He is still in the hospital and we hope you’ll join us in sending him best wishes for a speedy and full recovery.

Keep supporting local music and we’ll see you next year at the 2009 Pulse Magazine WMAs!
