Jennifer Russo
Living in Massachusetts, we have the wonderful gift of being close to the coast, whether it be in our own backyard (my personal favorite is Chatham beach) or a short drive to Rhode Island, New Hampshire or Maine. It seems like Summer took forever to get here, but now that it is, people are flocking toward the sand and sea. The beach is obviously a favorite seasonal spot to visit, but there are many health benefits to being there that sometimes are overlooked.
Let’s start with the relaxation factor. Not only can we just sit in the sand and stick our feet in the water or go for a leisurely stroll along the surf, but the scent of the sea air and the sound of the waves rolling in puts our mind into a relaxed state. Add the comforting warmth of the sun on your shoulders, which eases tension in your upper body’s muscles and your stress can melt away just by being there.
Speaking of the sun, hello vitamin D! After spending so many winter months cooped up inside the house or under layers and layers of clothing, many people that live in this area have vitamin D deficiency. This essential vitamin boosts your immune system, promotes healthy teeth and bones by helping us to absorb more calcium, encourages hair and nail growth, and is even known to promote weight loss.
Being at the beach is great exercise too. Whether you are walking through the sand, which has natural resistance as we are forced to use our leg muscles to keep balanced or swimming in the ocean, you are getting a great workout. Add in some beach volleyball, frisbee or jogging and it’s even more beneficial.
Another thing you may not have thought about is how awesome the beach is for your skin. No, I am not talking about reckless tanning and sunburns, which should be avoided – always, always use sunscreen. But sand is a natural exfoliant, smoothing out rough patches and dry areas of your body, and salt water detoxifies as well.
It’s likely after a day long trip to the beach that you’ll sleep better too. The salt in the air near the ocean has a benefit too, it allows us to breathe in more oxygen, helping us to sleep more soundly.
So, pack that beach bag with some sunglasses, SPF, a cold drink, a snack and a good book and know that without even trying, you are giving your body a perfect day.
Pose of the Month: Dolphin Pose
Kneel and place your forearms on the floor, which should be parallel to each other. Slowly straighten your legs, maintaining contact on the floor with your arms and walk your feet in so that you are shaped like an inverted V. Your shoulders should be directly above your elbows and arms engaged so elbows do not move toward the sides. This pose is great for upper body strengthening, tightening your core, and opening the hamstrings.