On June 4-6, The Worcester Youth Orchestras will host auditions

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for new students who would like to become a part of one of the many ensembles!  The auditions will be located at Mechanics Hall on 325 Main St., Worcester, from 4:30-8 p.m. both days.   

Come and join WYO as it goes into its 71st season and on the Symphony Tour to the Czech Republic in February 2019.  The auditions are open to students 20 and younger who can play string, wind, brass, harp, piano or percussion. You also must be enrolled in a public or private school, or home-school program and/or community music schools.

The Worcester Youth Orchestra serves more than 200 students and hosts 25 concerts per season with major events that are held at Mechanics Hall.

Visit worcesteryouthorchestras.org to register for an audition.

Here are the musical groups that WYO holds.


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Symphony Orchestra


Baroque Orchestra

String Orchestra


Wind Ensemble

Jazz Program:

Big Band

Jazz Combos

Honors Chamber Music Program:

String Quartet

Woodwind Quintet

Brass Quintet