LuAnn Thibodeau 

  On a recent beautiful Sunday afternoon, I took a ride to Millbury, Massachusetts to check out Who Cut The Cheesecake.  Well, being very directionally challenged, even with my GPS, I ended up touring the downtown area a bit, but that only heightened my desire for dessert. And I have to say, when I finally reached my destination, I surely wasn’t disappointed.

From the moment I walked in, I thought that I had died and gone to Heaven. First and foremost, in my mind, whenever I enter an establishment that serves food, is the cleanliness of the place.  And this would have passed my mom’s white glove test- immaculately clean.  With that done, the brightness and the decor of the place is the second thing to catch my eye.  And I’d be negligent if I didn’t say that the two young ladies who were working were extremely pleasant and welcoming, from the moment that I opened the door and entered.

   Now, on to the reason for my visit- cheesecake. So many delicious looking choices- decisions, decisions- how will I choose?  Well, I knew that I wasn’t going to settle for plain.  Now it was time to narrow the choice down- was it going to be something that had fruit – like Banana Me Crazy, Blueberry, or Key Lime?  Or was I going to go all out and get a real sugar rush with something like S’mores, Fat Elvis, or Death By Chocolate? Oh, there were a lot of other flavors too, so the great debate was on.  I closed my eyes and weighed my options, and then came up with the answer.  (Drumroll please). The winner was Salted Caramel Chocolate Chip Cookie.  I opted to get it to go, so that way I could savor the flavor for longer.

  When I arrived at home, I poured a glass of ice-cold milk, put the cheesecake onto a plate, grabbed a fork, then sat down in my favorite chair.  The quest began and from the first mouthful, I knew that I had made the correct decision.  The mix of saltiness to sweetness was absolute perfection.  My only regret- that I didn’t buy more.  

  Now with the taste test complete, and even though I had gotten a brief history of the business form the fine young ladies who were working when I went in on Sunday, I wanted to learn more,so I called the owner of Cut The Cheesecake, Dave Silva.