April Goodard
Happy October all!
The time for candy corn, jack o’ lanterns, and spooky costumes is upon us! We have made it through September and the start of Fall, and with that can get started with the festivities of the Fall season!
One of my favorite times of year is Fall (pumpkin spiced latte anyone?) and what could be more fun and somewhat time consuming then planning out a Halloween party complete with ghosts, ghouls, and most importantly what is sure to be the the costume theme of the year: steampunk. Think about your favorite post-apocalyptic attire and if given the correct circumstances what you would do to add a little flare to your end-of-the-world as we know it attire. If you really want to go for the gusto (so to speak) give a whole steampunk-themed party a try!
To get the full steampunk effect in your attire, start with some basic concepts of the movement. Think old fashioned styling combined with the new technology of the industrial revolution with a splash of a modern twist.
One of the best ways to start the look is with makeup that hold a heavy, somewhat shadowed emphasis on the eyes. A heavy, black liner and contouring with an eye shadow should do the trick. Keep the rest of the face natural and minimal with a touch of lip gloss for those of you who would like a spot of glamour.
For attire: Think about mixing old and new world. A lace skirt, maybe with an iron or better yet leather-looking vest. Sandals or even industrial work boots will add an even better vibe to the overall look. Additionally, you could add faux fur, wool knits, and other fabrics to really add to the overall interest of your costume.
This is a super fun and creative theme, so don’t be afraid to add lots of textures and different shades of browns, grays, and black to the overall look!