…add cultural vitality to Worcester

December 2003 – Through their passionate lyrics and fiery rhythms, Worcester’s Bohemian Latin Stand celebrate their culture with folk songs, improvisations, dancing and literary works from Latin America, the Caribbean and Spain.

The group’s performers share their enthusiasm for Latino culture by creating works drawn from personal experiences. Rosa Abraham, Maria E. Florez and Michael Maldonado founded the group in 1999 in hopes of reaching out to English and Spanish speaking communities in New England. The group began to perform at local restaurants, and, then, at different schools and organizations, such as Wachusett High School, Worcester Academy, Quinsigamond College, the Worcester Library and Higgins Armory. Florez and Maldonado also taught an eight-week course featuring Salsa and Merengue dance lessons at Wachusett High.

BLS was also invited by a member of the Worcester County Poetry Association (WCPA) to participate in writing workshops for children at different schools in New Hampshire. Although they have not held any writing workshops in Worcester, the group hopes to offer such workshops locally.

One of Bohemian Latin Stand’s strongest goals is to provide opportunities for local Latinos to perform.

Once a month BLS holds a free open mike event at a local restaurant, school or community center, inviting the public to join in. The group started performing this summer at Lito’s Restaurant located on 99 Green St. in Worcester on Wednesday nights, and a new venue will be posted on their website for future events.

BLS brings the Latin community together. “Everybody is a piece of the puzzle, no matter where they come from,” says Michael Maldonado, president of BLS. Different Latino cultures mix together giving a diverse richness to the group’s performances.

The group is connected to Worcester’s larger arts community through an affiliation with the Worcester County Poetry Association where Maria Florez (a former member of BLS) and Michael Maldonado are on the board of directors.

Every year the two groups come together and hold a free open mike event from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Past events have been held at Worcester State College and the Worcester Art Museum, where ten or more groups participated.

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The BLS adds music to events with ethnic folk songs from Puerto Rico, South America and other Latin countries. Lucelia DeJesus sings and plays guitar and Michael Maldonado plays drums, which often leads to jam sessions with other musicians. BLS often hands out musical shakers to the audience, giving them the chance to play along with the music. The atmosphere resembles Latin holidays where everyone contributes and has a great time.

Other previous BLS events have included Maria Florez’ exhibition called “Colores de Colombia,” which focused on poetry and photography from her native land; a tribute to Pablo Neruda; a writing workshop and open mike with Willy Perdomo at Worcester State College; a musical performance by Lucelia DeJesus and Michael Maldonado at a reception for the Regional Environmental Commission and an open mike with Noberto A. Stuart whose poems have appeared in the Latin American Writer’s Institute Journal ‘Brujula’ and the magazine SIDAAhora.

BLS, in coordination with Maria Florez, who is also co-owner and editor of Luna Press Associates, encourages Latinos to publish their work. Saul Torres, a Vietnam veteran has published a book through Luna Press called And I Cry Again –Passages From Vietnam and Beyond, which shares his memories from a difficult time.

BLS has affected the lives of its members by encouraging them to keep writing, sharing their work, and expressing their feelings. Poetry and music serve as positive outlets of expression. “Poetry is a universal language regardless of what language it is spoken in,” says Maldonado. “Whenever any poet gets together with another poet whether they speak strictly one language or not, it just automatically flows into the other person and they can understand, people can relate.”

The Bohemian Latin Stand will celebrate its 4th anniversary on December 6 at the Worcester Artist Group located at 38 Harlow St. (off of Lincoln Street) in Worcester at 7 p.m. The event is free, although donations will be very welcome. The festivities will feature art by local artists from various galleries, a potluck dinner, free Salsa and Merengue dance lessons from 7-8 p.m., and a jam session where you can bring your own instrument or just sing along to the music.

The Bohemian Latin Stand can be reached at TheLatinPoet@yahoo.com or for more information visit groups.yahoo.com/group/BohemianLatinStand.