I was recently lucky enough to be invited to the soft opening of Buck’s Whiskey and Burger Bar, the recent upgrade to what was formerly G-Bar on Green Street in Worcester. Quick side note: The fried pickles were delectable — full spears! Everyone does the fried pickle chips, but full spears?
Great touch. To wash it down, I searched through the beer list to eventually settle on Voodoo Ranger IPA.
Served in a 12-ounce can graced with artwork depicting some sort of roaming skeleton ranger, complete with gold tooth, Voodoo Ranger IPA is quickly growing in popularity out this way. I say, “out this way,” because it’s brewed by New Belgium Brewery in Fort Collins, Colo. I believe the company has a more centralized brewery in North Carolina for East Coast distribution, but nonetheless, New Belgium started in Colorado and grew to popularity in the ’90s, riding the success of New Belgium’s signature Belgian ale, Fat Tire Ale. Last year, the brewers developed Voodoo Ranger, which instantly gave rebirth to the New Belgium brand.
Let’s start with the important stuff: It’s 7% ABV. Though it packs a punch, it has a certain fruity airiness that makes it perfect for springtime. Visually, it’s lighter than most other IPAs. It isn’t very malty at all; however, it’s very hoppy. Upon first sip, you get lemon, lime and orange. The most impressive part is how clean it finishes. No leftover stale taste that some IPAs leave on the palate. Each sip made me want more.
After leaving the restaurant, I went and purchased a six-pack to keep the good times rolling. Ten dollars for a six-pack was a bit of a gut punch, but I took it home to continue my “research.” This led me to an epiphany. Dinner was roasted chicken that night, and it turns out chicken is the perfect food pairing for this particular IPA. I know, what isn’t good with chicken? It’s chicken. Chicken is delicious. But this was a match made in heaven. If you don’t like beer with dinner, then this doesn’t apply to you. But if you enjoy pouring a tall frosty brew with your dinner, try Voodoo Ranger IPA next time chicken is on the menu.
However, I recommend mixing in a water. Because at 7% ABV, these beers will sneak up on you. At least you’ll have leftover chicken to help with the hangover.
For more information, visit newbelgian.com.
Ryan Massad