Steve Blake Orchestrates The Ultimate Compilation CD
By Matthew Erhartic
Compilation albums have always been a mainstay in promoting Worcester’s often overlooked hot bed of musical talent. From the famous punk-tainted “Wormtown” comps of the 1970s to 2003’s “This is Your Music,” these albums perfectly captured the era and all its rock-n-roll rumblings between Green St and Grove St. “It Came From Planet Mental” looks to carry on the city’s tradition of great compilations.
The disc is a labor of love for Steve Blake, a music veteran and producer who has been involved in local music for decades. Steve’s dedication to the craft has branded him a type of Renaissance man; he’s played in several bands ~ including the fantastic yet underrated Snakes & Ladders, done wonders behind the board at his studio, Toad Studios in Uxbridge, and promoted our music scene from behind the camera on the local cable access show Cheap T.V.
It made perfect sense for Blake to try his hand at putting together a compilation disc. “I just thought that it was great idea and that it would be great promotion for the bands, the clubs, the scene and for my biz.” he says. “If the best example is by doing, then it might motivate some other bands to pull their scene together and do the same thing.”
Around a year ago Blake and Lucky Dog staple/ Clear The Way bassist Pete Degraff collaborated on finding a way to promote less exposed artists from the area. “The artists on this disc are primarily my studio clients, some friends,” Blake explains. “I wanted to honor and assist the folks who helped pay my light bills.”
What about that name, though?
“The name is an homage to Captain P.J. [disc jockey at WCUW and bona fide local legend] and cheesy old monster movies,” he explains. “He is the perfect icon for the creative sprawl on this project.” His presence is also found on the humorous album cover. Illustrated by The Numbskulls’ Lysie and Alex Numbskull, it has a gigantic ~ and quite naked ~ Captain P.J pulling a Godzilla-like ravishing of the city.
The Captain kicks the disc off with a hilarious rant before it explodes into a vast array of genres spanning over 20 tracks. Indie-pop connoisseurs Clear the Way shine on “Driving,” Musclecah lets loose a furious Guns N’ Roses-esque guitar lick fest on “Chaotic.” The Numbskulls unleash a fist pounding on “Head’s Are Gonna Roll,” and local metal titans Skulltoboggan drive “Snake Pit” into the ground like a demolition derby car from hell.
“It Came from Planet Mental” also showcases the Worcester country and folk scene. Dan Chavin wears his heart on his sleeve with the tender “Quiet Time,” and Ted Painter & The South County Band tell a tale of a good girl gone bad on the country kicker “Doin’ Her Wrong”.
Steve Blake will always proudly align himself with the Worcester music scene. “To me, this project represents some of the community spirit that was part of Wormtown Wednesday at its peak, and all the Wormfest shows…this is my home.”
Pick up a copy of “It Came From Planet Mental” on these show dates:
The Lucky Dog on April 4th
f/ Musclecah, White Knuckle Sobriety (newly reformed.,) Muss, Clear The Way, Never Enough Bullets and Skulltoboggan (with a new lineup.)
Ralph’s on April 11th f/ The Numbskulls, Epitome of Dog, Preacher Roe, Bottlefight and a reunion of The Balls.
Vincent’s on April 19th
f/ Bret Hart (and a possible Hipbone reunion), Ted Painter and The South County Band, Loose Salute, Dan Chauvin and Steve Cunmmings With James Keyes.
Also check out for more info.
Appearing on “It Came From Planet Mental:”
Capt PJ
Clear the Way
Dan Chauvin
The Numbskulls
White Knuckle Sobriety
Preacher Roe
Epitome of Dog
The Balls
Steve C.
Ted Painter & The South County Band
Scary Toys
Loose Salute
Bret Harold Hart
Never Enough Bullets
James Keyes
The Highway Patrol
Thank you for this great article.
Glad you got this together! It’s too bad that Rox’s didn’t make it.
Keep it going Steve!