Jennifer Russo

Thank goodness spring has finally sprung!  I don’t know about you, but this has felt like the longest winter I’ve ever had.  With COVID restrictions and not being able to do the things we love because, well, let’s face it, it’s been cold out and who wants to hang around in that crap?  Now that we are experiencing more warm days, seeing evidence of trees beginning to bud and robins hopping around in the grass and embracing more daylight, we are reminded of freedom. One of my favorite things about this time of year is that for the first time I can open a window wide and clear out all the stale air in my home and in my car.

One of the downfalls of living in this area is that it does get so cold here during winter.  People retreat indoors.  Now though, we can start doing things outside again, whether it be a socially distant fire pit with friends, eating outside on a restaurant patio, walking on a trail or pretty much anything else.

Spring is renewal.  Life.  We have learned to value life a little differently in this past year.  Mentally we are all pretty tired, but heading into a season of new things is scientifically proven to be healthy.  We are more relaxed, our memory and focus improve, and our mood is generally a happier one. It also inspires creativity as our brains become more open and take in more information.  Vitamin D seeps into our skin, giving us more energy and a general sense of well-being. 

The season is also one where we can take steps to purge things we no longer need.  Get rid of that clutter, organize the things you do use and add more brightness to your space.  Recycle things that can be recycled.  Upcycle an old item into one you will enjoy.  Lighten up your diet a bit and eat healthier, freshly grown foods. Start looking at less than savory habits and start making better ones that will make you feel good.

This is a time to make things new and to take a collective breath of that beautiful, fresh air.

Inhale and exhale love, warmth & light.