I’m Your Fan: Homespun sci-fi ‘nets a lot of fun

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January 2004

– By Robert Newton Combine the explosion of independent film, the so-called “Digital Video Revolution” and the enormous popularity of such modern-day sci-fi staples as “Star Trek”, Star Wars and The Matrix, and a new film genre is born: the “fan film”.

A fan film is a tribute of sorts, set in an already established universe such as Gene Roddenberry’s “Trek” world, George Lucas’s galaxy far, far away or the Wachowskis’ cyber reality. It may feature characters already written, or might introduce new ones. They can be funny, dramatic, action-packed or any combination of the three.

There is one catch, though. Because these films depend on copyrighted material, realizing a profit of any kind, short of officially sanctioned prize money, is not permitted. This has been described as “By The Grace Of George Go I”, as George Lucas has so generously allowed these films to exist (perhaps presuming that no amateur production could possibly be as wretched as his legendary 1978 “Star Wars Holiday Special”). Lucas has, in fact, sponsored The Star Wars Fan Film Awards (at AtomFilms.com), honoring the best of the year’s fan tributes made “for the love of the thing” with cash and prizes.

While watching movies at home on your computer is not the best way to enjoy a film, the reality is that very few will ever be screened widely in a theatrical setting. As such, a new venue — “Desktop Cinema”, if you will — is created. So grab a soda and your sweets of choice and pop a batch of corn and enjoy the best of what fan films have to offer…


TROOPS – 5/5
The TV show “COPS” is rife for ribbing, and writer-director Kevin Rubio took this parody to the max. One of the best Star Wars fan films, hands down. At FanFilms.com.
PINK FIVE – 4.5/5
Trey Stokes’s hilarious look at a Valley Girl named Stacy, an X-Wing pilot during the climactic assault on the Death Star at the end of A New Hope. At StarWars.AtomFilms.com.
Boba Fett hunts down the galaxy’s remaining Jedi (as Jedi killed his father, Jango, at the end of Attack of the Clones) in this spot-on parody of Steve Irwin’s “The Crocodile Hunter”. At StarWars.AtomFilms.com.
In the spirit of Kevin Smith’s slacker favorite, Clerks (1994) comes this rapid-fire animated short. See also Dark Side Switch Campaign (Macintosh users will get a special thrill out of this one). Both at StarWars.AtomFilms.com.
Based on the HBO Holocaust drama of the same name, Scott Schlosser’s dark drama details the Empire’s plan to cleanse the galaxy of all non-humans. At TBXProductions.com.
Find out the real reason the first Death Star exploded in this wickedly funny short. At DeathStarRepairmen.com.
Peter Mether’s nifty and oft-bootlegged mini-opus, which takes place two days before A New Hope, features Boba Fett and an actual Star Wars cast member, Peter Sumner (as Lt. Pol Treidum).
This music video uses clips from A New Hope and Return of the Jedi in a delightful parody of late Austrian pop god Falco’s curious hit, “Rock Me Amadeus”.


HIDDEN FRONTIER – 4/5 (overall)
Rob Caves’s “NextGen” series, now concluding its fourth season, did as many shows did — it got gradually better, especially after its second season. At HiddenFrontier.org.
STARSHIP EXETER – 3.5/5 (overall)
This ambitious series takes place on the Federation Starship Exeter NCC-1706, and in the era of the original 1960’s series, and the sets and costumes are designed to match. At www.starshipexeter.com.
FIVE YEAR MISSION – Not yet reviewed
In that the original “Star Trek” was supposed to have been a five-year mission for the U.S.S. Enterprise (and was canceled after three), die-hard fan Jack Marshall has launched this fan franchise, beginning at the Season 4 that never was. The trailer is very retro, and the first episode, “Come What May”, features lovely local Andrea Ajemian (producer and star of Rutland U.S.A.. At 5YearMission.com.

Robert Newton is also a filmmaker who directed the concert documentary, “The Bobs Remain The Same”, and is in production of his own “Star Wars” fan film, “A Very Special Jedi”.