LuAnn Thibodeau
When a lot of people think of spray painting, one of two things comes to mind. Either they think of repairing something old to make it look better, or they think of kids destroying property. Well, I’m here to tell you that there is something else that is totally constructive, beautiful, and more.
In Worcester, there is a store called Artifakt Supply, which recently moved to a new location at 140 Millbury Street. This store has all that any artist could want- from spray paint to markers and ink, to caps and adapters, as well as apparel, stickers and pins.
In thinking of spray painting to improve something that you might have, you probably just think of a spray paint can that you see at the local hardware store or somewhere online. But to the artist (and yes, those who create their art with spray paints are indeed true artists, although I’m sure some will disagree with me), there are many different options available. Just as there are many different types of paint brushes, there are many types of spray paint caps and adapters, each producing a different effect, in the same way that brushes do. And the paints themselves come in many varieties- ranging from colors to neutrals to transparents, bases, and more. And just as in most other things, the paints themselves have come a long way, with new formulas and more making them better and better.
In addition to the spray paint and accessories, the store also carries spray painting gloves, sketchbooks, and stickers. They have a variety of markers and inks, and several different types of apparel- including t-shirts, sweatshirts, and hats. And for those who are looking for finished pieces to decorate the walls of their homes and offices, they offer art and canvas prints, as well as original gallery art. You won’t be disappointed with a trip to this store- there is something for everyone. The store is currently open 12:00 pm to 6:00 pm on Sunday thru Thursday, and from 12:00 pm to 8:00 pm on Friday and Saturday. Take a drive over to Artifakt and see what strikes your fancy. For more info, check out their website at www.artifaktsupply.com

But…don’t go away. There is also Artifakt Studios, which is a very impressive “crew of street artists who specialize in murals, sign painting, fine art, and design”, according to the about section of their website- www.artifaktstudios.com
Artifakt was started by Ryan Gardell in 2017. He is the creative director who has been drawing and painting his whole life. He started spray painting as a teen and loved the medium. He began to meet more spray paint artists and found opportunities for mural designing. As this continued, he met many musicians and DJs and found lots of artistic events to attend. That fostered the idea of starting Artifakt Studios, where he is assisted by Audrey Tesserot, who is the studio agent who handles the bookings, as well as being a mural artist.
When I asked Ryan about how sometimes beautiful murals and other outdoor paintings are marred or damaged by others, and if that bothered him, he said that as a street artist “once I let go of it (a mural or painting), it’s not mine anymore”. Spoken like a true gentleman as well as a great artist. And I must say that of the many great street murals that I have seen in Worcester as well as other cities and towns, respect seems to be paramount, as most are not altered or tagged by others.

Artifakt recently held the first annual Brick By Brick- a graffiti festival, which was funded by a grant from the Worcester Arts Council. With the grant money, they purchased paint for 25 artists who worked to beautify the walls of some buildings in the Kelley Square neighborhood. This was a success and all who attended are looking forward to next year.
With the walls of many forgotten or overlooked alleyways marred, the work of the artists has transformed the areas where the art is displayed. It’s a win-win situation for the artists and the area businesses, who prior to this transformation, had many customers shying away because of the look of the walls. So, I say kudos to the artists and to the creative team at Artifakt, for providing the opportunity for artists to design and display their works, and also for the retail store that offers the best products for the artists to work with. And I look forward to attending the festival next year and for years to come.