Calling all cat-lovers! The Cat Fanciers’ Federation is putting on its annual Peace, Love, & Cats Allbreed Cat Show this weekend, June 9-10. The cat show will include all types of household pets and purebred cats, including Abyssinian, Ragdoll, Persian, Main Coon, Scottish Fold, Toybob and more. Judges will award prizes to the winners of each class, and spectators will also have the opportunity to vote on their favorite cats.
The event will also feature several animal rescue groups with cats available for adoption, as well as tables of raffles and local vendors. Attendees will be given the opportunity to meet Mowgli and Edgar, cats rescued by Forgotten Felines of Maine, as well as Robin A.F. Olson, award-winning author of the blog “Covered in Cat Hair,” founder of Kitten Associates cat rescue in Connecticut and guest judge for the Household Pet Class. Author of book The Kitty Who Rescued Me After I Rescued Him, Shawn Flynn, will also be there discussing his book.
For information on entering your cat in the show, visit tinyurl.com/cffcatshows. Purebred cats must have the proper paperwork to enter the show, but any cat can be shown in the Household Pet Class. A winner will be announced for each breed, and then a Top Ten Final Presentation will be compiled from these winners.
The Cat Fanciers’ Federation Cat Show will be taking place June 9-10 from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. at Horgan Skating Arena, 403 Oxford St. N., Auburn. Admission is $5 for adults; $3 for children 5 and older, seniors and veterans; and free for children younger than 5. For more information, visit tinyurl.com/cffcatshows.
Natalie Volo