Dearest Drinkers,
I hope you are reading this at your favorite watering hole, cozied up with a rich winter beer in your hand. A joyous reunion toast is owed to those of you emerging from the depraved depths of Dry January. Top up your glass and let us begin.
This month, in honor of Galentine’s Day, we will explore a topic very close to my brewer heart: women in beer. Before we hear from some of the many vibrant and knowledgeable women in the Central Mass beer scene, we should first pause and acknowledge why women in beer deserve special attention. While women are a significant percentage (33%) of craft beer drinkers and participate in all aspects of the industry, we are still significantly underrepresented, especially in brewing production.
With this in mind, I reached out to women who own and work at Worcester breweries for their favorite beer recommendations at the moment. They also offered advice and encouragement for women who are interested in working in the beer industry
The first stop on my Worcester winter beer tour was Dani Babineau, CEO & Co-Founder at Redemption Rock Brewing. Babineau has a particularly apropos beer recommendation: Esther Weizenbock, their Valentine’s seasonal named for Esther Howland. Esther was the famous Worcester industrialist who pioneered paper valentines and employed thousands of women on her assembly lines. The beer’s name is also a nod to the unique banana and clove-like esters that distinguish the Weizenbock style.
Babineau’s advice for women in the industry? “Just start somewhere. Whether it’s homebrewing, or reading a lot about beer, don’t be too precious about needing the perfect anything. Go out for interviews, ask for feedback if you’re not getting a position. Understand what the positions are. Figure out what you’re good at and apply it.”
Next, I connected with Julie Jarry, Investor & Social Media Coordinator at Bay State Brewing. For Galentine’s Day this year she suggests the Nut Brown Ale for its sweet, light, and nutty with caramel notes. Her advice? “It’s a great time to be a woman in the brewing industry. The women in our industry are trying new things, coming up with great recipes, and breaking out of the “IPA all day” brewery patterns.”
Karen Rich, wife to one of Baystate’s Managing Owners, recommends their Oatmeal Stout on a cold winter night. “Women like drinking beer just as much as men do!” she emphasized. “Don’t be intimidated by what appears to be a male-dominated industry. Bring your ideas and be yourself. Your voice will be heard!”
Down the road at Wormtown Brewery, bartender Emily Lewis suggests Blizzard of ’78, a brown ale perfect for coffee lovers on a cozy winter day. She wants women too, “Know your worth. As women in the industry, we are just as knowledgeable, strong, and capable as the boys!”
Jamie McIntire, Wormtown’s Hospitality Manager also recommends something rich, strong and sweet like the Bourbon Barrel-Aged Blizzard of ‘78. Her advice is something I can fully endorse. “Be ready to work hard but have a lot of fun doing it! In my years being part of the brewing industry, I have seen so many new women enter and do well, self-taught female brewers, lab techs, managers, and bartenders… don’t be afraid to let your voice be heard. This industry can only get better with new ideas.”
Our final recommendation comes from Misty Gillespie, Wormtown’s Regional Sales, and Chain Account Manager. She recommends Shadow of Dom Kölsch because she’s a sucker for a nice clean, crisp, crushable Kölsch any time of the year.
She also has fabulous advice for industry professionals and craft beer consumers alike. “Everyone you come in contact within the trade is important, no matter their title. And always remember to have fun – beer people are the best people!”
Beer people really are some of the best people, and you, dear drinker, are part of what makes that so. Whoever you are and wherever you work, I hope the advice above resonates with you. I also hope that if you have wisdom and encouragement of your own to extend, you’ll share it forward, Galentine’s Day or not. You never know who you might inspire.