As part of a new Southeast Asia Artist-in-Residency, two emerging artists from Vietnam will take part in a month of artistic and professional development at the Worcester Art Museum (WAM). Working in a studio space provided by the museum from Aug. 20 to Sept. 21, artists Nguy?n Th? S?n of Hanoi and Nguy?n Kim T? Lan of Ho Chi Minh City will additionally do research, give talks, participate in workshops and attend other local art events. The public will be invited to meet the artists in weekly, drop-in studio sessions – the two artists will even participate in Worcester’s StART on the Street event on Sept. 16!
“With this residency, we hope to create an exchange of knowledge between emerging artists who will be the next generation of leaders in the arts community in Southeast Asia and art organizations, institutions and communities in the U.S,” said Vivian Li, WAM’s associate curator of Asian art and global contemporary art, who is also coordinating the residency program.
The artist residency program is organized in collaboration with the Indochina Arts Partnership and the Southeast Asian Coalition of Central Massachusetts. The objectives of the program involve: supporting emerging artists from Southeast Asia, where support for contemporary artists is scarce, or nonexistent; creating meaningful connections between the community of artists, Southeast Asians, and the general public in Worcester with the art and culture of Southeast Asia; and focusing on the internationally diverse connections within Worcester and the vital global role an encyclopedic museum, such as the Worcester Art Museum, plays in its community.
“Indochina Arts Partnership is honored to have the opportunity to collaborate with WAM on our residency program,” said Nhung Walsh, executive director and chief curator of the Indochina Arts Partnership. “We hope that WAM and the supporting communities will benefit from learning about the artists’ art making process, their research and their country’s culture and history.”
For his first trip to the United States, Nguy?n Th? S?n – a professor of fine arts in Hanoi – plans to bring his photographical skill (Th? S?n studied photography in Beijing) to Worcester to create large-scale, layered and sculptural dioramas that reflect his street experiences.
Having been working with other artists to cultivate a multi-form “art” approach, along with creating more public engagement, Nguy?n Kim T? Lan is a multidisciplinary artist in Ho Chi Minh City. She helped found Sao La Collective, an independent art collective in the southern region of Vietnam.
“While it is important for Southeast Asians here in Worcester to assimilate into American mainstream society, it is vital to also stay connected with our cultural roots,” said Anh Vu Sawyer, executive director of the Southeast Asian Coalition of Central Massachusetts. “Engaging with the visiting artists—sharing ideas, experiences, and perspectives—will bridge the new and old worlds and bring healing to many in our community.”
For more information about the residency, the three collaborating organizations, related events open to the public and the Worcester Art Museum, visit worcesterart.org