Alexandra Rodriguez
The holiday season for most of us is one of the busiest time of the year. During this time of the year, most of our time is spent shopping, partying and spending quality time with family and friends. Therefore, managing time to do everything we really want to do might be impossible. Which is why we seem to push back our workout regimen in order to priortize everything else that needs to get done for the holiday season.
Plus, missing out on the rich and sugary foods during this time of year is something quiet impossible. Which is why it’s important to squeeze in some workouts that are effective and ideal to do anytime during the day.
Stretch it!
Before you get into workout mode, it is very important to prep your body in order to prevent injury. Stretching keeps your muscles flexible, very important for maintaining range of motion in the joints while working out. Going with out stretching makes your muscles shorten and tight and doesn’t allow your body to use full range of motion.
Warm up
As well as stretching, warm ups are very important before getting into the full workout. They gently prepare the body by gradually increasing the heart rate and circulation preventing a heart attack. Warm ups will also help loosen the joints and increase blood flow to the muscle. Some great at home warm ups include: marching, jump roping, hops on the spot, arm circles and jumping jacks.
Split Jump: Stand with your left foot two to three feet in front of your right. Bend your knees to lower your body until your left thigh is parallel to the floor. Jump up quickly, switching your legs midair so you land with your right foot in front; immediately lower into a split squat. This workout targets the glutes and leg muscles as well as provide cardiovascular benefits. Continue doing 3 sets of split squats for 20 seconds, with 10 seconds of rest.
Plant Walk-Up: Get into a plank position with both arms straight on the floor. Lower yourself to your right elbow while keeping your left arm straight. Then lower your left elbow as well. Straighten your right arm and then your left. Repeat this process for 20 seconds, with 10 seconds of rest, 3 times. This work out will target your core, arms and shoulders.
Side Lunge: Start with your feet shoulder width apart, toes pointed forward. Step out with your right foot as wide as possible. Bend your knee and push your hips back as you slide your right foot out to the side as far as you can. Powerfully, push yourself back to the full standing start position. Repeat this workout 3 times with 8 to 12 reps on each leg, doing one leg at a time. Side Lunges target the inner thighs and glutes.
Oblique Twist: For this workout your will need a towel. Sit on the floor and extend your arms and hold the towel taut between your hands. Lean back and raise your feet about a foot off the floor, keeping your core tight and knees bent. Pull the towel left and right aiming towards the floor, rotating your torso and shoulders. Repeat this workout 3 times with 20 reps, resting for 10 seconds. Oblique Twist will trigger your core area targeting your internal and external obliques.
Squats: Standing with your head facing forward and your chest held up and out, place your feet shoulder-width. Extend your hands straight out in front of you to help with balance. Sit back and down like sitting into a chair, keeping your head facing forward as the upper body bends forward a bit. As your sitting, lower down so your thighs are as parallel to the floor as possible, with the knees over your ankles. Press your weight back into your heels bringing yourself back to the starting position. Repeat this workout with 10 to 12 reps, with 10 seconds of rest, 3 times. Squats target the thighs and glutes.
Wall Sit: Slowly slide your back down a wall until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Never allowing the knees to extend past the ankles and making sure the back is straight. The wall sit exercise is a real quad burner. It strengthen the quadriceps muscles, glutes and calves while building endurance. Hold the position for 20 to 60 seconds, resting 30 seconds. Repeat the exercise 3 times. Increasing your hold time by five seconds as you increase your strength.
Cool Down
Congrats on completing a great workout! Now before going about your day, it is important to cool your body down. Cooling down after a workout is important to reduce heart and breathing rates. Preventing you from feeling lightheaded or dizzy. Stretching your body with a Wide Toe Touch, Quad Stretch, Side Bench Stretch or an Arm-Cross Shoulder Stretch for 30 seconds each, will help get your heart rate back down to normal.