Valentine’s Day is a celebration of love. From dating to engagements and marriage, relationships have many different forms. This February, Pulse reached out to local couples to find out how they met “the one” and what advice they would give to others. From school crushes turned to marriage and chance meetings fit for romantic comedies, these couples show how love is blossoming in and around Worcester.

Malki Velez and Ivy Marinelli

Status: Engaged
From: Worcester
Together Since: 2016

Malki Velez and Ivy Marinelli began their relationship rather early during their time at Jacob Hiatt Magnet School. The couple first met in the fourth grade but did not start “dating” until the sixth grade. Velez and Marinelli went their separate ways for high school and college, then one day they ran into each other again at the Planet Fitness on Shrewsbury Street. Velez recognized Marinelli, and after Facebook messaging each other, they met again at Bocado.

“Before I knew it, it was 1 a.m. and we were the only ones there,” Marinelli said. They later went on their first official date at Lock 50, where things continued to fall into place. Velez said that he knew he loved Marinelli since they shared their first kiss together as kids at recess, but he joked that Marinelli does not remember the moment.

Relationship Advice: Marinelli’s advice to other couples is to take their time while dating and not rush into finding a partner. “I would just say don’t settle. Just wait and find the right person, and you will know it because it is a feeling in your heart that you can’t describe,” she said. She encourages people to live their lives for themselves and figure out who they are before rushing into a serious relationship. As a Worcester firefighter, Velez understands how precious life is and how things can turn on a dime. His advice would be, “Embrace the time you have with significant others. Just saying a simple ‘I love you’ can go a long way.”

Mike Joseph and Frandia “Dia” Valentine Chatelain

Status: Married
From: Marlborough
Together Since: 2009

Mike Joseph and Dia Chatelain both went to Marlborough High School. While they knew each other since the eighth grade, they had different social circles. During their junior year, both were in a Bio Technology class, when the teacher volunteered Chatelain to help Joseph with the classwork. Joseph was smitten with Chatelain from day one. “She didn’t like me at first. It was love at first sight for me but not for her,” Joseph joked.

However, that did not deter him, and he would write her poems, walk her to class and ask her out frequently. Joseph was about to give up when Chatelain finally agreed to go out with him. Chatelain’s parents were very strict and forbid high school dating. As a result, the couple’s dates mostly consisted of talking for hours at school. Joseph believes by talking every day in high school, they were able to “build a foundation of strength and support,” before they became more serious. Even though a child and careers have been added to the mix, the couple still loves being together. “The best part of the day is waking up together and seeing each other at the end of the day,” Joseph said.

Relationship Advice: Chatelain offered some sage advice to other couples, “What I always tell my friends is that it’s okay to be individuals. You guys can be individuals and together at the same time.” She said that it is healthy to have your own interests and friends. “But at the end of the day, we come together, we are a unit,” Chatelain said. For Joseph, communication is an important part of a successful relationship. “It’s okay to say what is on your mind,” he said. “If something bothers you, you should get it out, so it does not manifest,” Joseph added.

Troy “Lady Sabrina” LeBlanc and Breno Bonfirm

Satus: Engaged
From: Leominster
Together Since: 2018

Troy LeBlanc, known to Worcester audiences as “Lady Sabrina,” said his romance was, “Love at first chat.” LeBlanc was signed onto the dating website, International Cupid, when he first laid eyes on Breno Bonfirm. Bonfirm, who is from Brazil, was showing his friend how to use the site. “I usually don’t use it,” Bonfirm said of dating sites. However, the couple found that they had very similar interests, and one chat quickly transformed into daily conversations. After two months of talking online, LeBlanc went to Brazil to visit Bonfirm. LeBlanc recalled getting off the plane, seeing Bonfirm in person for the first time and falling head over heels.

“For me that was it,” LeBlanc said. “And for me too,” Bonfirm said. When LeBlanc returned home, the couple was more determined than ever to overcome long distance and language barriers to be together. Bonfirm said, “We are in different parts of the world, we have different languages and lifestyles.” Yet, love brought them together. LeBlanc had planned on proposing to Bonfirm, but Bonfirm surprised him first, and the couple is planning their wedding on the first-year anniversary of dating. “In the past, I had fears about getting married, but now I have not one, not a single one,” LeBlanc said. Recently, Bonfirm’s visa was approved so the couple can happily spend their lives together.

Relationship Advice: Bonfirm believes that honesty is key to any couple’s happiness. While having a long-distance relationship was hard at times, it gave the couple the opportunity to talk every day, learn more about each other, and support each other through good times and bad. LeBlanc agreed and said that arguments and sad moments are a reality of relationships, but it is how a couple supports each other through tough times that defines them during their happiest moments. “Everyone expects a Hallmark moment. People expect sunshine every day, when relationships need rain to grow,” he said. Additionally, LeBlanc said, it is important that a couple has the same definition of love and has the same goals. For example, both LeBlanc and Bonfirm sought monogamy, family and want children in the future. “Everything feels right,” Bonfirm said.

Meghan and Ken Mantler

Status: Married
From: Holden
Together Since: 2008

Meghan was at the first week of her first year at Boston University, where she was earning her graduate degree in theology, when she met Ken. Ken was in the last year of BU’s theology program and was about to graduate when the two met. The school hosted an event at the BU Pub that Meghan and Ken attended. When the graduate students realized they both wanted to enter the seminary and become pastors, they became engrossed in discussion. Meghan and Ken debated religion all night. Four months later, they ran into each other at a BU hockey game and went on their first date shortly after. Instead of love at first sight, Meghan called their first meeting “intriguing.” “We grew to love each other,” Ken joked.

Relationship Advice: As a couple, Meghan and Ken loved going for walks, visiting museums, and taking part in social justice movements together. The addition of children changed their relationship dynamic. “Having a family changes everything,” Ken said. The couple had a plethora of advice for couples who have young families. Firstly, they advise couples with kids to make time for each other. “Make sure you find ways to love each other,” Meghan said. She said you can “rekindle” the romance by doing small, simple things for your partner. “You are tired and emotionally drained at the end of the day, so it is important to make time for each other,” she said. Ken said that couples can find a way to incorporate children into things they once enjoyed as a couple. “Going for walks as a family gives you time to talk as a couple. You can find ways to do what you want to do with your kids,” he said.