Which would you rather participate in: Cyber Monday or Black Friday? Many Americans are beginning to chose Cyber Monday. It can be much more convenient and much less stressful. Unfortunately, there are new worries that come along with Cyber Monday – cyber criminals and hackers. They’re just as excited for Cyber Monday as you are, but don’t worry, there are some ways you can protect your information.

According to ExpressVPN, 71 percent of Americans are concerned with how retailers get their information and how it is being used. A VPN system can help you shop with confidence and security.

ExpressVPN is a virtual private network tool that will allow you to keep you searches private, help to protect against hackers and enhance the Internet you already have. ExpressVPN has provided some helpful tips to avoid getting hacked this Cyber Monday.

Some tips to avoid the hackers this season include:
– Using HTTPS-only sites.
– Shop through trusted retailers.
– Look for the “lock icon” on the upper right-hand side of the shopping cart page.
– Make sure to vary your passwords.
– Use a credit card that provides fraud protection.
– Use PayPal (or a similar online payment service) to avoid giving financial information to retailers.

To learn more about the ExpressVPN system, visit expressvpn.com.