Elliot Mercier

I know this might be a bit of a shocker, but I actively make sure not to spend too much time on social media or watching TV. Why is that? When you see the achievements of others or the suffering of innocents and see that you’re doing nothing, it can be demotivating , making you feel like you’re not doing enough in a world that’s usually portrayed as doomed, dying, on fire, etc.

Well, I believe that you’re awesome just the way you are. Think I’m stretching that? Okay, well, I believe you have the potential to be awesome. Should I be encouraging good and idealistic behavior? Probably. Should I expect everyone to be charitable, altruistic and angelic? Of course not. We’re human and not squeaky clean like those overly happy folks are on TV. We’re all going to have our bad days, those times when you feel like lashing out at the world because it’s not treating you well. Even if you’re not curing cancer, giving clothes to the homeless or anything of that sort, you can still contribute to the world by just being a good human being.

Don’t scream at that retail employee because they’re out of the product you want.

Show some enthusiasm when you tell random people to have a nice day.

Going out on lunch for an hour before getting back to work? Ask some of the people you work with if they want something.

Now, these look like some really minor actions that won’t matter at the end of the day, but the smallest acts of kindness can really add up to make someone’s experience on this planet better, even if it’s temporary. Me, personally – I love making others smile. I’m neither a saint nor a pariah, but I believe that I am at least contributing to someone else’s happiness when doing these small things. Days can be long affairs, and if it’s just negativity after negativity with no respite, bitterness can manifest.

If you want to feel good about yourself and feel like you’re contributing to the world in a positive way, follow the golden rule: treat those around you the same way you want to be treated. In a world of doom and gloom, learning to accept what you’re capable of and appreciating that which you can do for others is the key to making a positive influence. I’m not saying to full-out adore yourself when you make a positive impact, because that’s self-indulgent. At that point, you might as well read the legend of Narcissus and accidentally drown admiring your own reflection in a body of water. But at the end of the day, appreciate what you can do for people with small actions and kindness.

Learn to love and appreciate yourself. It is the month of love, after all.