Jennifer Russo

No one has the perfect life, void of mistakes.   We’ve all had things happen to us or have chosen to act in ways that have seemingly hampered our success.  These stumbling blocks, whether put there by others or by our own decisions, have the potential to be a nuisance.  They can slow us down and make it difficult for us to achieve our full potential or just something we really, really want at the time.  But the thing is – it’s what we do with them that really informs the outcome.

To be able to persevere in the face of difficulties and persist when we may be discouraged does something very important for us – it makes us more tenacious and more able to overcome not only that thing, but everything else.  

First, we need to change our perspective.  Henry Ford once said, “When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.”  If we choose to let the things that come against us or stand in our way be fuel to actually achieve our goals, we are even more powerful than the person who never needed to, because we are ready for the challenges.

Another factor is to stop looking back at those challenges once we have overcome them, unless we are referencing them as things learned which helped us progress.  We learn the lessons from the hardships or poorly made decisions and then we move on.  If you’re driving forward and looking backwards, you are inevitably going to crash into something, and then it will take even longer to get where you are going.  Instead, take those stumbling blocks, use what they have taught you and turn them into stepping stones to achieve even more.

Lastly, we need to be sure to keep an open mind when it comes to our future.  Yes, we do need to have a goal.  It’s okay (and necessary) to have a measure or destination in your mind of how you want to succeed.  But understand that there may be more than one way to get there.  If you are ready to give up because things didn’t happen as fast as you wanted them to, didn’t meet your set expectations, or go the way you imagined they would, look for another way.  There is always another way, but you must be willing to look for it.

Wishing you positivity and success.  Namaste.